(Clearwisdom.net) Four years ago Toronto practitioners felt it was important to be at the Chinese Consulate (CC) 24 hours a day to guard our sign and to keep righteous energy there to eliminate the evil and clarify the truth.
The Chinese Consulate is the headquarters for the evil in every country and the evil can be felt very strongly there. It is also a very good place to cultivate because the good and evil are easily seen.
The Chinese Consulate in Toronto is in the middle of a downtown city street surrounded by apartment buildings and homes. It is a busy street where during the day people and taxis rush back and forth. It is there that we have an Eight feet long sign on a big wooden frame that reads, "Chinese Communist Party: STOP Killing Falun Gong practitioners!"
For the first few years, people in the neighborhood did not know who we were and wanted us out of the neighborhood. Through time they have come to respect our determination and strength as we continue to protest day after day in the rain, heat, and freezing cold. Many times people walk by and praise us. The whole neighborhood now knows why we are there and the atmosphere has improved a lot and our energy there is powerful.
On the weekends a lot of drunken kids walk down the street at night swearing and yelling. When they get to our site they stop yelling and just quietly walk by. Then when they pass our site they start yelling again. Their knowing side can feel the righteousness and power of our energy.
I remember watching the old grandmas do the night shifts day after day through the heat of summer and the freezing winter. I would lay in my warm bed late at night as the wind and snow bashed against my window and I would not sleep well because I kept thinking of the grandmas who were out side at the consulate in the freezing cold.
I felt that I was young and strong and I wanted to share this burden and help take some of the pressure off my fellow practitioners so I decided to volunteer for the Friday night shift.
I went out and bought the biggest, warmest coat I could find. It is a big black coat that goes right down to my knees. It is four inches thick of goose feathers with a big fluffy hat. The guy in the store told me that it was the same coat that the Eskimos wear up in the arctic.
Still, the winters in Toronto are killer. The temperature falls to below minus 25 degrees. On this cold February night the temperature was minus 25 with a wind chill of minus 35. I stood there in my big coat with my big hat on this icy city street and after a few hours my big coat didn’t feel so big anymore and I started to get cold.
It was around 2a.m. and I looked around and realized that it was so cold that nobody was outside. By this time I was also cold so I decided to sit in my truck to read a bit. My truck was parked on the street directly across from our signs. I walked across the street jumped into the truck and turned it on to get some heat. In no time I felt very tired and it was hard to keep my eyes open.
I fell asleep for a bit. In a few minutes I heard a taxi cab race by. It stopped up ahead. I opened my eyes, looked up and saw two young guys get out of the back of the taxi cab. Both were drunk. All of a sudden one of the drunk guys started screaming and ran across the street right towards our sign. He jumped high up into the air and SMASH! He threw himself right into our sign. The sign broke right down to the ground. I couldn’t believe it. I got out of the truck and ran across the street yelling, "Hey!" I felt so angry. This drunk just ruined our sign. I was mostly angry at myself because I knew if I had been more righteous and not been manipulated by the evil to seek comfort I would have been standing in front of the sign when they got there and this would not have happened.
I learned a big lesson that night and I never sat in my truck in front of the consulate again.
Another night a fellow practitioner who also does a part of the night shift also sat in his car because it was cold. At 3a.m. someone started knocking on his car window. There was a man standing there. When the practitioner rolled down his window, "BOOM!", the man punched the practitioner right in the nose and then walked away.
The practitioner called the police but the man was already gone when the police arrived.
The environment at the consulate is a very serious environment to strengthen righteous thoughts and to eliminate evil. It is also a very important environment for cultivation.
I have been doing the Friday night shift there for over 4 years now and it has proven to be a very important time for me. Every morning when I finish my shift and another comes to take my place I feel that I have really strengthened my righteous thoughts and I have used my time well. It has become a very important part of my path where I can eliminate evil, strengthen my righteous understandings and at the same time support my fellow practitioners by sharing some of the burden. I highly recommend practitioners to volunteer their time and commit themselves to do a shift at the consulate.
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