(Clearwisdom.net) In 2005, on the fourth day after I was kidnapped and tortured by the police, I saw a shocking and magnificent scene as my eyes fell upon a nearby wall. I saw Teacher sitting in an electric chair looking at me. Sorrow, as well as bitterness, arose from my heart, "Teacher, you are always with me and you always shoulder hardship for me. As your disciple, I will walk my path well from now on and won’t let you down." Another scene revealed a shiny, colorful and splendid mansion with a table and chair in it. A man wearing golden clothes and a crown appeared. The beads on the crown were making clear and melodious sounds as they hit each other. Teacher smiled at me as if he was telling me that the man was me. The same scene appeared again that afternoon and lasted for about an hour.
During the five days I was detained, the police exhausted all means to torture me with only one purpose in mind - to force me to betray my fellow practitioners, the information centers and the Fa. Teacher and the Fa were always on my mind. My strong and powerful righteous thoughts focused on how to protect my fellow practitioners so they wouldn’t have to suffer the persecution I experienced. No matter how the police attempted to coerce me, my belief remained firm. My only thought was to deny all the old force arrangements and walk the path Teacher arranged. Knowing Teacher was right beside me, looking after me, I had no fear, only strong righteous thoughts. I survived five days of torture with this firm belief.
The following is how I was persecuted during those five days.
One evening in March 2005, I was preparing dinner at home. Officers Dong Shaokang, Li Bin, and Li (first name unknown) from the Zhengyang Police Station broke into my home and illegally arrested me. As soon as I got to the police station, they handcuffed me and hung me from a pipe. Five officers, including Dong Shaokang and Tian Chunli, came in later. They dragged and pushed me into a dark torture room. They tied my hands with a 1" thick rope and hung me up. All of my body weight fell on my wrists. As if this wasn’t enough torture, they then injected mustard oil into my nostrils and further irritated my nose with cigar smoke. One policeman continued to swing the rope that was tied to my wrists to further hurt me. They later put a scooter helmet on me and used bats to beat on it. One of the policemen used a pointed object to viciously poke at my ribs.
While they were torturing me, the police yelled, "Nobody could find you if we killed you here." They reminded each other to injure my internal organs without allowing the injuries to show on my body. Within two hours, they hung me up four times and tortured me however they could. It was approaching 9 p.m. and I wouldn’t tell them anything they wanted to know. They tied my wrists behind my back and hung me up in the air until noon the next day. They wouldn’t let me eat, drink, or go the bathroom. My arms were totally numb and appeared dark purple after they took me down. I could barely breathe.
On the afternoon of the second day, the police covered my head and took me to the Longsha District "Ghost Building" to continue the persecution. The "Ghost Building" has all the means for torture, including water dungeons, heavy cuffs, electrocution equipment, plastic bags used to suffocate people and chilled water used to force feed people. They took me to a gloomy prison cell in the basement. The ceiling was about 20 feet tall, and there was a thick rope hanging down from it. Zhao Shimin and Dong Shaokang tied the rope on me and hung me up in the air. They kicked me around and made me swing back and forth. They put me down after they got tired of torturing me. A policeman with a southern accent used a hard plastic baton and forcefully beat on my thighs many times. At night, they dragged me back to the Zhengyang Police Station. Director Zhang Junfeng yelled at me, saying they would continue the beatings if I didn’t give them the information they wanted.. They cuffed me to a pipeline on a wall overnight.
On the third day, around 9 a.m., officer Dong Shaokang beat and kicked me until he was tired. In the afternoon, they interrogated me. Three officers took turns beating me as they asked questions. They kicked me while passing me back and forth to each other.
On the fourth day, the police put shackles on me and cuffed me to a pipe with my face toward the wall. At night, Dong Shaokang and Tian Chunli cuffed my hands behind my back and hung me up to torture me. They scolded me with dirty words.
On the fifth day, they hung me up again. My shoulder joints were making cracking sounds by then. At that time, I felt I was floating in the air like a cotton ball. The police complained that I was being too stubborn. I was having my period those days, and that made them intensify the torture. My hands were numb and I couldn’t clean myself, and thus my pants were soaked with blood. That night, they took me to the First Detention Center. The center refused to take me because I was badly injured. I was sent back to the Zhengyang Police Station and the torture continued throughout the night. The next day, the police colluded with the staff in the detention center and, regardless of the law that prohibits taking severely injured people, the detention center imprisoned me.
In the detention center, I kept my righteous thoughts to protest the persecution and validate the beauty of the Fa in various ways. I continued to tell the prison guards and prisoners the truth of Falun Dafa. In the end, I left the detention center after 18 days of a hunger strike.
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