(Clearwisdom.net) Mr. Liu Tianhou is a 73-year-old Falun Dafa practitioner living in Huili County, Liangshan, Sichuan Province. A group of lawless officials from the Huili County National Security Division including Yang Shaoliang ransacked his home on April 15, 2006. They illegally arrested Liu Tianhou and detained him for more than three months.
The persecutors publicly tried him in the morning of July 28 at the Huili County Court. When the court officials asked Liu Tianhou why he was clarifying the truth he said, "I did what I did because I read the truth about the organ harvesting from Dafa practitioners at the Sujiatun Concentration Camp. It's really inhuman. I clarified the truth to people so that the evildoers would stop persecuting good people." With strong support of righteous thoughts from other Dafa practitioners, the trial ended hastily and Liu Tianhou was carried away without the court announcing a verdict. Following are details about this practitioner.
Liu Tianhou is a veteran soldier who is kind and helpful. A group of police officers broke into Liu Tianhou's home on April 15, 2006 and arrested him and three guests who were visiting his home. Later, officers from the National Security Division ransacked his home and took his Falun Gong books, exercise cassettes, a color TV and a VCD player. They detained the three guests and extorted 5,000 Yuan from them before letting them go home.
Liu Tianhou was injured while serving in the military. A bullet hit the calf of one of his legs, leaving a big hole. In his old age before he began practicing Falun Gong, he developed cerebral atrophy, myocarditis, high blood pressure, and many other ailments. When his illnesses hit, he would suffer pain so great that he would hit his head against the wall to relieve the pain and terribly hurt his head.
After he started practicing Falun Dafa, the hole on his leg closed and all of his illnesses gradually disappeared. He no longer needed his son to take care of him, he was even able to take care of his wife who was semi-paralyzed.
Liu Tianhou was arrested and detained ten times because of his belief in Truth-Compassion-Tolerance. Liu Tianhou's son is afraid of being implicated and is staying away from him. Since his detention, Liu Tianhou's wife lost her only caregiver and has not taken a shower in three months during which period she could not get out of bed. She cries every day.
Brief description of officials involved in persecution:
Yang Shaoliang: in his 40s; head of the National Security Division. From among Dafa practitioners in Huili County, four were sentenced to prison, 15 were sentenced to forced labor, more than 70 people/times were detained, more than 40 homes/times were ransacked and fined. All of these took place under persecutor Yang Shaoling's instructions. His wife Lan Qiuping is currently the deputy secretary of the Huili County Party Committee. 86-834-5623475(Home), 86-834-5622026(Home)
Lu Jianrong: head of the Huili County Police Department, 86-834-5625084,86-13508203535(cell)
Li Qiyuan: in his 40s, head of the police department. Since he took office in 2004, he has detained more than ten Dafa practitioners. One practitioner was sentenced to prison and three others are now being held in detention centers and custody centers. He is most devoted to Jiang's group in their persecution of Falun Gong. 86-13908152053(Cell)
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