(Clearwisdom.net) As the soothing music stops, Falun Gong practitioners conclude their morning exercise, gather their belongings and get ready for work. This is a daily scene in Chongshan Park, the very first group exercise site in Jiayi, established seven years ago. An elderly lady told me, "It is great exercise! I have been coming here for six years."
Falun Gong practitioners do morning exercise together
Fa-study after exercise
Chongshan Park has the longest history and most profound cultural background among all the parks in Jiayi. Many people walk to the park and do their exercises here every morning. We do the exercises on the pavement close to the park entrance. Everyone who comes to the park sees us.
Many people took up cultivation practice after seeing our exercises. Dozens more group exercise sites were established in Jiayi County. Even some sites in Tainan County and Yunlin County were established by Falun Gong practitioners who learned Falun Gong at Chongshan Park.
More than forty Falun Gong practitioners do the exercises here every morning. They place the books, Zhuan Falun, the Nine Commentaries on the Communist Party and an introduction to Falun Gong on the benches. Anyone who passes by can read them.

Materials are put on benches for passersby
Falun Gong practitioners in the greater Jiayi Area gather in Chongshan Park for a big group exercise on Sunday mornings. It is a magnificent scene. Many people are fascinated by the peaceful atmosphere. It is a great opportunity for experience sharing and spreading Dafa.
The site assistant is a gentleman close to his eighties. He rides his motorcycle to do the exercises every morning and recites "On Buddha Law" (the preface to Zhuan Falun) twice on his way. He encourages his fellow practitioners to study a lecture of Zhuan Falun every day. When a dozen practitioners sit on the ground and read the Fa together, passersby are usually attracted to stop and listen to it. They are also merging into the warmth and peace of Buddha law.
After several days of storms, weeds grew up between the stepping stones. Our site assistant and other practitioners clean away any weeds, mud or leaves after exercising. The ground looks refreshed. A practitioner said, "What a piece of pure land!"
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