(Clearwisdom.net) The annual Los Alamos County Fair was held in New Mexico, USA on August 12, 2006. Falun Dafa practitioners from all around the State of New Mexico gathered in Los Alamos to share Falun Dafa at this annual event.
All day long, person after person and family after family came to the Falun Dafa booth. Many people stopped to watch Falun Dafa exercise demonstrations and some people even learned the movements on the spot. A local police officer came by the booth, and when told that in China, practitioners of Falun Dafa are arrested, tortured, and even killed simply for practicing these exercises and living by the principles of Truthfulness, Compassion, and Forbearance, he was shocked, and simply asked "Why?" After learning the truth, he was also told about the local practice site, he said that he would come by and watch practitioners practice the exercises. Numerous people were genuinely concerned that such a peaceful practice is banned and persecuted in China
When receiving lotus flowers made by practitioners, many people commented on their beauty, and others, when reading the words on the bookmark attached to the flower, commented that the whole world should live by the principles of Truthfulness, Compassion, Forbearance.
A businessman, who was soon to go to China, came by the Falun Dafa booth and took a copy of the Nine Commentaries. He said that he does business in China and was very interested to know the true history of what has happened in China. A local radio station asked practitioners to come be interviewed on their morning program and let the listeners know about Falun Dafa.
When sharing experiences at the end of the day, practitioners all felt that there was a greater interest in Falun Dafa than ever before. Not only did many accept fliers, but a lot of people also stopped to have in-depth conversations with practitioners. We hope that we may seize each precious opportunity to reach the multitude of predestined people with the truth of Falun Dafa.
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Category: Falun Dafa in the Media