(Clearwisdom.net) For a very long time now, when my righteous thoughts are strong, I experience a genuine feeling of peace and renewal. I clearly feel that Master is standing next to me all the time, taking care of and protecting me, and paving my cultivation path for me. Constrained by a limited ability to express myself, I almost dare not write this. Today, however, I think: Merciful Master does not want anything except our kind hearts and righteous thoughts! What am I waiting for? I must write about this and share it with my fellow practitioners.
In the summer of 2004, someone reported me for distributing truth-clarification materials. I was illegally arrested and thrown in jail.
From the time I was taken to the police station to when I was put in jail, I clarified the truth to everyone I met. At that time, I had no fear. I just made the best use of my time to send righteous thoughts and thought of nothing else.
To this day, I can clearly remember when a policeman handcuffed and questioned me. I had a fleeting thought in my mind of something Master once told us:
"Dafa disciples are able to righteously look the evil people straight in the eyes, and the evil people immediately try to avoid eye contact. That's because the righteous thoughts scare off the evil beings that manipulate the evil people, since they know that if they flee just a bit too slowly they'll be instantly eliminated by Dafa disciples' righteous thoughts." ("Touring North America to Teach the Fa")
Therefore, I looked at him with dignity and said, "I did not violate any law or do anything wrong. I just want more people to know the truth and then become good people. You handcuff me like this as though I were a criminal. I cannot talk with you. Please remove the handcuffs."
He didnt say anything and told a person to take the key and open the handcuffs.
There were over ten people in a cell when I arrived at the jail. With no fear, I told them that I was a Falun Dafa practitioner and told them how practitioners become good people and follow "Truthfulness-Compassion-Forbearance" to become even better people. To my surprise, all of them treated me nicely. When one of them saw that I did not eat, she gave me her biscuits and persuaded me to eat.
With my righteous thoughts and Teachers protection, I was able to get out of detention in no more than one day. I was arrested at around 9:00 p.m. the previous day and was released at around 5:00 p.m. the next day. While I was in jail, the police there called my company to confirm my identity. The on-duty leader of my company happened to answer the phone. He immediately used his connections to secure my release. When the police asked me to come out of my cell, I thought they would transfer me somewhere else. Then I saw my companys leader in the visitation room. At that point, I knew I was being released.
One evening when fellow practitioners and I went out to distribute materials, there was a very bright streetlight and a group of people were chatting. "It would be good if the lamp were not so bright," I thought, and then didnt give it a second thought. After we had walked several steps, I suddenly raised my head and saw that the lamp was extinguished and the people had dispersed.
In 2005 my company rearranged employee responsibilities. I was given one extra responsibility. Upon learning this, I was very upset. The added responsibility would take up a lot of time, but I needed more time for truth-clarification work. I thought about this issue over and over that night. Then suddenly I had a fleeting thought, "Why dont I take this opportunity to further clarify the truth to my company leader? It would be great if I can truly save him!" At that moment, the telephone rang. I knew it must be the company leader who wanted to talk to me about the new responsibility, but it was disconnected even before I picked up the phone. Then I tried several times to call my leader back but couldnt get through. So I gave up and decided to talk to him in person the second day. On the next morning when I went to work, I heard from my colleagues that a person had been transferred to our department to take care of the extra responsibility I was supposed to take up. "Oh!" I was shocked. "I have not talked to my leader yet, but that thought of mine [to save him] really works wonders."
On another occasion, I asked my company leader about taking leave. At that time his expression was very cold. He did not look at me, and rejected my request. I was very angry. When mentioning this to my family, I suddenly realized, "I am a practitioner. Can I not bear this little thing? Thinking about the issue from his standpoint, I see that I was wrong and should not have asked for leave. I did not endure, and I had attachments of pursuing comfort and taking advantage of small situations for my own benefit. Does this sound like how a practitioner should act?" The next day when I was getting ready to go to work, the leader suddenly called and said, "You do not have to come here tomorrow. I have already arranged another person to fill in for you. You just take a rest at home."
A while ago, due to interference from illness karma, I had edema and gained some weight. As a result, I could not fit into my old clothes, but I was not willing to spend money to buy new ones. When I was studying the Fa one day, I suddenly thought, "It is wrong if I always make do. Ordinary people would wonder why these people who practice Falun Gong dress like this? Although it seems that weve given up the attachment of beauty, it affects Dafa practitioners images if we wear run down clothes." I then asked Master to please help me remove the weight I gained due to edema so that I could dress nicely and also have more time to do more important things.
On the second day I weighed myself along with the others. I found that I had lost about 5 pounds. When I looked at my face, it had returned to its normal size and shape. I did not have edema anymore!
Although these matters are small, they are amazing. They make me feel Masters protection firsthand and encourage me to firmly keep on the road of cultivation and behave more and more righteously.
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