(Clearwisdom.net) During the 2007 New Year break, Falun Gong practitioners in Russia and some practitioners from Ukraine, Czech Republic and Sweden held three days of activities in St Petersburg. They studied the Falun Gong teachings together, shared their cultivation experiences and organised activities to clarify the facts about Falun Gong.
![]() Practitioners study and share experiences together |
![]() Practicing Falun Gong exercises outdoor everyday |
During the three-day gathering, they read Zhuan Falun and latest articles by Master Li and benefited greatly. Especially after reading Masters latest article "My Thanks to Sentient Beings Who Have Sent Greetings", they all deeply felt Masters great compassion. At the same time, they also realized the great responsibilities bestowed upon Falun Gong practitioners in saving sentient beings.
In the experience sharing, many practitioners shared their cultivation experiences and their efforts in clarifying the truth according to their local situations. They also shared the overall cultivation problems currently existing among Falun Gong practitioners, especially on the issue of the coordination as one body. After sharing, practitioners all felt that they should look inwards when facing problems. They formed deeper understanding that one should pay special attention to his own cultivation while doing three things. Everyone benefited from the sharing.
![]() NTDTV interviews Falun Gong practitioners |
![]() People learn the facts of the ongoing persecution of Falun Gong in China |
![]() People show their support by signing a petition |
In the morning of January 6, practitioners simultaneously held activities at two different locations in the city centre, exposing the evil crimes committed by the Chinese communist regime in its seven-year-long brutal persecution of Falun Gong, especially the atrocities of harvesting organs for profit from living Falun Gong practitioners. Practitioners distributed various truth-clarification literatures to passers-by. Russian people suffered greatly themselves under the evil Communist Party, thus, they fully understand and support the justice efforts by Falun Gong practitioners against the persecution. Many people not only accepted materials, but also wanted to learn more details from the practitioners. After learning the truth, they condemned the Chinese Communist regimes crimes and signed a petition to show their support to Falun Gong.
During the three-day gathering, every morning a practitioner went to the Chinese Consulate and held an individual protest (according to Russian law, protest by one person does not need permit). Although only one person held a banner to protest at the Chinese Consulate, not far away, practitioners in groups of three to five people spread out and sent forth righteous thoughts. Together, they formed a very strong righteous field. Although it was an individual protest, it functioned as a whole body. Officials at the Chinese Consulate came out a few times and requested the police to stop the peaceful protest. But the police replied, "Their protest didnt violate any law. We don't have right to interfere."
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