(Clearwisdom.net) Practitioner Mr. Zhao Facheng used to work at the oil refinery in Laizhou City, Shandong Province. He started to practice Falun Gong in 1996, and his liver disease was cured. When the Chinese Communist Party (CCP) began to slander Falun Gong on July 20, 1999, Mr. Zhao went to Beijing to explain the true situation to the government and was illegally arrested by police officers from Laizhou City and taken to the Eastern Laizhou City Local Police Station to be persecuted.
Mr. Zhao was taken to the notorious Laizhou City Dianzi Brainwashing Center twice by the police. He was persecuted there because he is a steadfast Falun Dafa practitioner. On May 4, 2005, officials from the local 610 Office took Mr. Zhao to the Laizhou City Detention Center for handing out truth-clarification materials. On the same day, his house was ransacked and his Falun Dafa books and printed materials were confiscated, along with some other things. While he was detained, the personnel from the 610 Office interrogated him about the source of the materials many times, did not allow him to study the Fa or do the exercises, and exerted mental pressure on him.
After more than one month of intense persecution, Mr. Zhao felt ill and asked to be examined at a hospital, where he was diagnosed with liver cancer. Even then, the 610 Office in Laizhou City did not release him, but tried to extort money from a family member as "bail" before a trial. However, Mr. Zhao's family was unable to raise the money.
On June 22, 2005, Mr. Zhao was extremely weak and his family members had to carry him out of the detention center. After he returned home, officers from the 610 Office frequently went to his home to harass everyone, demanding that he go to the 610 Office to sign documents, and even asking his daughter to go in his place.
Due to prolonged mental and physical suffering, combined with the inability to study the Fa and do the exercises regularly, Mr. Zhao's health worsened, and he died on January 12, 2007.
Laizhou Detention Center: 86-535-2212856
610 Office Director Yang Xuandi: 86-13506459656 (Cell)
National Security Brigade: 86-535-2212650
Laizhou Detention Center: 86-535-2221931
Police Department Office Director Qu: 86-535-2211266
Two officers at the police department involved in the case: Zhang Jieqin,
86-13863803199 (Cell), Ren Zhaowu, 86-13853563278 (Cell)
Wenchang Police Department in Laizhou City: Chief, Jiang Xizhou; officer, Han
Guoxing. 86-535-2217421 (Office)
January 15, 2007
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