(Clearwisdom.net) This experience lasted for almost half a year,and repeatedly manifested the miracles of Dafa. It also brings up a critical issue: as Fa-rectification has advanced this far, how should we deal with practitioners who have fallen behind or are still being persecuted?
1. Meeting for the First Time
Aunt Zhang had been detained at the Masanjia Forced Labor Camp for three and a half years. ("Aunt" is used as a term of respect; Ms. Zhang is no relation to the author). She was very determined in her faith. But approximately six months following her release she was severely sick. She had a brain hemorrhage as well as stomach bleeding. The doctors said her life was in danger. But she miraculously stayed alive, making her friends, relatives and doctors witness the miracle of Dafa. She did undergo surgery, though from which she did not recover well. She had become bedridden and could not talk and did not recognize any words. We knew it was the evil persecuting her. Therefore, many practitioners helped her send righteous thoughts.
After I heard this, I often helped send forth righteous thoughts for her with my father and mother. I saw in my Celestial Eye several times that she was clad in white, lying on a rock or in a pavilion, in chains, and many knives and guns were poking into her body. She would of course not feel well that way. When sending righteous thoughts, I sent laser mines, which bombed many of the knives and guns. I could tell she felt better. But she did not recover completely. Once I had not sent forth righteous thoughts for her for a while. When I did it again to help cleanse her body, I found she was in a dung pit and was sinking. I got worried and asked my mother to go visit her, as she used to go there with other practitioners.
We went there with several other aunts. Aunt Zhang is in her fifties and is very pretty. She happened to be dressed in white that day. When I got there I did not understand why I wanted to cry. I did not want to chat too much. So I started sending righteous thoughts. I asked Master to strengthen me and help eliminate the evil so we could help her come back to Fa-rectification cultivation.
I closed my eyes and just felt my eyes jumping. I saw images of golden stars in front me. I felt my body full of energy. My thoughts were pure and kept releasing energy. My tears rushed out. I saw aunt Zhang's body was black, especially her chest area. In my images I rode a dragon and went into a deep dark dimension. There was a spider spirit there. I could not eliminate it. I was so tired. I asked Master for strength. A huge snake appeared and went into my body through my hand. I used my power and made it explode in my body. This time, I sent righteous thoughts for half an hour. A telephone rang. I calmed myself and continued. I gradually sensed aunt Zhang's body being additionally purified. But her mind was still not clear. I then saw a white skeleton. I waved my hand across auntie's chest, and immediately a pile of coins or glass dropped out of her chest. I also pulled a ton of dirty things out from there. I sensed that aunt Zhang was better.
Aunt Zhang kept crying. We encouraged her to be diligent and be more alert. I felt constriction in my chest. My arms were tired, too. But I was happy and truly hoped that aunt Zhang could get better soon.
2. Continuous Help
My mother and I eventually went there on a regular basis to help her send forth righteous thoughts. Sometimes I would still sense aunt Zhang's body being black and full of dirty things. Her condition improved gradually. She was able to sit up. But her right hand was still stiff. She could not lift it and could not use it. Most critical: she still could not talk and could not read. She could not even recognize the simple word "Da" in "Falun Dafa is good." But when we said she could not recognize words, she always anxiously pointed to the words and tried to talk to us about something. Several other aunties were disappointed at aunt Zhang's progress. Gradually, practitioners began to stay away. But we must not give up on persecuted practitioners. Another consideration is this: if aunt Zhang does get better and returns to Fa-rectification cultivation, wouldn't our energy be stronger? We would be able to offer larger numbers of sentient beings salvation! Fa-rectification is reaching its end. It would be a shame if practitioners like aunt Zhang fell behind in Fa-rectification advancement. That's why my mother and I discussed this and decided to make time to help her.
Once, when I was sending righteous thoughts at aunt Zhang's home, I saw the image of a golden Buddha before me. I thought, "Who is it? Is this aunt Zhang? Is Master giving me a hint not to give up on aunt Zhang, or is it that she has actually cultivated well? Aunt Zhang was very firm in the brutal Masanjia Camp and did not give up her belief in Dafa. Wasn't this manifesting her righteous thoughts and righteous actions? Perhaps she has cultivated to a great degree in other dimensions. It is simply that the evil still persecutes her in this dimension?" I told my vision to other practitioners, which increased their confidence in aunt Zhang. Several aunties returned.
Every time my mother and I went there to help her to send forth righteous thoughts we chatted with her and played Dafa music for her. We also asked her non-practitioner family members to let her often listen to Master's lectures as she could not read or talk. The only thing she could do was to listen. They seemed to agree but did not really do it. At each visit we noticed the CD player in a spot far from aunt Zhang. There was dust on it. The family did not use it. So we could only play the lectures for her when we were there. Aunt Zhang was so happy to see us each time we arrived. She cried and smiled. It was difficult for her to see us leave when we had to go. We were moved. What could we do to annihilate the old forces' persecution and help aunt Zhang get better?
The moment I calmed myself one day while sending righteous thoughts I had a vision: I saw two large metal chains on aunt Zhang's body that made her completely motionless. I pulled the chains off and discovered those were actually two snakes. The snakes entered my body. My body shook, and I used my power and disintegrated them. But my left arm felt a little numb. Next, I saw many snakes on aunt Zhang's body, all over her body. I kept pulling them off and attacking them with my power. After the bigger snakes had disintegrated, I found small snakes inside auntie's body. I discovered maggots in that spot after the small snakes were pulled out. I had to pull them out one by one. After quite a while I sensed that it became clean in this dimension. When my vision was over I told my mother about it. We felt the seriousness of this matter.
Fellow practitioners could not come often to help her. Aunt Zhang could not read books or study the Fa herself and could not listen to the Fa, either. How could she improve?
Right then, aunt Zhang's granddaughter suddenly told us that she saw many snakes slithering out of the CD player. The girl was a little over ten years old. Aunt Zhang had mentioned before that the girl's Celestial Eye was open. She seems to be a predestined person. We immediately asked her to take a further look. She said there were layers of snakes inside the CD player. Each snake had a star on its head. As Master's lecture plays, the snakes slithered out and escaped. There were several big snakes on aunt Zhang's bed and body. As Master's lecture played they all disappeared or were disintegrated. A large red snake in her bathroom frightened her. After chatting with her, we discovered this girl saw many things. She saw the image of a bold old man with sharp teeth along with a big black dog on the bed. On the dog's head was a police hat. She saw snakes on the floor, in the bathroom or on the patio. But she saw that aunt Zhang was shrouded in a blue cover, which was why she was not hurt. This girl had never told her family any of these things.
We then realized that no wonder aunt Zhang's family never let her listen to Master's lectures, and she never knew how to use the CD player. It turned out it was the evil old forces manipulating the evil demons and rotten ghosts to persecute practitioners and poison the minds of ordinary people. There were evil demons and rotten ghosts on the player to prevent practitioners from studying the Fa! But how could ordinary people have any ability to battle the evil? The evils also controlled Aunt Zhang, but Master always protects practitioners.
We tried our best to communicate with her family and told them the importance of having her listen to Master's lectures. This time they really paid attention and played them for her regularly. Aunt Zhang's health improved rapidly, and her mind became clearer. She even learned how to use the player herself. She could even walk slowly in her room! Only her right arm was still not normal.
Many practitioners came to send forth righteous thoughts for her after they heard of her new progress. One practitioner had a vision that in one of her previous lives aunt Zhang used to be a government official and owed many debts. Therefore, in this life, these creditors all came back to collect the debt. Aunt Zhang also had loopholes in her cultivation and was not diligent enough, which is the reason the evil forces took advantage of her.
Perhaps there were other reasons as well. But now, what can practitioners do? Shouldn't we determinately stand with her and send righteous thoughts, eliminate human notions and help her to find her way back to cultivation? Otherwise, how could we repay Master's benevolent salvation? Of course many practitioners are very busy. But we should not give up on the veteran practitioners toward the end of Fa-rectification who had assisted Master in Fa-rectification for a long time. We should not let them miss their chance at the last moment!
3. Master's Hints
One day we visited aunt Zhang again. I asked Master for strength. After I settled down my back felt warm. As soon as I erected my palm I had the vision of a man in front of me. I asked him what he wanted. He said aunt Zhang broke up his family. He wanted to collect the debt from aunt Zhang. I persuaded him, telling him that Master would help resolve it, and Dafa would reward him. He did not want to listen. I continued to persuade him and asked him to say, "Falun Dafa is good," "Truthfulness-Compassion-Forbearance is good." Gradually the "resentment" disappeared.
Looking at aunt Zhang made it appear as if there was a hard shell on her head. After I used my power to remove it, it returned. Then I had a vision of her head and right arm being covered by medieval European soldiers' armor. I removed this twice, but it kept returning. Aunt Zhang's right hand was still not working properly. What happened?
Right then, I heard Master saying,
"You don't have to do it any more. Leave it to herself."
"This needs to be done by herself."
I did not believe what I heard and asked, "Are you Master? Master Li Hongzhi?"
"Yes, I am. I have been watching her."
I heard that and cried. Master has been so tirelessly watching and protecting every practitioner! I could not express enough my emotions. I was moved, excited, awe-struck, encouraged...
I sent righteous thoughts for aunt Zhang again. A golden light from my Celestial Eye penetrated into her Celestial Eye, as was a light from my heart to her heart. Afterwards I told my mother everything. My mother was moved. Aunt Zhang cried after she heard it. I also reminded her that she should look inward and eliminate her attachments.
While we were talking to aunt Zhang this time, we felt she seemed to be able to read. She also tried to emphasize that she could read. I suddenly remembered seeing golden words that in the morning while I was doing the meditation exercise. But I did not recognize any of those words. There was a huge rock behind the words. Could the words that aunt Zhang saw be different than our words? Master also mentioned that the words are different in different dimensions. We asked aunt Zhang. She nodded and agreed [she saw different words]. This is so profound! No wonder each time we said aunt Zhang could not read she had always wanted to anxiously explain something to us!
Right then her granddaughter came over and said she had a vision: that on the wall behind aunt Zhang was a golden Buddha looking like Master, meditating on a lotus. There were golden banners on the sides. There were words on the banners she could not recognize. She also saw Bodhisattva Guanyin flanked by golden banners and a boy and girl sitting on a lotus and holding a golden book. There were many lotuses on the ground. My mother and I had one under us. There was a light ring around the golden Buddha. There was a light ring around my mother's head as well. Master is close by us!
4. Paying off a Debt
Several weeks later we went to visit aunt Zhang again. Her condition had improved greatly, and her mind had become clearer as well. But she still could not talk. A vision in my Celestial Eye showed me a man chasing after her, wanting to kill her because she owed him. In my vision, Aunt Zhang was a man, too. I seemed to have seen a pile of coins, which was a similar scene I had envisioned when I first met aunt Zhang. Immediately I received another signal. It seemed like someone said, "Let her return the money!" But those words seemed sudden to me, and I felt strange. So I asked, "How do we help aunt Zhang get better?" "Return the money she borrowed!" "Return practitioners' money she borrowed."
I felt strange, so after I was done sending righteous thoughts I told my mother and another aunt my visions. I just got to know that aunt Zhang had borrowed a lot of money, including practitioners' money that she may not yet have returned. It was tens of thousands of yuan. When aunt Zhang was sick, our family alone loaned her family about 5,000 yuan. But aunt Zhang's family never considered repaying the borrowed money a priority. They had been dragging their feet to repay, something that creates a bad image even with ordinary people. If this was the case, how big a loophole it was! This is an attachment to recognition and money that has to be purged.
We told aunt Zhang that she has to purge herself of notions to money and benefits. Aunt Zhang nodded seriously. But how do we explain it to her family? Aunt Zhang would be unable to explain this clearly. Just then her husband came home at the right time. I chatted with him and got to know that because of the three years of persecution they had endured they have lived under financial pressure. But I knew that they had borrowed money even before the persecution began, that they had not yet repaid.
Right after borrowing that money, aunt Zhang was reported and detained at the Masanjia Forced Labor Camp. It was the worry of repaying the money and other things after her release that made her sick. My mother and I told them they do not have to return the money we had loaned them, but they have to be diligent to return other people's money. If they cannot afford it, we could help, too. As long they get rid of their attachments, Master would help them. Aunt Zhang and her husband said that they would try their best to pay off the debt.
On our way home my mother and I realized: having attachment to money and owing others' money is a huge loophole! If one does not get rid of this attachment, how could one walk well on the cultivation path? No wonder Master said that it would be up to aunt Zhang! Cultivation is difficult and serious. Every practitioner needs to walk well on the cultivation path; otherwise, it would cause huge losses.
If we had not continued to help and received strength, we would not have found the root cause of the problem plaguing Aunt Zhang.
We should use our kindest mindsets to patiently and sincerely treat those practitioners who fall behind or who are still being persecuted and help them so all of us can move forward together and harmonize with Dafa. In the meantime, this is also our opportunity for improvement. Every step we take is also for our own benefit.
I sincerely hope that all practitioners could look for their fundamental attachments, eliminate their human notions, maintain righteous thoughts and righteous actions, catch up with the Fa-rectification advancement, join the mighty current of practitioners and reach consummation.
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