(Clearwisdom.net) Although I began to practice Falun Dafa after July 20, 1999, I became a Fa-rectification period Dafa disciple with honor. I validate the Fa, save sentient beings together with many veteran practitioners, and fulfill my prehistoric vow with Teacher.
Cultivating Xinxing, Looking Inwards
When I read Zhuan Falun the first time, there was a paragraph of Teacher's Fa which deeply engraved itself into my life. No matter what problems or conflicts I encounter, my first thought is to see whether my heart is moved, whether I fall into happiness, excitement, anger, showing off and other human notions. Once I realize my human notion, I immediately send forth righteous thoughts to clear it away, and then I address the problem. Many troubles seem to be quite difficult, but they often disappear after I clear away my human notions.
Only a few days after I began practicing, I was able to eliminate a human notion, which was anger. I did not know why, but suddenly felt my heart was full of anger without reason, and I even wanted to hit something. My wife happened to upset me at that time without reason. I immediately realized that the substance of my anger should be eliminated. I tried very hard to calmly say to my wife, "Don't talk to me. Let me calm down." I quietly sat down to send forth righteous thoughts. This substance was huge, vigor drilled toward my heart, and this uncomfortable feeling felt like my heart was soaked in a pot of bitter vinegar. About five minutes later, this substance was completely cleared away, my wife's temper also turned better inexplicably, as if she had not been angry at all. The second time when I was clearing away a human notion, I also spent five minutes, and gradually I needed less time when clearing away bad things. Now, as soon as I have righteous thoughts, those human notions disappear instantly.
Because I pay attention to looking inward and improving my "xinxing" when I encounter difficulties, I no longer have conflicts with people or fellow practitioners. We should not form gaps between each other due to human notions, and thereby affect our cultivation in the Fa-rectification period and the salvation of sentient beings. I have experienced the state Teacher has mentioned in Essentials for Further Advancement:
"An enlightened person has no attachments at all. He quietly observes the people of the world deluded by illusions."
I have also experienced ease and naturalness during the process of clarifying the truth about Falun Gong in such a state.
"This is the most convenient school of practice. In addition, it is practiced directly according to the characteristic of the universe. It is the quickest, most direct path, and it precisely targets ones heart." (Zhuan Falun)
Whether it be now or in the future, this section in Teacher's Fa will benefit me forever.
Harmonizing the Family, Striving Forward Together
Many fellow practitioners and their entire families, who practice Falun Gong, have the same feeling: when they encounter most problems, they know to look inward. But when there is a conflict within the family, they often forget to look inward. Instead, using the Fa to measure others, they point out their mistakes and then repeatedly emphasize how others should do things. Moreover, they fell into this state for several years and were unable to step out of it.
After my wife started to practice, we also had similar situations for some time. When conflicts happened, everyone involved wanted to be right, and accused the other party of having an insufficient understanding of the Fa, which caused the conflict to be even more difficult.
When I studied Teacher's "Teaching the Fa at the Fa Conference at the U.S. Capital" from July 22, 2006, I read the following paragraph:
"When a problem occurs, it is because that person is stubbornly going against the Fa principles. Go and find where the problem lies, let go of that stubbornness, and sort things out. When you encounter something, the best approach is not to charge forward and contend with others, push your way to the front, and rush forward to chase down the solution. Let go of your attachment, take a step back, and then resolve it."
At that time, I felt that it contained something for my cultivation, but I did not enlighten to it. After quite some time, I suddenly realized: even if it is clear between a couple who is right or who is wrong, has the one who is correct truly abandoned his attachment to competition and demonstrated forbearance? Meanwhile, did the person who was wrong abandon his attachment to grievance and unpleasantness after admitting his mistake?
Teacher has told us in Zhuan Falun:
"Accordingly, in your future cultivation practice you will run into all kinds of tribulations. How can you practice cultivation without these hardships? If everyone is good to one another without conflicts of interests or interference from the human mind, how can your xinxing make progress by your only sitting there? That is impossible. One must truly temper and upgrade oneself through actual practice."
I wondered why did I not completely enlighten to this Fa principle sooner and only after I had studied Teacher's new articles!
Here I enlightened that it is not a bad thing to have conflicts within the family, especially when everyone practices Dafa. Without conflicts, one's human notions won't be uncovered! The only trouble is, when conflicts happen, family members often fail to look inside themselves, thus missing the chance to improve one's xinxing and level, which was arranged by Teacher, and that is truly a pity.
Since then, whenever there is a conflict in my family, I first treat my wife with patience, as if she were an everyday person because when she loses her temper, that is a manifestation of a human notion. I then remain quiet and rapidly seize my human notions of anger, the feeling of being wronged and others, and immediately clean up everything with righteous thoughts. Sometimes after several minutes, my wife says on her own: "Sorry, I was wrong, I have not studied the Fa well the last several days, and thus my human notions emerged!" Afterwards, my wife calmly studies the Fa and quickly improves. From time to time, I also exchanged my view with her after an incident, peacefully expressed my point of view, and then say light-heartedly: "If I have said anything inappropriately, please correct me compassionately." Most of the time, my wife gladly accepts my point of view when I present it without attachment.
Since my wife is busier at work, I share the housework as long as I have time, thus enabling her to have more time to study the Fa. She truly cherishes the time when she can calmly study the Fa together with our child.
When everyone truly looks inward, studies the Fa, and diligently cultivates, then family conflicts will be less. Even if it happens once in a while, it can quickly be solved and becomes a chance for our entire family to further improve our xinxing and study the Fa well. With a harmonized family cultivation environment, Fa rectification work can be done without difficulties.
Although we recently paid off our mortgage and thus improved our financial situation, we still do not have much money remaining, but my wife never objects to paying for items at the Dafa material production site. No matter how much she pays, she always smiles, is happy and never considers holding back. When friends visit us, she warmly welcomes them and serves good food. She upholds good relationships between relatives and friends, in order to have opportunities to tell them the facts about Dafa, encourage them to quit the Chinese Communist Party (CCP) and thus save them.
I spend lots of time doing the three things, and hardly have time to think about other things. Luckily, I have a fixed income and thus have no income-related worries. Sometimes, my human notions emerge when I see my wife's plain clothing, the simple food we eat, our simple lives and transportation (a bicycle). I felt a slight pain, but then realized how much more time we have and then felt gratification and appreciation. I am delighted that my wife and child are diligent in Dafa cultivation and are able to save people. My child, who is nine years old, tells the facts about Falun Dafa, sends righteous thoughts, and advises people to quit the CCP and its organizations. We truly appreciate being able to cultivate in Teacher's universal Dafa, being in Teacher's immense mercy and protection, and being able to fulfill our pre-historical vows made to Teacher. Even though our lives are simple and hard, Teacher has endowed us with things that cannot be obtained in exchange for all the wealth in the human world.
Widely Spreading the Truth and Saving Sentient Beings
I spend some time to collect emails and send them to the Minghui/Clearwisdom website, so that practitioners abroad can assist with truth-clarification. In the beginning, I collected them manually, but later obtained some software, and then was able to collect several hundred thousand emails in a day.
Early this year, I again printed large quantities of truth clarification information on currency. On each note, we printed a toll-free phone number for people to call to quit the CCP and its organizations. This way we were able to tell people that Dafa is good and thus save lives. It is very important to tell every person the facts and by using this method we were able to increase the efficiency of our efforts. We also submitted an article about producing truth-clarification information on currency to Minghui. These two things had a very favorable effect. I also sent some technical data to Minghui such as typesetting, maintenance, installation of NTDTV and so on, to share with fellow practitioners, and thus help practitioners to avoid repeating the work. I also wanted to help them to strive to do the most excellent work within the shortest time, thus saving people quicker and better. Fellow practitioners also gave positive feedback on Minghui.
I also talked to people personally about the truth and advised them to quit the CCP. Although I paid attention to my cultivation from the beginning, every now and then a thought flashes through my heart: "I am not bad, quite capable, and can do many things." Sometimes I even said it offhand and when my wife heard it, she immediately reminded me not to be so self-satisfied. Even though I said nothing, as she was right, I still felt pleased with myself. Until one day, when I read Teachers article "Fa Teaching at the 2007 New York Fa Conference" (April 7, 2007). Teacher expounded on the Fa, aiming at the performance by the Divine Performing Arts.
After reading that paragraph, I burst into tears. Fellow practitioners want to use the form of the arts to validate Dafa, and while validating the Fa, these artists can also save people. This is the vow we practitioners have made. However, if we practitioners cannot fulfill our vows, we will leave behind deep regrets in the future. In order to not let practitioners experience such regrets, Teacher quietly harmonized everything for them. When sentient beings from all circles fixed their eyes on the Divine Performing Arts group, Teacher gave those practitioners immense glories and was delighted that they were fulfilling their vows. Teacher's immense mercy cannot be understood by many people. Everything we do is only fulfilling our vows, and without Teacher's protection and strengthening, we would not be able to achieve anything. Fulfilling my vow is only part of my duty, so how can I be complacent? All I have to do is do better and fulfill my vow! Teacher's compassion and being a model of an enlightened being unmask my human notions completely and vanquish them.
Cooperating as One Body, Rescuing a Fellow Practitioner
In the winter of 2006, prior to the Chinese New Year, police officers abducted a local practitioner and ransacked his home because he was clarifying the truth about the persecution. The police also confiscated some truth-clarification materials.
After fellow practitioners learned about this incident, they went to the police. It is just like Teacher said: "The next person's things are your things, and your things are his things." ("Teaching the Fa at the Washington, D.C. Fa Conference") Some practitioners went to the police station and requested his release, and others sent forth righteous thoughts from outside the police station. Some collected the phone numbers of these evildoers, and others put the information on the Internet, thereby enabling overseas practitioners to quickly call and support practitioners in China. After that fellow practitioner was transferred to a detention center, we again went there several times to clarify the facts and call for his release.
In order to exert the power of one body and rescue our fellow practitioner, we decided to send forth righteous thoughts collectively. Because some practitioners were harassed by the police, my wife and I decided to collectively send forth righteous thoughts at home. We are all new practitioners in our family, so the persecutors did not know that our family are all practitioners. We only had one thought: this persecution and the interference imposed on us by the evil can't be acknowledged. We want to expose those who are doing evil, and these crimes are also the biggest irresponsibility toward sentient beings, irreverence and an insult to Dafa, and they must immediately release all practitioners unconditionally.
Along with our righteous thoughts and clarifying the truth in depth, the attitude of the police changed, and they repeatedly expressed that they would help to put in good words with their superiors, thus striving for an earlier release. The director of the police station said the following, which deeply impressed us practitioners who participated in the rescue effort. The rough meaning is as follows: "Your Falun Gong group is one body and nobody can touch you." Many people were also saying: "The Falun Gong group is very capable, we immediately received phone calls from abroad."
Faced with huge changes, we did not slack off, continued to send forth righteous thoughts, and clarified the truth well. Before the Chinese New Year, the abducted practitioner walked out of the detention center in an open and honorable way, returned to the great way of assisting Teacher in Fa-rectification and saving sentient beings.
I still remember fellow practitioners compassionately and peacefully clarifying the truth to those police officers in the police station and the detention center. They did not have any fear because they knew they are Dafa practitioners who were saving those people. Based on this, we either explained the truth thoroughly to all the people we met, or further convinced them to quit the CCP.
It was a powerful experience when we as a group completely denied the old forces, correctly walked on the cultivation path in the Fa-rectification period and assisted our Teacher. This splendid scene of mercifully saving people will forever be sealed in the history of the future new universe. Fellow practitioners also further showed me the meaning of compassion.
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