(Clearwisdom.net) On November 2, 2007, Falun Gong practitioners held an anti-torture exhibition and "Journey of Falun Dafa" photo exhibition in front of San Francisco City Hall. They also visited government officials in each city department to introduce Falun Gong and delivered truth-clarification literature in City Hall and the Federal Building. That same day, they also carried out truth-clarification activities in the main streets of Chinatown. The activities are a part of the Falun Dafa Cultivation Experience Sharing Conference taking place that weekend in San Francisco.
The practitioners gathered on the lawn and the open space to the right of the entrance to City Hall. They set up the "Journey of Falun Dafa" photo exhibit and reenacted some of the torture methods that the Chinese Communist Party (CCP) uses to persecute Falun Gong practitioners. Passers-by stopped to watch and asked questions. At lunch time, many governmental officials came out for lunch and accepted truth-clarification literature.
At the same time, small groups of practitioners visited each office in City Hall, from the ground floor to the fourth floor. They talked about Falun Gong and the persecution in China and delivered truth-clarification literature.
Practitioner Zhang Hong from the South Bay Area said, "The purpose of this event is to have more city government officials and city council members come to know about Falun Gong, because for years the practitioners' application for participation in the Chinese New Year Parade has been rejected by the hosting organization under the CCP's control. The practitioners hope that people will come to know the facts of the CCP's persecution of Falun Gong via poster boards, reenactment of torture methods used against Falun Gong practitioners, and through truth-clarification literature."
Ms. Zhang continued, "Falun Gong is based on 'Truth-Compassion-Tolerance' and can help raise people's moral level. It is beneficial to society. There are people practicing Falun Gong in eighty-one countries. Why are there still some people who do not understand Falun Gong? Because the CCP disseminates lies, which not only influence Chinese people but also Western people. Especially, because of economic trade between China and US, some people are afraid of offending the CCP. For personal interest, they hide before justice and human rights. I think we need to tell people to maintain their conscience."
Practitioner Joel from the East Bay Area said the purpose of conducting the anti-torture exhibition in front of City Hall was so city governmental officials would be sure see them. The practitioners hoped that city government officials will learn about Falun Gong and the persecution in China, because their stance on Falun Gong determines the city's future standing. Joel said that he and other practitioners would continue their truth-clarification efforts until the end of the persecution.
Practitioner Peter Zhang from the South Bay Area said, "I came here by subway at six o'clock this morning. I distributed truth-clarification literature at the subway station and came to City Hall later. It is my first time to come to City Hall to explain the facts to each office. I will come again. I have distributed literature in Chinatown before. I think it is also important to explain the facts to Western people since the persecution of Falun Gong is not only a concern for Chinese people but for the whole world."
A passer-by said that he knew about the persecution in China and said that it should never have happened. He said that the persecution should be stopped as soon as possible.
That same day, Falun Gong practitioners also held a Truth-Compassion-Tolerance Art Exhibition on Union Square. The activity is part of the Falun Dafa Cultivation Experience Sharing Conference taking place that weekend in San Francisco. On Saturday, practitioners planned to hold a rally and march in Chinatown. The experience sharing conference will take place on Sunday.
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