(Clearwisdom.net) In 2010, the world will get together in
Vancouver-Whistler for the Olympic Winter Games. We will welcome them to an open
society that appreciates different cultures and grants its citizens the freedoms
that are so important to living with dignity. Not so next year, at the Beijing
China has been, and still is today, a society that denies these rights and
freedoms to its citizens. You may have heard about their killing prisoners to
sell the organs to Western customers. Or their disregard of local residents in
their rapid expansion of construction, industry, and power generation projects.
Or the child workers employed to make souvenirs for the upcoming Olympics. We
also know what happened in 1989 at Tiananmen Square, where the army brutally
suppressed a worker and student protest, leaving several hundred dead. And we
would all like to believe that these things are past, and that China is now
becoming more open and a more responsible citizen of the world. But this is far
from being the case.
Since the announcement that Beijing would get the Olympics, we are seeing a
drastic, but underreported, crackdown on religious minorities. This time it's
not only Falun Gong members, but also Christian churches that are being raided
by the Chinese military police. Here are some examples from this year alone:
--Twenty-two evangelical leaders were arrested in June. Authorities of the
eastern Shandong Province condemned two leaders of evangelical house churches to
a year of "re-education through labor." Others were detained for
several days without charge, or were also likely to be condemned to work in a
labor camp.
--In July, 15 house church leaders were detained by military police within one
week in Inner Mongolia, Jiangsu and Anhui Provinces. A Vacation Bible School for
150 children was attacked, and two teachers were beaten and hospitalized. Police
did not provide any legal documents for the arrests, blaming one pastor of being
involved in "illegal religious activities."
--This December, 270 Chinese pastors were arrested during a Bible study
gathering. About 45 police officers from 12 different towns were involved in the
massive detention.
Last year alone, according to China Aid Association, the Chinese government
arrested 1,958 pastors and members of unregistered Protestant churches. A
similar number was reported for 2005. This absolute disregard for what we hold
dear in Canada--religious freedom, freedom of expression, freedom to
assemble--shows that the Western strategy of "opening up" China with
increased trade and the Olympic Games is not working. Canada has a long history
of standing up for what's right. Our own government website states: "Canada
has been a consistently strong voice for the protection of human rights and the
advancement of democratic values, from our central role in the drafting of the
Universal Declaration of Human Rights in 1947-8 to our work at the United
Nations today." It also states: "Responses to specific situations
depend upon a number of considerations, including a government's relative
commitment to human rights and the effectiveness of the means of influence at
our disposal." When could there be a more effective moment to act than when
we host the Winter Olympics just two years after Beijing?
A 2006/2007 scorecard report by UN Watch praised Canada for its stance on human
rights, but went on to say that it fails to speak out often or strongly enough
for victims of most of the world's worst regimes, remaining silent when it came
to notorious abuses in China, Cuba, Saudi Arabia, and Zimbabwe. Is this the
legacy we want?
A boycott by Canada would but follow good advice from many others who are
concerned. For example, actor Richard Gere, Chairman of the International
Campaign for Tibet, is calling for a boycott of the Games because of the Tibet
question. Reporters without Borders have asked for a boycott because of human
rights violations. Others, including 106 lawmakers in the US, call for a boycott
because of China's support for Omar al-Bashir, who is responsible for
governmental violence in Darfour (Sudan). From within China, voices of
disappointment about the impact of the Olympic Games can also be heard. An open
letter sent to the Chairman of the Olympic Committee by a group of Chinese
lawyers and human rights activists in 2006 states: "The Chinese government
is already preparing an illusion of peace and prosperity to mislead visitors. In
doing so, they feel that voices critical of the government need to be crushed.
That is exactly why they are engaging in large scale suppression of the human
rights movement in China."
Then again, why mix sports with politics? Should we not keep these issues out of
the Olympic Games? The problem is, the entire idea if having the Games in
Beijing is pure politics. Beijing's bid for the Games ran against Istanbul,
Osaka, Toronto, and Paris. Was the decision to go to China taken because of
their better plans? The nicer environment? The more accommodating culture? No,
it was taken precisely in order to engage China and to help it integrate better
with the rest of the world. Even the Olympic Charter states: "The goal of
Olympism is to place sport at the service of the harmonious development of man,
with a view to promoting a peaceful society concerned with the preservation of
human dignity."
So, from the start, the Olympics were meant to make China a better place. And
that certainly is not happening. If we don't use this opportunity now to speak
out against Chinese Gestapo practices (meant to "clean the streets"
before the Olympics take place), we never will. And China will never change.
They will have gotten away with it once again, and the West will have turned a
blind eye. That's politics, too: remaining silent for political reasons. Not
wanting to upset anybody. When is enough, enough?
To quote the letter from the group of Chinese lawyers again: "The Seoul
Games and those held in South Africa were turning points for the countries
hosting them and this is why we are writing to you: we know the IOC is not a
humanitarian or a political organization but according to its expressed goals,
we believe the committee is obligated to press the Chinese government to improve
human and civil rights in China."
A boycott will upset our trade relationships with China. It will upset the 2010
Winter Olympics. Is it worth the price? Ask the ones who were imprisoned; ask
the ones who are praying for them. They are hoping for a different China. We
must not miss our chance to take a stand before it is too late!
Tuesday, December 18, 2007
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Category: Falun Dafa in the Media