(Clearwisdom.net) As a Falun Dafa practitioner, I was very excited to be able to watch the NTDTV Global Chinese New Year Spectacular. I called fellow practitioners in China, and told them I was going to watch the "Spectacular" in person. They reminded me that the performance was part of Master's Fa-rectification. They said "Because you are one particle in the Fa-rectification, you are not merely a member of the audience, so please remember to send forth righteous thoughts to assist Master in the Fa-rectification."
I was only able to watch the first half, and I was sending forth righteous thoughts the entire time. Although my third eye is not open, I knew that Faluns were filling the theater to save sentient beings. I thought about the sentient beings in my heavenly paradise. I ordered them to accept Falun Dafa unconditionally and to negate any bad notions. However, I found myself being selfish. Every Falun Dafa practitioner is a boundless being, and we are responsible for other sentient beings. The attachments of a Falun Dafa practitioner can be the roadblock that prevent a sentient being from being saved. I was only thinking about the sentient beings in my heavenly paradise. My attachment to self was exposed.
When I read Master's "Touring North America to Teach the Fa", I realized that all Falun Dafa practitioners and the world's people have endured so much in order to live in this world during this period of time. It is never all right to feel comfortable with the thought of a sentient being's destruction. I have encountered people who have refused to accept truth clarifying materials. Previously, I would say, "This being will be destroyed, because they cannot be saved." I ignored the hardship and suffering Master has gone through for this being, and I gave up on them with one thought--not to mention the fact that the Fa-rectification has not ended yet and there is always a chance until that moment arrives. I felt ashamed to face Master.
Master taught us in My Thanks to Sentient Beings Who Have Sent Greetings,
"I sincerely hope that all of my Dafa disciples will achieve Consummation! I sincerely hope that all the people of the world can be clear on the truth and distinctly see the most wicked demon that history decided to visit upon mankind for what it is, see how the wicked Party has poisoned the Chinese people and the entire world, and see how it has persecuted Dafa disciples--and thus manage to survive the greatest catastrophe of all time, which has befallen all beings. I sincerely hope that all sentient beings will be saved!"
My heart shook in waves when I read the word "hope." Master's wish for the new cosmos is a heavenly climate. As a disciple assisting Master in Fa-rectification, if we do not harmonize with what Master wants, we are working against the Fa-rectification.
I have heard that once in a while someone in the audience is unable to accept the performance. I was surprised. I found it inconceivable that any person who watched this wonderful show would be unable to be saved. There was such an enormous energy field present during the performance. The bad notions of Falun Dafa practitioners would certainly be swept clean, let alone those of non-practitioners. What has blocked these individuals from being saved? I think it was that practitioners were lacking.
Master has taught with great clarity that our notions are not from our original true selves, and so they are not us. I remember when the first Chinese New Year Gala DVD was produced: I had a lot of fear. I told fellow practitioners, "Maybe the Gala will not be accepted by the people." They laughed at me and said, "Because their King, meaning you, refuses to accept it, the sentient beings in your paradise will definitely not accept it. Where have you placed Master's Fa in your heart? You are here to assist Master in the Fa-rectification, but you do not believe Master's Fa. How can something that is deviant rectify others?"
I was embarrassed because of my low enlightenment quality at that time. Four years have passed since then. While I was in the audience at the "Spectacular", a notion suddenly surfaced in my mind, "Can they accept it?" I spoke to this notion, "You are not worth listening to!" It disappeared instantly. With a clear and clean mind I felt the presence of holiness watching the "Spectacular." Every performance is saving people. As I watched each program, I enlightened to Fa-principles, and corrected some old notions. For example, when Yue Fei's mother walked out, Yue Fei (1) and his army showed her their heartfelt respect. I find myself complaining about older fellow practitioners and do not respect them. I enlightened that in the new cosmos, humans will respect their elders, as well as care for the young. When I saw the graceful movements of girls from the Qing Dynasty (1644-1912) being performed, I realized that I seem to have forgotten how to be a woman. Master taught us that women should be tender, but I do not follow Master's teachings. I know that Master's words are Fa, and that I should not treat them as common words. One sentence from Buddha Sakyamuni manifested a cultivation school which taught many enlightened beings. But I was ignoring Fa taught by the Lord of Buddhas. I enlightened to many things through watching the "Spectacular", as if Master was patiently teaching me by whispering in my ears. I will fulfill the vow I made before coming into the "Three Realms," which is my highest honor as a being.
(1) (March 17, 1103-January 27, 1142) was a Chinese patriot and nationalist military leader who fought for the Southern Song Dynasty against the Jurchen armies of the Jin Dynasty.
January 26, 2007
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