(Clearwisdom.net) Qingpu Women's Forced Labor Camp in Shanghai City persecutes Falun Dafa practitioners. In addition to confining steadfast Falun Dafa practitioners, handcuffing and hanging them up for long periods of time, physically punishing them, forcing them to do heavy manual work, and violently brainwashing them, the forced labor camp constantly organizes activities to defame, slander, and destroy Falun Dafa practitioners. Recently, in order to reach their goal of completely "transforming" former Falun Dafa practitioners who had been forcibly brainwashed, they prepared a rubber figure and said that it was the Master of Falun Dafa. The prison guards ordered the brainwashed former Falun Dafa practitioners to beat the rubber figure to show their complete "disassociation" from Falun Dafa. They forced the "transformed" people to step on pictures of Master Li and organized them to burn Falun Dafa books. Every one of them had to burn at least two books.
The prison guards even said that only those who dared to step on the pictures were completely giving up Falun Gong. They would see whether they dared to step on the pictures and to burn the books. Some former Falun Gong practitioners, due to fear or other attachments, wrote the "three statements." After they did this, their innermost feelings were extremely anguished when they were forced by the Chinese Communist prison guards to do such things that damaged Falun Dafa and that disrespected Master. They felt that it was a disservice to Master's merciful salvation. Meanwhile, they developed mental pressure of feeling inferior, being self-critical, and feelings of desperation.
The prison guards believed that when practitioners resisted such activities organized by the forced labor camp, it was a sign of incomplete "transformation." They therefore stepped up their persecution of these people, and strengthened the forced brainwashing, "talking" to them for a long time, and forcing them to "share" with those who were completely brainwashed. They used these methods to pressure them so as to reach their goal of having them completely give up Falun Dafa.
The organizers of these series of persecution activities were Xu Jiejie (female) and Jiang Yiqong (female), heads of Division Five, who were in charge of persecuting Falun Dafa practitioners. Jiang Yiqong behaved in an especially evil manner. Many activities of persecuting Falun Dafa practitioners were organized and carried out by Jiang Yiqong, who pretended that she was doing this for the benefit of Falun Gong practitioners, in that if they completely gave up Falun Dafa, they would not be arrested again. Over the past eight years, from 1999 to now, many practitioners have kindly clarified the truth to these prison guards and tried to persuade them to stop doing such evil deeds. Xu Jiejie and Jiang Yiqong, however, were not moved at all and continued to work hard to carry out the Chinese Communist Party's persecution policies.
At present, more than ten Falun Dafa practitioners are still detained in Shanghai Qingpu Women's Forced Labor Camp. We hope that those practitioners who know more inside information about the persecution can expose it and eradicate it. At the same time, we hope that practitioners from Shanghai can send forth righteous thoughts simultaneously at 8:00, 9:00, and 10:00 p.m. to completely dissolve the evil factors that persecute Falun Dafa practitioners in Qingpu Women's Forced Labor Camp, to clear out the evil forces that persecute practitioners in the Shanghai area, and to save sentient beings.
Address of Shanghai Qingpu Women's Forced Labor Camp:
P.O. Box 701408, Shanghai Qingpu Women's Forced Labor Camp, Postal code: 201701
Phone: 86-21-69209148
Extension of Division Five: 6520
Shanghai City Forced Labor Reform Bureau: 86-21-64740759
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