Greetings Master and fellow practitioners:
During the last several years, one sentence taught by Master has been always on my mind, “As Fa-rectification cultivators, we can't just watch these innocent beings get deceived like this into sinning and be destroyed.” (“Teaching the Fa at the Washington, D.C. International Fa Conference,” 2001 from Guiding the Voyage)
In the process of spreading the “Nine Commentaries on the Communist Party” and promoting withdrawal from the CCP among Chinese people, I realized that “clarifying the facts” is very urgent and important. I also cherish the opportunity to write and share my experiences. Writing and sharing my experiences helped me do things better in the future. The following is my recent experience. Please help to point out any mistakes.
I. The Sacred Mission of Spreading The Nine Commentaries and Promoting Withdrawal from the CCP
In the last few years, I met practitioners from mainland China, and some of them have doubts about spreading the Nine Commentaries and promoting withdrawal from the CCP. One reason was that they could not get Master Li’s new articles due to the current situation in China. Another reason was due to fear. Some of these practitioners think that it is just fine to practice and study the “Fa” at home because they feel the danger. The evil forces take advantage of their fears and intensify the interference to these practitioners, which makes them think that spreading the Nine Commentaries and other truth clarification materials is getting involved in politics, as defined by the evil CCP.
We should collectively understand the sacred mission for spreading the Nine Commentaries and promoting withdrawal from the CCP. Master stated in “Teaching the Fa at the 2005 Manhattan International Fa Conference,”
“Let's take the Nine Commentaries as an example. The primary goal of publishing the Nine Commentaries was to expose the CCP's nature so that people who had been deceived by the CCP could see it for what it is and recognize the CCP's evilness, and thus be saved.”
Master also stated in “Teaching the Fa at the Western U.S. International Fa Conference,”
“Our Dafa disciples have read the Nine Commentaries, and since that party is something of that nature, think about how many people in the world have been misled by it and thus don't believe in gods, and how many people are following it and persecuting Dafa disciples and sinning against Dafa. Could we not save those people? Could we possibly approve of it? So I could see that some students were still holding themselves back by way of human thinking, and some lacked righteous thoughts and thought that it was getting involved in politics.”
After Master’s new article entitled “Further Remarks on 'Politics'” was recently published, I have enlightened that we should not worry when everyday people comment that we are getting involved in politics. We should openly tell them that—as stated in Chinese law—Chinese citizens have the right to be involved in politics. The objective of spreading the the Nine Commentaries is to tell people about the nature of the CCP and wake up their conscience so they don't follow the CCP in doing bad things. Security and peace is the primary concern for everyday people. What we are doing is telling them that the best way to escape a catastrophe is to withdraw from the CCP, and stay away from the CCP because Heaven will eliminate the CCP and “one would rather believe it to be true than not.”
This is not a problem for clear-minded practitioners, but it is a great obstacle for those who can’t understand it from the standpoint of the Fa or for those who have been left behind in the Fa Rectification process. Some practitioners are even lost because they are controlled by the evil spirit. Another fundamental issue is having respect and faith in Master and the Fa. Disciples should help those practitioners who are left behind and who should wake up as soon as possible. Otherwise these practitioners will not only lose the opportunity to save sentient beings, but may also miss this once-in-a-billion-year opportunity of cultivation.
II. Pay Much Attention to Studying the Fa, Eliminate Human Attachments, and Maintain Righteous Thoughts and Actions
I received a letter last month from a friend on the Internet in mainland China. The letter said “I have a friend. She can access the Internet via a dynamic website. She was deeply moved by your story and often said that Falun Gong is the only hope for the Chinese people. She wants to learn Falun Gong and asked how to learn Falun Gong on the Internet.”
While clarifying the truth, in addition to eliminating the poisons injected into Chinese people by the CCP, we also spread the goodness of the Fa and show the purity and compassion of the practitioners. We may come to know various kinds of people. When those who are poisoned by the CCP curse at us, it is crucial to maintain calm and further clarify the truth to them with greater compassion. If we can’t demonstrate the compassion of a cultivator, we won’t be able to eliminate the evil. It is also important to upgrade our “xinxing” while clarifying the facts.
In “Teaching the Fa at the Conference in Switzerland”, Master said,
“Your sentences have complicated thoughts included in them, such as your human emotions and desires, and even those many attachments of yours. That makes your words not so powerful and rather diluted. ...But when your mind can truly become tranquil, when your attachments get less and less, or when the distracting thoughts get less and less, then you’ll find that your words have power.”
In the past I used to be bothered by my lack of ability to do well in truth-clarification, and troubled by my remaining attachments. In “Teaching the Fa at the 2003 Atlanta Fa Conference,” one practitioner asked, “I could never completely eliminate my own attachments. I’m really worried about this, but I’m never able to do well.” Master replied,
“Study the Fa more, study the Fa more. There’s no magic pill. Let’s take a pill and the attachments will go away. Actually, Dafa’s mighty power is even more effective than some cure-all magic pill.”
Our righteous thoughts are acquired completely through Fa study. For a very long period of time, though I had kept studying the Fa, I did not genuinely keep Master’s teaching in mind. When I do not pay attention to my actions, my thoughts might not be on the Fa. This was a very serious problem.
Now I have come to the following understandings. When I study the Fa, full attention is required without any distracting thoughts. My behavior should meet the requirements of the Fa at all times. I should cultivate my mind and upgrade my level by putting Master’s teaching into practice. I should be strict with myself about eliminating my attachments and desires.
In the past, I used to search outside myself. When studying the Fa, I stood up reading the Fa and temporarily tried to forget about other things. I forced myself to focus on Fa study, yet I failed to understand that it was because of the attachments remaining in my mind that my attention could be easily diverted when I was reading the Fa. While putting more emphasis on studying the Fa, we should also strictly base every single thought and deed on the Fa. Let's not slacken our efforts to do well in the “three things” that Master asked of us.
III. Using Our Time to Promote the Nine Commentaries and Encouraging the Three Withdrawals
Once I met a college freshman majoring in music from Yunnan Province. He told me that he had already made a statement about his withdrawal from the CCP. He anxiously asked me, “What can I do? I can use a band or rock and roll music to criticize the CCP. What do you think of this idea?”
Some Christian friends told me, “I am really grateful for you and your fellow practitioners. It is you who spread the seeds to dissolve the CCP in mainland China. Now many of the seeds have sprouted, flowered, and even yielded fruit. I am willing to pass on the torch and the seeds of love and hope!”
A net surfer told me, “I know the persecution of the Falun Gong does exist in China. I will also make an effort to help more people understand the facts. I would like to learn Falun Gong.”
Another net surfer told me, “With Freegate or DynaPass software, I can break through China’s Internet blockade. Particularly after viewing the facts of the June 4th Tiananmen Massacre, I was really shocked. Much to my surprise, the CCP has hidden so many facts from its people and falsified history. The CCP exerts tight media control. I genuinely appreciate your efforts and respect you.
I contacted many people while clarifying the truth. Through such contacts, I realize that after coming to understand the facts, more and more people are making efforts to encourage others to quit the CCP. I realized that the chance to tell people the facts is precious and needs to be grasped, or they will vanish just like melting ice. In “Teaching the Fa in the City of Chicago,” Master said,
“Whether the change in the state of society is negative or positive, or, put another way, whether what comes about is bad or good, it is a test for our Dafa disciples all the same, and not a reason to become content. If things really do change for the better, it will be a different sort of test for you, and you still shouldn’t become content.”
Changes are being brought to the state that the society and people are willing to know and understand the facts. Hence, we should never slack off. On the contrary, we need to put our time to good use.
Finally, to inspire my fellow practitioners and myself, I’d like to quote a passage from Master’s article “The Closer to the End, the More Diligent You Should Be,”
“Actually, if you think about it, the cultivators of the past didn’t dare to slack off for even a second, and that was when it took an entire lifetime to complete the journey. So how can Dafa disciples—who are to achieve the Attainment Status of a being who is saved by Dafa and who have the most convenient cultivation way—not be even more diligent when they are given this most glorious honor of Fa-validating cultivation in a brief cultivation period that passes in the blink of an eye?”
The time we own now is created by Master. We must advance forward with diligence and determination!
Thank you, Master!
Thank you, fellow practitioners!
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