(Clearwisdom.net) On May 19, 2007, Falun Gong practitioners in Himeji-shi, Japan held a one-day activity in a busy area of the city to introduce Falun Gong and inform people about the persecution happening in China.
People carefully read truth-clarifying display boards about Falun Gong
People carefully read truth-clarifying display boards about Falun Gong
Himeji-shi is a city in western Japan with a population of 600,000, and known in Japan for preserving the cultural heritage of Himeji Castle. May 9 is the famous festival in Himeji-shi. This is a very busy and a joyous day each year in the downtown area. Not only residents from the city, but also people from the surrounding towns and townships pour into the city to take part in the festival.
Falun Gong practitioners have been introducing Falun Dafa and clarifying the truth at the festival for the past few years. This year was no exception. After 7:00 a.m. a number of practitioners set up truth-clarifying display boards. People who came to learn the facts were more attentive than they were in previous years. Many people looked carefully at the display boards one by one, and then took flyers. More people took truth-clarifying materials on their own initiative this year.
At 10:00 a.m., a Japanese man in his fifties looked at the display boards exposing the Chinese Communist Party's (CCP) harvesting of organs from living Falun Gong practitioners. He was very angry and said he was upset. He wondered why such a cruel thing can take place now. He kept asking passersby to come take a look at the display boards and he told people about the brutality of live organ harvesting happening in China.
A police officer in Hyogo said to practitioners taking part in the activity, "You Falun Gong practitioners are remarkable. There was only one woman practitioner when setting up the exhibit this morning. She moved so many display boards and cartons of materials all by herself, and her ten-year-old daughter helped her watch the car and things. You're really great. Due to various rules, we cannot directly do anything for you, but we support you in our hearts." At noon, local police also came to see if the activity went smoothly.
A lawyer politely took a truth-clarifying newspaper, VCDs, brochures on the global lawsuit against Jiang Zemin, a Japanese version of the Nine Commentaries on the Communist Party and all other truth-clarifying materials. From his sincere eyes, we could tell that he had learned some facts about Falun Dafa.
Chinese people could also be seen in the steady flow of visitors. Though some had a negative attitude, refusing to listen to the facts, most people accepted the materials. In the afternoon, two Chinese people who looked like tourists came over and surprisingly looked at display boards. They said they did not know about this inside of China. Practitioners passed them The Epoch Times and copies of the Nine Commentaries on the Communist Party. They said thanks repeatedly. Practitioners told them about the three withdrawals (quitting the CCP and its affiliated organizations), one of them immediately agreed to quit the CCP using an alias.
Seeing that more and more people have learned about the goodness of Falun Dafa through truth clarification, and have seen clearly the CCP's evil nature, practitioners who took part in the activity were very pleased.
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