(Clearwisdom.net) On May 12, 2007, a group of practitioners in Ankara successfully initiated the first Falun Gong Experience Sharing Conference in the local Cultural Center.
Seven veteran and new practitioners shared their experiences of cultivating for periods of several months to nine years. The participants included TV workers, kindergarten school teachers, businessmen, students, government employees, medical workers and housewives. The director of the Cultural Center and his secretary came forward to express their congratulations and to wish the Fa-conference success.
A practitioner named Samara, who obtained Falun Gong only several months ago said, "When I thought about the persecution of Falun Gong inflicted by the Chinese Communist regime, I felt terribly sad. Falun Gong is really a priceless treasure. It was not accidental that I encountered Falun Gong. I accessed the Falun Gong website through the Internet. I finished the book Zhuan Falun in one reading and began to learn the exercises immediately."
Samara continued, "I've enjoyed reading from childhood. I have read a great number of books. Every book gave me some revelation and elevated me a little. However, Falun Gong let me reach the summit of knowledge. After studying Falun Dafa, my view of life has become clearer and my interpersonal relationships have improved. I have found that Falun Gong can explain anything in the world. I usually introduce Falun Gong to my friends, and hope that all people in the world can learn the principles of Truthfulness, Compassion, Forbearance. Falun Gong is the most supreme. In several short months I also experienced the process of eliminating karma as described in Zhuan Falun, but it was amazing to get through the process easily."
Another practitioner said, "I believe in Falun Gong very much. I have recognized Falun Gong since the first day I encountered it. I treasure the principles of Truthfulness, Compassion, Forbearance. I respect Falun Gong practitioners. One practitioner celebrated Master's birthday by baking a delicate birthday cake from a rare and special Turkish rice in honor of Master's mercy."
The conference proceeded peacefully from beginning to end, and practitioners
shared their understandings with each other and exchanged their personal
experiences. An older man who obtained Falun Gong only two weeks prior said,
"After learning the exercises several days ago, my stomachache disappeared.
This is my first time without a stomachache for several days. I made up my mind
to practice Falun Gong. I believe all that was said here today."
Source: http://clearharmony.net/articles/200705/39572.html
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