(Clearwisdom.net) The Women's Prison in Chongqing City continues to illegally detain 70 Falun Gong practitioners whose terms range from three to sixteen years. They continue to suffer severe and devastating torture by the prison guards. Some of the practitioners have become disabled, and some have been mentally traumatized. Some, who are in their seventies, are still forced to do heavy labor.
The following is a partial list of Falun Gong practitioners who continue to be persecuted in the Women's Prison in Chongqing:
Ms. Fan Defang is about 75 years old and a retired employee of Chongqing Construction Group. She was illegally sentenced to three years by the local Chinese Communist Party's (CCP) court. In July 2005, Fan Defang and another practitioner, whose last name is Yuan, were out clarifying the truth to the public when they were arrested. During her illegal detention, practitioner Yuan died as a result of abuse by the guards at Dadukou District Detention Center in Chongqing. Several days later, the detention center had to release Fan Defang on bail for medical treatment because her health had become very poor.
Practitioner Yuan's death gained international attention. Fan Defang was approached for information by someone interested in investigating Yuan's situation. The authorities then forcibly took Fan Defang back to the detention center in May 2006. They quickly obtained an arrest permit, illegally sentenced her, and took her to the Chongqing Women's Prison.
Ms. Fan Defang insisted on appealing her sentence. The guards used all kinds of means to prevent her from appealing. The guards lied to her, saying that the appeal was of no use at all, and confiscated her appeal letter. In the meantime, the guards tried to forcibly brainwash her. She was transferred several months later to the Seventh Ward and forced to do hard labor. She had to work for more than 12 hours every day. Her children are extremely worried about her health.
Ms. Su Dafang, about 69 years old, is from Beipei District in Chongqing. She was illegally sentenced to three years and six months by the local court. Su Dafang was deceived on her way from home to the court in July 2004. Without due process, an arrest permit was immediately issued and a forced hearing was held. She was then detained at the Beipei Detention Center. In the same month, she was forcibly taken to the Chongqing Women's Prison. The women's prison refused her admission because of her poor health, so she was imprisoned at Beipei District Detention Center and subjected to persecution there. The guards at the detention center forcibly administered drugs to her every day, which they claimed were for treating her illnesses. She was sent to the Chongqing Women's Prison again in August and was again refused admission. A year later, she was taken to the Chongqing Women's Prison a third time. The detention center paid a large amount of money, and the Women's Prison accepted her after that.
The guards at the women's prison forcibly brainwashed Su Dafang without any consideration for her health in order to "transform" her. Because she was illiterate, the guards often came to talk with her. They had "personal cangues" (1) read books to her that slandered Dafa or were related to the CCP. They asked her to discuss her thoughts every day and made a detailed record. They conducted the most brutal spiritual devastation. At the same time, they strictly limited her freedom. Eating, washing, and using the restroom all required permission from the guards. She was sent six months later to the fifth district, which had the most intensive labor. She was forced to labor for more than ten hours per day. Her health condition is currently quite bad. She has become extremely thin and her skin has turned black.
Ms. Li Zhonglan, in her forties, was sentenced to a four-year jail term by the local court. During her imprisonment in the detention center, guards used torture to try to "transform" her. She was beaten, scalded with boiling water, etc. The torture caused her teeth to fall out, which rendered her unable to ingest anything except for fluids. She even has difficulty speaking. Ms. Li Zhonglan was taken to the women's prison in September 2006. The prison guard pretended to care about her. They deceived her, saying that if she "transformed," she could have the wound in her mouth cured and get her teeth fixed.
Ms. Liu Fanqin, in her fifties, is from Beipei District in Chongqing. She was sentenced to nine years by the CCP's court. Liu Fanqin was arrested by a person from Dadukou District in June 2003. Because she refused to cooperate, she was beaten mercilessly and hung up by both arms. This led to her losing the ability to take care of herself. She was rejected several times when forcibly sent to the women's prison by the Dadukou District Detention Center. In August 2005, the authorities of the Dadukou District Detention Center bribed the women's prison, and they finally took her.
Ms. Liu Fanqin persisted in her belief while in the women's prison. The guards strictly monitored her. She was forced to read books that slander Dafa and CCP propaganda. She had to study until around midnight and then get up at around 5:00 a.m. Because her arms were severely injured, she could not take care of herself. The fingers on her right hand were numb, so she had to write with her left hand. The prison guards took every possible chance to create problems for her. They didn't allow others to help her and forced her to do everything herself. They said it was for her "exercise." She asked many times for treatment for her injured arms, but the prison guards ignored her or lied. They confiscated her outgoing mail that described the persecution she was suffering. Washing, eating, using the restroom, studying, sleeping, etc. all required permission from the prison guards. They also severed her connection to her family by phone and mail. When family members visited, the prison guards strictly monitored her from her side and controlled the visit duration. She was not allowed to tell them about the real situation there. When it was scorching hot during the summer, she was only allowed to have a bath twice a week for a limited time. Otherwise, she would be verbally assaulted by "personal cangues." The guards never gave up in their efforts to transform her. They forced her to do slave labor for more than ten hours every day. She often felt pain that she could hardly withstand. The prison guards also said to her, "Go ahead and die. It only costs the government 80 yuan (a cremation fee). That's it."
Ms. Fang Min, who is in her forties, was sentenced to four years by the CCP's court. In August 2005, Fang Min was illegally detained at the women's prison. Because she persisted in her belief and refused to be "transformed," the guards used all kinds of methods to torture her. She was usually awakened around 2:00 or 3:00 a.m. to clean the restroom. She was forced to stand for long periods of time and was force-fed some drugs. She was transferred to the First Ward after staying in the newcomer's team for one year. She was forced to do slave labor, and after finishing work for the day, she was also forced to stand and study intensively for one or two hours while others went to sleep.
Ms. Tan Changrong, in her fifties, was sentenced to nine years by the local court. In 2005, Tan Changrong was detained at the women's prison. She persisted in her belief, even though she suffered much torture. Because of her persistence, the prison management dispatched her to the Fourth Ward, which is the felon supervised ward and houses mostly life-term prisoners and death-row inmates. She was forced to do slave labor and work for more than ten hours every day.
Ms. Zhang Hua, in her forties, is from Tongnan in Chongqing. She was sentenced to ten years by the local court. Zhang Hua was detained at the women's prison in December 2006. Because she refused to be "transformed" and had distributed the Nine Commentaries on the Communist Party as a means of truth-clarification, she was targeted by the authorities as a "counter-revolutionary". They strictly monitored her and did not allow her to speak with others. The prison authorities gave her no clothes or bedding. When others gave them to her, they had to first obtain permission from the guards. She was also awakened and forced to clean the restroom at midnight. She had to study slanderous materials until around midnight.
Tang Xia, in her thirties, is from Beipei District. She was sentenced to four years by the local CCP court. Tang Xia was arrested in July 2005. She refused to be "transformed" during her imprisonment in the Beipei District Detention Center. Because of this, she was verbally abused by the guards, forced to sit on a tiger bench and beaten by criminals. She appeared absent-minded at times, and she was not given prompt treatment. In December 2005, Tang Xia was detained at the women's prison. The guards frequently forced her to stand and woke her up at midnight to clean the restroom. Whenever the guards decided that she "improperly" spoke or displayed "improper behavior," they shocked her with an electric baton. The guards also tried to turn her family against her through lies and deceit.
Zhu Bilan, in her fifties, was sentenced to four years by the local court. She was seized by the Chongqing, Beipei District police in February 2003 and was initially detained at the detention center. She was transferred several days later to the Chongqing, Jingkou Brainwashing Center. Because she firmly resisted cooperating, she was subjected to excruciating torture, and she was not allowed to sleep. Her legs were severely injured, and she since has had difficulty walking. She was not allowed to visit her family when her husband died. In June 2003, she was returned to the detention center.
In October 2003, she was detained at the women's prison. The guards used all kinds of means to try to "transform" her, but it all failed. She was then transferred to the Seventh Ward and forced to do slave labor. Regardless of her health, she was forced to complete the stipulated production task. In the meantime, she was forced to read books and watch videos that slandered Dafa.
Tan Yongqiu is in her seventies. She was sentenced to five years by the local court. Tan Yongqiu was arrested in 2002. During her imprisonment at the detention center, she was pushed down by a criminal and consequently became disabled. Her leg joint was seriously dislocated, and she has not been able to walk. She did not get prompt medical treatment and was subsequently sentenced. Because she could not take care of herself and is elderly, the jail refused to admit her. Under pressure,she was let out on bail for medical treatment.
After Ms. Tan returned home, the local police station, 610 Office and others frequently came to harass and strictly monitor her. Because she refused to cooperate with their irrational requests and she resisted their harassment, the police told her that they were taking her for a physical exam in December 2005. As soon as they got her out of the house, they took her directly to the women's prison.
At the prison, the guards thought that she was old, illiterate and might not be clear in her mind. So they often had conversations with her and tried to use sentiment to "transform" her as soon as possible. They failed. Therefore, they intentionally made things difficult for her. They deliberately created conflicts between her and some criminals. They strictly controlled her, bombarded her with CCP propaganda, did not allow her to make calls or buy things, and forced her do slave labor. Once, because she had not completed the production task, a guard forced her to publicly criticize herself.
Li Yongying, who is in her fifties, was illegally sentenced to three years and six months by the local court. She was detained at the women's prison in 2005. In the prison newcomer's team, the guards persecuted her using all means in order to "transform" her. They forced her to clean the restroom, remain standing for a long period of time, and intensively read slanderous materials. She was not allowed to take a bath, wash her hair or wash her clothes. They also made "personal cangues" beat and insult her. After they failed to "transform" her, they sent her to the Fifth Ward, which meant the most intense labor. After she finished the labor in the evening when everyone else rested, she was forced to study CCP propaganda until midnight.
Li Zhangqun, who is in her sixties, was arrested in June 2003 and sentenced to four years by the local court. She was sent to the women's prison in June 2004. Her daughter Qin Li, who was sentenced to eight years, was also detained at the prison in the same month. In the prison newcomer's team, the guard did not permit the mother and daughter to talk to each other. After more than ten days, Li Zhangqun was transferred to another ward. Because she refused to be "transformed," she was forced to do slave labor. She was frequently forced to carry heavy bags of beads that weighed more than 100 Jin (about 110 lbs.) per bag. The guards also frequently verbally abused her. They deliberately created conflicts between her and the criminal inmates.
Su Bin, who is in her thirties, is from Bishan. She was sentenced to ten years by the local court. Su Bin was detained at the women's prison in 2002, and she was placed in the Fourth Ward, which houses felons. Because she persistently refused to give up her beliefs, she was subjected to both physical and mental torture. She is very weak right now and was once at the brink of death. She was force-fed with food and drugs, and she was injected with unknown drugs in the prison hospital. When she recovered slightly, she was forced to do slave labor. Moreover, she was not allowed to contact anyone.
(1) Personal cangues - Cangue, the name of an instrument of torture, is now used to indicate the person who was designated to supervise the practitioners around the clock.
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