(Minghui.org) Twelve more Falun Dafa books have been officially published, including Master's:
“Teaching the Fa at the Conference in Houston,”
“Teaching the Fa at the Discussion on Writing Music and Creating Fine Art,”
“Teaching the Fa in San Francisco, 2005,”
“Teaching the Fa at the 2004 International Fa Conference in New York”
“Teaching the Fa in the City of Los Angeles”
and seven collections of Fa-teaching in different cities.
Electronic versions of these books (simplified Chinese) can be downloaded from Minghui website: (http://www.minghui.org/book/ and FalunDafa.org website (http://www.falundafa.org/book/chigb.htm)
A list of the twelve books:
“Teaching the Fa at the Conference in Houston”
“Teaching the Fa at the Conference I”
“Teaching the Fa at the Conference II”
“Teaching the Fa at the Conference III”
“Teaching the Fa at the Discussion on
Writing Music and Creating Fine Art”
“Teaching the Fa at the Conference IV”
“Teaching the Fa at the Conference V”
“Teaching the Fa at the Conference VI”
“Teaching the Fa at the 2004 International Fa Conference in New York”
“Teaching the Fa at the Conference VII”
“Teaching the Fa in San Francisco, 2005”
“Teaching the Fa in the City of Los Angeles”
Category: Books & Publications