(Clearwisdom.net) Nowadays, computers are ever more popular as more Chinese people in China are beginning to connect to the Internet. I would therefore like to share with other practitioners my experiences about clarifying the truth through the Internet.
I first learned to chat with others over the Internet in August 2006. However, during that time, my typing speed was very slow. So I learned that whenever I chatted with others, I should also practice and improve on my typing skills. Soon after, I experienced some tribulations in clarifying the truth using this method. At first, it was very difficult to persuade people to quit the CCP. My account was then blocked so I could not open it but I later applied for another account. I got to know several people through clarifying the truth and became friends with them. Perhaps since I am a teacher, I know how to communicate with people, so I easily got to know them. I talked with with them about life, society and personal matters so that I could then ask them for their phone numbers or instead they just voluntarily gave their numbers to me. I then clarified the truth further to them via telephone. During this period of time, I was interfered with by my attachments to sentimentality, and I needed to eliminate these attachments.
I would now like to share some things about a friend of mine who I had met through the Internet. He is from Tibet, which is to the Northwest of where I live. I clarified the truth to him about the illegal persecution of Falun Gong and he was familiar with it. According to him, when Falun Gong was persecuted there, several teachers were arrested but he knew the truth about Falun Gong. During a meeting, he guaranteed to his colleagues that, "After ten years, Falun Gong will be redressed." After he said that, his colleagues did not believe him and didn't understand why he dared to say such things publicly.
When I had first met him, he was just learning how to chat with others. He had some free time because some of his colleagues proposed that he needed to lay off eight employees at his workplace, but instead he asked for leave. According to him, he wanted to find a girlfriend so he decided to use the Internet to further his goals. Although, at first he felt, "This woman is very kind so I should not have such dirty thoughts about her. I should respect her instead." My friend told me his attachment to lust had vanished as we talked. The power of Dafa is truly miraculous.
We later talked about our views of Tibet Buddhism and all the things he had witnessed. He said that Buddhism was a righteous belief, not superstition, and he wanted to find a righteous belief. I shared about what I believe. He said, "Can you introduce me to your belief? I want to cultivate also." I told him, "Falun Dafa."
I sent all the electronic Dafa books to him and he received them very quickly thanks to Teacher's help. However, when he read the books, he could not focus on the reading because he had a headache. When I heard this, I told him my understanding was that he was experiencing thought karma. He began to share more things with me about his initial cultivation state. He had attachments to hunting, fishing, drinking and smoking cigarettes. He also did some bad things in his relationships with members of the opposite sex. My friend told me that he would get rid of his attachment, then cultivate diligently and with a pure heart. Since then, we have shared our experiences with each other. Sometimes, he had difficulty sleeping, and when he could not sleep, he thought to himself repeatedly, "All the lives that I have killed, listen... I have begun to cultivate Dafa. Do not interfere with my cultivation." When he had these thoughts, he felt as if all of the thought karma had disappeared, something he had never experienced before. His headache vanished and he could read the Fa quietly after that.
One month into his cultivation, he could sit in the full-lotus position and asked how to send forth righteous thoughts soon after. The Sanjiangyuan National Nature Reserve (1) has been his practice site, and several pictures were taken of him practicing there. Faluns appeared in the photographs. Since he started practicing Falun Dafa, he has felt very grateful and fortunate. Had he never cultivated in Dafa, he said that he would also have the attachment to material gains and profit. After he started his cultivation, he has relinquished many attachments including attachments to smoking, drinking, hunting, fishing, material gain and to pornography. He truly believes that the boundless power of Teacher and Dafa has saved him.
1The Sanjiangyuan National Nature Reserve is a large wetlands protected site in China - the Yangtze and Mekong rivers flow through the area.
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Category: Clarifying the Truth