(Clearwisdom.net) On September 15, Falun Dafa practitioners participated in the annual Green Tree Festival of Kirkwood, Missouri for the 6th year. Since it was shortly after 9-11, the theme of this year's event was commemorating the American heroes who saved lives during the disaster. As in previous years, the crowd gave Falun Dafa a warm welcome.
Falun Dafa practitioners participate in Green Tree Festival parade |
Despite the chilly weather, the spectators were joyful. Four practitioners demonstrated the Falun Gong exercises on the decorated float and the crowd applauded and shouted out, "How peaceful!" "Beautiful," "Wonderful," "Thank you!" Many people waited with outstretched hands to receive truth-clarification fliers.
With more and more Fa-spreading activities and truth-clarification endeavors, people seem to understand Falun Dafa more deeply. As one boy received a flier, he pressed his hands in front of his chest and said, "Thank you, Buddha!" As the parade was passing the platform, the host introduced Falun Dafa as an ancient Chinese cultivation practice that has spread to over 80 countries in the world with more than 100 million people greatly benefiting from it.
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