(Clearwisdom.net) From 1999 to 2000, my husband and I always distributed truth-clarifying materials at midnight. Before cultivation, I had never dared go out at night, but I am afraid of nothing at all now and I am brave enough to do anything that conforms to the standard of the Fa.
Since July 20, 1999, when the persecution started, I have been illegally arrested and detained many times. The first detention was in my local county's drug abstention center. The second time, I was held in my local county's first detention center, but went on a hunger strike for nine days in protest and was released. But after only one night at home, several policemen came and took me to be locked up in the Drug Abstention Center again. Once when I was preparing supper in the afternoon, ten policemen came, claiming to collect me for a so-called "study group" and dragged me into a car and then to the Drug Abstention Center.
The following are some of my experiences validating the Fa in Beijing.
My husband and I traveled to Beijing again in November 2000 and hung a banner in Tiananmen Square to tell everyone the truth about Falun Gong and the persecution. One heartfelt sentence, "Falun Dafa is good" brought out the police and we Dafa practitioners were dragged into a police car and sent to a place unknown to us. Since there were so many of us, we couldn't fit into the room. My husband and other fellow practitioners were sent somewhere else and thus we were separated. Shortly afterwards, I was taken to another police station with seven other practitioners and two hours later, we were taken to the railway station to be sent home. My fellow practitioners went home by train and I was left alone and homeless and had to sleep on the street.
As I come from the south, I had never experienced such cold weather and soon I became very cold and hungry. Then I thought of Master's words, "When it is difficult to endure, you can endure it. When it is impossible to do, you can do it." (Zhuan Falun, English translation version 2000) I gritted my teeth, and made it through the night. The next day, I found a Dafa practitioner's home in Beijing and stayed in her house while I continued to persevere in clarifying the truth. But it did not take long before the police tapped the phone and broke into our house. They took away our money, cell phone, pager, Dafa materials and all the valuables and took us to the Xiluyuan Police Station. I was taken to a room where three men waited. Two of them stared at me with malicious looks and a third man asked me, "Where are you from?" I did not reply. Another one raised an electric baton and threatened: "If you do not tell me, I will subject you to an electric shock." I thought of Master's words, "I am rooted in the universe. If anyone can harm you, he or she would be able to harm me. Put simply, that person would be able to harm this universe." ("Lecture One", Zhuan Falun, English translation version 2000). When the man shocked me, I did not make a sound or move. Then I heard another man utter, "What a Falun Gong practitioner!" They tied my hands behind my back and I was pushed into the corridor and then handcuffed to a hot-water pipe. After a while, another man, who was about 1.8 meters tall, walked towards me, swearing. He lifted his right foot and kicked me, and then I was left to stand until the morning, still cuffed to the pipe.
On the following day, I was sent to the Fangshan Detention Center. As soon as I arrived, the vicious police kicked me in the back so hard that I was thrown several steps forward. Then a malicious policewoman slapped my face with both her hands until I was bleeding all over. I was then strip-searched and locked in the jail. There were many Dafa practitioners there, with about one hundred in each small room. With not enough space to sleep, some had to sit or stand the whole night. Elder Dafa practitioners sat and slept at night while young practitioners just stood up and slept. Twenty days passed in this way.
One day, a policeman dragged me out and took me to a room where I was forced to sit on a chair designed for torturing prisoners. The chair was so high that I had to climb up two steps to sit on it. The chair belt was fastened before I could sit still. The policeman said nothing and took a 60-centimeter (two-foot) long electric baton with three electric arcs. I was subjected to electric shocks first on my head and then on my shoulders. I gazed at him with a righteous look. He swore while torturing me. I said to him, "Good is rewarded with good and evil meets evil. The evil will for sure receive retribution, and it is only a matter of time." After hearing this, he began using the baton all over my head in a mad manner while his head rocked from side to side like a cradle. He uttered: "I have been torturing and beating people like this for more than ten years. I don't believe that evil will be punished. I will torture you like this even if I go down to hell!" and, "I will shock you to death." I recalled Master's words, "Dafa is what you carry everywhere, Zhen Shan Ren, rooted in the mind; A great Arhat walks the earth, Gods and demons fear with awe." ("Benevolent Might," "Hong Yin"). After I finished reciting Master's words, the cruel man stopped beating and torturing me.
I was detained in Fangshan Detention Center and endured all kinds of physical and mental torture for 28 days; they were like days in hell.
Beijing in winter is a world of ice and snow. Seeing white snowflakes falling on my body, I suddenly felt very lonely and thought of going back home. I didn't have any money, though, and later I started to miss my husband, wondering where he was. Numerous human notions appeared in my mind. Then I asked myself, "Why did you come to Beijing? Isn't it to validate the Fa that you are here?" Then I thought of Master and came to realize that Master is always by my side, and I no longer felt afraid or lonely.
I went to Tiananmen Square again on Chinese New Year in 2001. The police had a rigorous inspection set up outside, and would refuse to allow anyone to pass into the Square without an Identification Card. On every road to the square, the police were stationed, watching people. I thought of ways that I could enter, and finally made my way to the square and uttered, "Falun Dafa is good." Although I was again pushed into a police car, I had no fear, and my only thought was, "Falun Dafa is good."
On the seventh day of the Chinese lunar year, the police took me back to my home county and I was illegally detained in the second Detention Center.
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