(Clearwisdom.net) My 58-year old sister began to practice Falun Gong more than 10 years ago. Unfortunately, she soon stopped practicing because she was scared of the negative propaganda of the government, although she knew that Falun Gong was very good. I met her recently after not having seen her for half a year. Her strong and healthy appearance surprised me because she had previously looked rather ill all the time. As soon as we met, she excitedly told me that she had started to practice diligently again.
She told me that since last spring, people had basically resumed practicing at her house again. Some of her friends had come to ask her to do the exercises together and she thought that maybe the time was right for her. She started to eliminate karma as soon as she started practicing Falun Gong again and had shed the old skin from all over her body. She knew that merciful Master was taking care of her again. She is striving to improve her xinxing and insists on practicing Falun Gong every day. One day when she was doing the exercises, she saw Master smile at her from the TV screen although the TV was turned off at the time. Master was wearing a light yellow top with light blue trousers and smiled at her until she finished doing the exercises. My sister felt very blessed. She knew that Master was encouraging her. In addition, now, when she is doing the exercises, she can see many Faluns of different sizes and colors rotating around her. She knows that everything written in Zhuan Falun is real. She has told her relatives and friends what she has seen and asks them to please start practicing Falun Gong immediately. She is worried about those who still don't practice Falun Gong.
People have witnessed the miracles of Dafa in her. The high blood pressure from which she suffered for many years is gone now, and many other diseases are also gone. She moves like a young person and is able to carry a heavy bucket of water ten times without a break. She has changed a lot and the changes are genuine. She says that she is the happiest person on earth because she practices Falun Dafa. Sometimes, when she is out and about she can't help saying, "Falun Dafa is good."
When I saw how much she had changed, I congratulated her and said, "A blessing to you, dear Sister!"
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