(Clearwisdom.net) I began practicing Falun Gong several months before the rampant persecution of Falun Gong was initiated by the Jiang regime.
One day the local government notified us that the practice of Falun Gong was forbidden in parks, and ordered local public security agencies, the police, and courts to clear the parks completely. Many fellow practitioners had not heard this announcement and we went to park to practice as usual. When we approached the entrance to the park, a janitor told us that today the government would come here to clear the park of Dafa practitioners. He asked if we were still going to practice. I said that they would have to clear the park while I practiced the exercises. We went to the practice site and started to do the sitting meditation. We had just practiced for a while when the personnel from public security, the police, and the courts came to clear the park. We kept practicing. Half a hour later several fellow practitioners stood up, and only two of us did not stop until we finished the exercise. When I opened my eyes, I found there were many people surrounding the site. We left the site openly and in a dignified manner, and the surrounding crowd automatically allowed us to pass.
Afterwards a fellow practitioner with an opened Celestial Eye said there was a shield above the practice site, that was covered by red light, and Master's fashen guarded the site above the shield. He said that the scene was very splendid and beyond description. This was the real reason that during our one hour's exercise nobody touched us or shouted. It also validated what Master mentioned in Zhuan Falun:
"And how does it protect you? Our Law Wheel protects you if you're a true cultivator. My roots are all deeply planted in the universe, and if someone could affect you, he could affect me, and to put it directly, he'd be able to affect the universe." (English version 2003, "The First Talk")
I realized that it does not matter if we are new or veteran practitioners, if we truly follow the standard of Dafa and cultivate ourselves according to Master's requirements, then Master will protect us everywhere and nobody can affect us.
There was a very evil head guard in the labor camp where I was sent, and he used extremely cruel measures to torture Falun Gong practitioners. His crimes were repeatedly exposed on Clearwisdom.net. Even if Falun Gong practitioners whispered very quietly to one another, this officer would angrily torture them with an electric baton. Because some fellow practitioners did not cooperate with the persecutor's requirements, the camp increased the work to sixteen hours a day. Some practitioners refused to work, and the police talked to them one by one and tried to force them to admit they were wrong. In the evening an officer called me into the office. I said that it was right for us to refuse to work since we were saving them by causing them to commit fewer crimes. We talked for more than two hours, and finally the police officer became upset and threatened: "Don't force me to pass you to the head guard, you will not stand it for long if you are with him." It seemed that I had to face the evil head guard.
Actually I never was afraid of this head guard; I was wondering if he was afraid of me, and if so, to what extent. I was thinking of protesting the persecution and cooperating as one body so that we could change the evil environment. To avoid being noticed by the evil and isolated from the other practitioners, I decided that no matter what method this guard used to torture me, I would not be moved.
On the second day, the head guard called me into his office where he tortured Dafa practitioners. As soon as I entered the room, he said viciously, "Tell me about why you lead others to violate the regulations." I said plainly, "You are lost in delusion." Then he switched on the electric baton with a green light, and he walked towards me slowly. I did not think of anything, and I looked at him. He shocked my hands first then he moved the baton toward my eyes. I moved my face instinctively and my jaw was shocked. I stood still. He quickly backed up and said that the voltage was not high enough and that he would do this to me again if it continued like this. Then he threw the electric baton into a cabinet and hurriedly ran away. I wondered, why did he run away?
After I this experience, I further understood Master's "Also In A Few Words". Master said:
"Indestructible righteous faith in the cosmos's Truth forms benevolent Dafa disciples' rock-solid, Diamond-Like Bodies, it frightens all evil, and the light of Truth it emanates makes the unrighteous elements in all beings' thoughts disintegrate. However strong the righteous thoughts are, that's how great the power is."
How should we understand righteous thought? How do righteous thoughts come about? How do we manifest the power of righteous thought? I think that righteous thoughts are to firmly believe in Master and the Fa. Under persecution, tribulation or in any situation, we should never give up, never understand Dafa with human notions and thoughts, never understand Master from the basis of human thoughts and sentiment. If you can actually do it, who dares to persecute you? Nobody can affect you. If Dafa disciples as one body can do it, then the evil will be eliminated immediately and the persecution will end.
I find it hard to write down what I understand; please point out anything that is out of alignment with the Fa.
January 7, 2008
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