(Clearwisdom.net) I pass by a primary school and an institute every day on my way to work. I decided to make use of this opportunity to clarify the facts to a few students and encourage them to quit the Communist Party's Young Pioneers. I also told them to tell more of their classmates about quitting the Young Pioneers. Not long after, through this small group of students, almost all the pupils in this primary school had heard about quitting the Young Pioneers. I realized that primary school pupils are very pure, with little worry or concern, and that's why the information spread so quickly.
On my way home from work one day, I stopped to write down the names of a few students who wanted to quit the Young Pioneers. Many pupils crowded around me, telling me they wanted to quit the organization, and in less than an hour, I had written down many names. The children told me that the whole school had heard I was there, so they all came to quit the Young Pioneers. Out of safety concerns, I did not want to stay much longer, but I could not get away because I was surrounded by so many pupils. I told them if they wanted to quit the Young Pioneers, they could simply write their names on a piece of paper and give it to me next time they saw me. But they wouldn't leave and said to me anxiously, "Aunty, if you go, it is like you are not rescuing those who are in mortal danger. We come to you to be rescued, but you want to go home. What if we run into an accident tomorrow?" When I got home and counted up all the names, I saw that more than 280 pupils had registered to quit the Young Pioneers.
In view of their urgent desire of the pupils to quit the Young Pioneers, I started to prepare "truth-clarifying" materials for them, including "Chinese New Year Spectacular," "The Current of Quiting the CCP and You" and "Traveling Through Heaven and Earth in Wind and Rain." I gave these materials to the pupils who had already quit the Young Pioneers and told them to share the materials with their classmates. Soon, many pupils started asking me for CDs and brochures when they saw me. What was even more precious was that the students also gave me a list of names of their classmates who wanted to quit the Young Pioneers. Close to 400 children from that school have quit the Young Pioneers through me. In some classes, almost everyone has quit the organization. Whenever the pupils see me, they greet me enthusiastically and ask me for Dafa materials and CDs.
The children told me that they showed the truth clarification materials and CDs to their teachers and the school principal. After they watched the CD, they all said it was good and told the pupils, "Falun Gong is good." Based on this information, I prepared some materials and CDs for the teachers and the school principal, including the Nine Commentaries on the Communist Party and a letter to the teachers. Then I asked the pupils to pass these to their teachers and the school principal. Seeing the happiness and excitement in their young faces, I felt really happy for them from the bottom of my heart.
A few pupils from another school nearby often ran into me on their way to school. I helped them quit the Young Pioneers with a similar approach. They later became very good friends of mine. After they quit the Young Pioneers, they also told their classmates about it and gave me lists of names of children who wanted to quit. I provided them with Dafa materials and CDs, and they gave me lists of names from time to time. Quiting the Young Pioneers has also become widespread in their school.
I can see that the ability of school students in spreading the truth must not be taken lightly. In the past, we followed conventional ways of thinking and always wanted to let the parents lead the way for the children to follow, but the result was not very good. When we help the pupils understand the facts and let them lead the way for the adults, the results are quite remarkable.
Based on my experience, I started to clarify the facts to the students from the institute in twos and threes when I passed by, and I encouraged them to quit the Communist Party organizations. I also gave them complete sets of CDs of truth materials to distribute among their classmates. After a while, many students quit the CCP organizations, and I was also able to distribute many truth materials to the institute through the students. Almost everyone in the institute soon knew the facts.
Because we prepare all our truth clarification materials with our hearts, their effectiveness is not surprising. All those who have read our materials or watched our CDs say they are very good, with rich content. Many are so taken with our materials that they have picked up the phone and quit the CCP organizations after reading the materials. I have also made use of the time to clarify the facts to people whenever I go out on business. I find it both time-saving and effective. Our truth materials are being spread far and wide.
Fellow practitioners, hurry up and act. Time is becoming more and more pressing. We should let go of all our human notions and cultivate to attain the righteous enlightenment of selflessness and altruism.
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