During the last eight years, because of practicing Falun Gong, Mr. Gu Wenqi was abused and tortured in brainwashing center, psychiatric hospital, forced labor camp and jail on different occasions. After serving a five year term in Jinzhou City Prison, he became mentally disoriented due to the injection with unknown drugs by guards.
Ms. Lu Guiling was arrested on November 12, 2008 and subsequently sentenced to 19 years of imprisonment. Ms. Lu has been imprisoned and brutally tortured in the past. One incidence in 2003 led to a United Nations investigation and appeal on her behalf.
In July 2008 the police in Shashi detained Ms. Song at the Station for Women and Children's Health and forced her to have an abortion.
Gao Weixi has been detained at the 3rd Detention Center of Changchun City until November 2008, a year and a half in total. He has been sentenced to seven years.
Ms. Liu Xiaolian has been arrested, severly tortured, and released several times. In 2003 an internet article was published describing her inhumane torture. She was later rearrested and returned to the same facility, where the staff sought revenge. After being released from her latest round of torture in September, 2008, she died in October, 2008.
Ms. Hu Ying and other prisoners in the same facility are suffering forced feeding and other tortures.
Mr. Tan Weichang was arrested when he visited a fellow Falun Gong practitioner. After being jailed for one year, CCP authorities sentenced him to three years of imprisonment without any court session.
Clearwisdom.net and its Chinese-language sister-website (minghui.ca) provide first-hand reports about the horrors of the persecution of Falun Gong in China. Dozens of reports are received every day from the victims of torture, the wrongfully imprisoned, and families crippled by the senseless hardship and grief for their loved ones imposed by the persecution. In contrast, the websites also report positive news and events from the more than 80 countries around the world where Falun Gong is practiced, and serve as an online forum for practitioners to share stories of the good things Falun Gong has brought to their lives. For more information, please contact editor@clearwisdom.net.
All content published on this website is copyrighted by Minghui.org. Minghui will produce compilations of its online content regularly and on special occasions.
Category: Bi-monthly newsletter