(Clearwisdom.net) On December 19, 2008, Divine Performing Arts (DPA) New York Company initiated its 2009 World Tour at the Merriam Theater in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania. This is the third time DPA will be performing in Philadelphia and there will be four shows there this year.
![]() Divine Performing Arts New York Company debuts in Philadelphia |
![]() Mr. Andrew Toy (left), an official of the Pennsylvania State Government, presents a proclamation from the Governor |
The Merriam Theater is located on Broad Street, also known as the Avenue of the Arts in Philadelphia. On December 19, a large crowd gathered at the theater and spent a delightful evening watching the DPA's performance.
![]() Grant Grissom is very interested in the inner meaning of the programs |
Mr. Grant Grissom and his wife Gay accepted an interview during the intermission. They both said, "Fantastic! The dance moves are beautiful." Regarding some programs in the show, the couple asked questions and talked with this reporter. Mr. Grissom wanted to know more about the meaning of some of the lyrics. Ms. Grissom was interested in the story of "The Udumbara's Bloom". Ms. Grace, the manager of a post office, often watches art performances. She said, "This show is equal to the top world class art company I like most, but this has richer cultural content." She said she liked all the programs and understood the cultural content displayed in the performance from the hosts' explanation. She especially liked the dancing since the dancers were professional, yet danced with their hearts.
![]() Engineer Keith Gosling and his wife, grandsons and granddaughters |
Engineer Keith Gosling, who used to work for The National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA), and his wife brought their five grandchildren to watch the show. Mr. Gosling said, "I liked all the programs. This performance is special in its cultural connotation."
![]() Mieg Lie and his family learn much about Chinese culture and history |
![]() Elianavilica & Jamie Gonzalez praise the show |
Mieg Lie is a Chinese descendant from Malaysia. He brought his wife and children to watch the show. They enjoyed the performance and learned a lot about Chinese culture and history. His six-year-old son Timothy said he liked the program, "The Monkey King Triumphs".
Before the start of the performance, Mr. Andrew Toy, an official of the Pennsylvania State Government, presented a proclamation from the Governor.
DPA New York Company will perform three more shows in the Merriam Theater at 2:30 p.m. and 7:30 p.m. on December 20 and 2:30 p.m. on December 21.
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