(Clearwisdom.net) The fourth show of the Divine Performing Arts of New York (DPANY) in Osaka, Japan successfully concluded on the evening of February 20, 2008. It was the last show in Japan, the first country of the DPA tour in Asia. The Japanese audience was enchanted by the divine Chinese culture throughout the nine shows.
The audience at the very last show gave a long standing applause, and waved and cheered at the artists after the show. They thanked the Diving Performing Arts for giving the Japanese audience an opportunity to learn the pure beauty of authentic and profound Chinese culture.

Mr. Yokokura, member of the Osaka Prefectural Assembly, attended the third show in Osaka on the afternoon of February 20. He sang high praise for the DPANY show, for promoting the traditional culture.
Osaka Prefectural Assembly member Mr. Yokokura
Mr. Yokokura said, "No matter which area or country you live in, I think the traditional culture should be respected, strengthened, protected and promoted. It is very important... It is great that overseas Chinese have created such a wonderful show. I think it is worth learning about for the Japanese."
Osaka City Councilwoman Junko attended the third show and said, "It's a wonderful show! The dances and costumes are gorgeous! The 'Chopstick Zest' performance was very interesting! The dancers are highly skilled! It is my first time seeing a traditional Chinese cultural show. It think it is great!"
Yokoso City Councilman Mr. Yokoyama missed the show in Tokyo but made the effort to come all the way to Osaka to see the show. He said excitedly, "I could feel the long history of China. The stage looked magnificent. I was very impressed by 'The Risen Lotus Flower' in which the three women were persecuted for staying steadfast on truth. The story moved my heart. I could completely understand the meaning of the story from the facial expressions of the dancers."
Ms. Chisako Minami
Ms. Chisako Minami heard about the show from a friend. She happened to read the news about the Chinese Consulate to Sweden interfering with the show. She immediately decided to come see it.
She said with excitement, "It's a wonderful show! I was surprised to learn that China has such great classic dance. It is the first time I have seen a show of such high caliber.
Mr. Xu, who came to Japan from China for music education research, said the show was very colorful, and he was very touched. Mr. Xu expressed his feelings about human rights in China by saying, "The persecution of Falun Gong is still going on in China. I think the happiness of individuals shouldn't be controlled by the government. I hope there will be freedom of religion and faith in China."
The Divine Performing Arts is heading to Korea and Taiwan for their next performances on the tour.
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