(Clearwisdom.net) From February 22 to 24, the Divine Performing Arts gave four performances of the Chinese New Year Spectacular in Seoul, Korea to appreciative and enthusiastic audiences.
People didn't want to leave after the fourth show.
Chair of Dokdo Island Tourism Association: Wonderful show was like a dream
Mr. Liu Genzhong is the chair of the Dokdo Island Tourism Association. He highly praised the show, saying, "It was like a dream." He liked the background scenes, and his favorite dance was "The Lady of the Moon." He said the colors of the costumes and backgrounds were harmonious and gave people a peaceful feeling.
He has watched several shows in China. He said: "Probably due to the influence of the communist party, the shows in China have a dark and grey color and make people depressed. But today, the Divine Performing Arts brought the audience purity and brightness. It is a great pity if one misses this show."
He thanked all the actors for their fabulous performances and felt fortunate that he had a chance to watch the show.
Korean Congressman: It is the real story happening in China
Congressman Cheng Yi-chuan heard about the show from a family member of a Falun Gong practitioner who is being jailed in China.
Congressman Cheng is concerned about the human rights situation in China. To him, the most impressive performance of the show is the dance, "The Risen Lotus Flower," which exposes the persecution of Falun Gong in China. He said it is the real story happening in China now. He knows how brutal the persecution is and how brave Falun Gong practitioners are in the face of the torture.
He said: "the show helps people to improve their moral standards, and this is very meaningful. The Chinese people and Korean people have the similar ways of thinking, so Korean people have no problem understanding the show."
Congressman Cheng said: "Falun Gong gives people health. Why does the Chinese government persecute it? In the future, everybody in the world will be able to practice Falun Gong. I cannot understand why the Chinese government is persecuting it."
Secretary of congressman: A precious and rare show
Mr. Park is a secretary of a congressman. He watched the Divine Performing Arts' show last year and came to the show again this year. He heard about the Chinese Embassy's interference with the show and is concerned about it.
He said: "I saw the show last year. It is a traditional Chinese culture show, but since a communist country is involved, the Korean government is worried about business relationships with China. I feel regret about it. I don't think democracy in Korea is developed enough."
Mr. Park said the show this year is even better than the one last year. He said: "It is a very precious and rare show. It perfectly combines the traditional and modern arts. Korea and other Asian countries are influenced by the Chinese culture. The show is very touching and demonstrates the Asian culture."
Dancer: I was amazed by the show
Mr. Zhang Haozhi, a professional dancer
To fully enjoy the show and have a big picture of the scene, Mr. Zhang, a professional dancer, bought a balcony ticket. He said he was amazed by the show. "I am also in the field of stage art, so I was amazed at how wonderful the show was. The background scene and stage design were great. The dances had very profound meaning too. So, my heart was deeply touched. I dance for the public too, and I have learned a lot from this show. The classical dances are so beautiful and the costumes are like from one's dream."
Human rights lawyer: Thank the performing arts troupe for coming to Korea
Mr. Kim Namjun, a famous Korean human rights lawyer, said that the Korean people should have a correct understanding of the persecution of Falun Gong. He said that although there was some interference with the show this year, the situation is better than last year.
Mr. Kim said: "Korea does a lot of business with China, so people may think we should consider our relationship with China. But it is very wrong that the Chinese government persecutes a cultivation group. Korea is a democrat country, so we should look at this thing from a different view point."
Mr. Kim said,"The Korean public doesn't know very well the details of the persecution or why the Chinese government is doing this. So I think we should tell people that the persecution is illegal."
Mr. Kim watched the show last year. He thinks the show this year is even better, and the contents are richer. His favorite was the "Water Sleeve" dance.
Mr. Kim is a human rights lawyer and used to be a legal assistant of a government official. He was the lawyer of Falun Gong practitioners in a refugee case. In January, two Falun Gong practitioners won the case and it was the first time that an Asian country has given Falun Gong practitioners refugee status.
My good fortune
Mr. Wang Heehao, a businessman, was very touched by the dance, "The Power of Awareness" and "The Fruits of Goodness." He said it was his good fortune to have the chance to watch such a good show.
I felt the existence of gods
Mrs. Huang came to the show with her daughter. She said: "I sensed immense power in the show, which is connected with heaven. I was very touched and watched the show with respect for gods. I hope more people can see it."
Mrs. Huang: "I appreciate that my daughter could watch the show."
She said: "I appreciate that my daughter could watch the show." She was deeply touched by the dances and she said she could feel the existence of gods.
Audience blames Chinese Embassy for interfering with the show
Mr. Han, the chief of a Buddhist TV station, blamed the Chinese Embassy for interfering with the show. He said, "People should remember the principle of 'Truthfulness-Compassion-Forbearance' which was demonstrated by the show. Politicians should also follow it. But unfortunately people always focus on economic interests and forget about justice. I think this show promotes China and brings Chinese culture to the world, but apparently this is not what the Chinese government wants."
Han Chiyuan, the chief of a Buddhist TV station
Mr. Cui Luhsing, the representative of HEART Korea, expressed that the dance "The Power of Awareness" showed that people have the power to stand up to a tyrannical government. He said, "In modern society, it is wrong to ruin a culture. We should stand up to protest it. Korean people should also stand up against the interference. As demonstrated in the show, the people's power is immense."
Mrs. Cui Yingji, a professional dancer, said, "I learned about the show from the newspaper. Since I am a dancer, I wanted to come. I also learned that the Chinese embassy was trying to interfere with the show. I don't understand why. I came to the show with this question. After watching it, I don't see any reason."
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