(Clearwisdom.net) Greetings, respected Master and fellow practitioners,
Since 1999, when the evildoers began to persecute Falun Dafa practitioners, another practitioner and I, as cultivators of Truthfulness, Compassion and Tolerance, have gone to an airport after work to distribute Falun Dafa truth-clarification materials and told people the facts about Falun Gong, so visiting fellow citizens from China can learn of the persecution.
The following are some of my experiences:
We have met all sorts of people in the past few years. Some accepted the flyers, but others did not, and in addition, would scold me and make gestures to hit me. Especially during the onset of the persecution, more people were negative toward Dafa.
But whether or not they accepted Dafa information, I treated them the same, considering them all as people who needed to be saved. Telling people the facts often reminded me of Master's article,
"Compassion can harmonize Heaven and Earth, ushering in spring
Righteous thoughts can save the people in this world." ("The Fa Rectifies the Cosmos," in Hongyin II, Translation Version A)
It dawned on me that nothing will be too difficult as long as I have a heart to offer salvation to sentient beings. For example, another practitioner and I initially went to a China-bound airline waiting room to distribute truth-clarification materials. I gave every boarding passenger a set of materials, while the other practitioner held up a poster next to the gate.
All the passengers would at least see the poster, even if they did not accept our handouts. Everyone reacted differently. Some were shocked. Some showed no expression. Some were angry. Whatever their reactions, seeing the poster must have impacted them in some way.
Once when I handed some material to a passenger returning to China, he threw it on the ground after a quick glance and kept saying, "I don't believe it." I felt embarrassed and sorry for him. Then I thought that the monks in the past had to beg for food, while we are giving people the most precious things. We do not ask anything from anyone, so we have nothing to feel ashamed of. I picked up the material and said to him with a smile, "Thank you. But if you are not reading it, you could have returned it to me. Don't throw it on the ground. Don't get upset! It is not good for your health. Also, if you do not believe that the Communist party persecutes Falun Gong, you should investigate it when you get home. You look to me like a decent and intelligent person. You must know how to tell right from wrong. I wish you a good future. Falun Gong practitioners are all good people. They all follow the principles of 'Truthfulness, Compassion, and Tolerance' to cultivate." He was embarrassed and apologized. I said, "It is quite all right. Just don't forget to find out what Falun Gong truly is." He smiled at me, and nodded and left. I believe his knowing side must be happy.
Another time I met a couple with two daughters, about 17 or 18 years old. The man took my materials, but the wife grabbed them and threw them on the ground and went to the counter afterwards. I picked the materials up and thanked them. The two daughters were stunned. I smiled and said to them, "Falun Gong teaches us to adhere to 'Truthfulness, Compassion and Tolerance.' It teaches us to be good people. It also teaches us do the exercises and get healthy. But the Chinese Communist Party (CCP) is persecuting practitioners. Before I could finish, the mother dragged the daughters away. But another bystander said to me, "Can I have one?" Other people also came to get a flyer. Very soon I had run out of the truth-clarifying materials I had with me. I truly wanted to thank that mother who gave me the opportunity to tell more people the truth.
Ever since the Epoch Times published the Nine Commentaries on the Communist Party, I would always hand the visitors from China at the airport a copy and tell them that they needed to quit the CCP and its affiliated organizations. When I asked them to quit the CCP, at the beginning some would say that Falun Gong is "involved in politics." I told them that we cultivators do not seek recognition nor are we after personal interest, and we have no interest in politics. If it were not for the CCP's persecution of Falun Gong, we would not be doing what we are doing.
There are so many who do not know the facts, so we have to expend effort to tell them.
The past several years have gone quickly. To tell people the facts of Falun Gong is not that difficult. People accept the truth more readily now. The change in people's attitude is a result of our persistence in telling them the facts.
A few days ago I met a teacher who led fifty high school students from Beijing on a tour to Los Angeles. I sent righteous thoughts to get rid of any evil elements behind them. I gave the guide a copy of the Nine Commentaries and told him, "Why don't you read this? It describes clearly all the atrocities the CCP has done in China. More than 30 million people have quit the CCP, the Youth League, and the Young Pioneers." I urged him to quit, too. He smiled but did not say anything. I said, "I hope you can make the right decision for your future after you read this." He smiled and nodded. I gave each and every student a copy of truth-clarifying material. The students saw that neither the teacher nor the guide stopped them and accepted the materials happily. Their knowing sides must have been cheering. They were here just for the truth.
I also gave the Epoch Times and the Nine Commentaries to a man and woman who were college student from Shanghai. I explained the truth to them and urged them to quit the CCP. The woman student said harshly, "Don't tell us about this. We don't believe it. You are involved in politics." I looked at her (while sending righteous thoughts to get rid of the evil behind her in other dimensions) and smiled, "Miss, you are pretty, and apparently nice, too. I believe you can tell right from wrong, and you know about the heavenly principle that you reap what you sow. Please answer me: are we engaging in politics when we stand up for fellow practitioners who are being persecuted? If your family members or your relatives were persecuted the same way, would you still think like this? Furthermore, since the CCP took over, the things the Party has done range from suppressing so-called counter-revolutionaries, fighting against the "three groups", fighting the "five groups", fighting the so-called "rightists", the Great Leap Forward, The Cultural Revolution, the 1989 Tiananmen Square massacre, and the persecution of Falun Gong. The CCP has killed over 80 million of our country's people, which exceeds the total of people killed in the last two world wars."
I continued, "Furthermore, Falun Gong practitioners all follow the principles of 'Truthfulness, Compassion, and Tolerance' to be good people. They have been imprisoned, tortured, killed, and their organs extracted. This is the greatest atrocity. The CCP has committed too many crimes. There is a saying, 'The heavens will deal with it if men do not.' No matter how strong the CCP appears on the surface today, the day the heavens will deal with it is imminent. You know as well as I do, the Communist party is rotten to its core. There is no hope for them whatsoever. Smart people all will quit the CCP, to be safe."
By this time a crowd had gathered around me and listened quietly to my speech. I glanced at them and kept on, "Since 2004, when the Epoch Times published the Nine Commentaries and a series of articles exposing the CCP's ugly face, more than 30 million people have quit the CCP, the Youth League, and the Young Pioneers.
If you have joined any of these CCP organizations, you must have sworn to devote your life to Communism. Although your membership may have expired and is no longer valid according to the CCP rules, to void the vow you made then, please declare immediately that you are quitting. Don't be a scapegoat for the CCP. To ensure your safety, you can use a fictitious name. The heavens only care about your heart, not about the name." At this point the male student walked toward me and said softly, "Aunt, my name is Jianhong, and her name is Meizhen. Please help us quit the Party and the Youth League. The woman student also looked appreciatively at me and nodded. I truly was happy for their being able to recognize the truth. Two more lives were saved. I told them that they should take the truth back to China, and have their classmates, friends and family members quit the CCP and its affiliated organizations, and I wished them a wonderful future.
I had handed out all the newspapers I had in my cart. I could not help but feel happy. Suddenly I remembered Master's words from "Fa teaching at the US Capital (2007),"
"Don't become complacent just because you think you've done such and such, for there are so many sentient beings that we have yet to save. You still need to push yourselves so that you may establish even greater mighty virtue within a limited time frame, and so that you won't have any regrets when all is said and done."
The Divine Performing Arts company's recent world tour earned wonderful reactions wherever they went. Many people were saved. I also relayed this message about the Divine Performing Arts to the teachers and students who came here on tour. I gave each of them a copy of the Epoch Times that displays the Divine Performing Arts advertisements. With a heart to offer them salvation, I pointed at the pictures and calmly told them that this is this year's Chinese Spectacular show, that it promotes the authentic, five-thousand-year-old Chinese culture. The shows included dances depicting the stories of Yuefei and Chang-er going to the moon. It also has many things that you cannot see in China. It is so colorful and the backdrops are so magnificent that it is beyond your imagination. It indeed is a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity. The shows in LA have just concluded, and are continuing at Radio City Music Hall in New York. It is your good fortune that brought you here. You must see this show, especially the youngsters. You need to go and find out what true Chinese culture is, which has lasted for over five thousand years. You are lucky to be able to see or hear it." Hearing my words, the teacher and guide smiled and said, "We will definitely go if we can find the time." I thought to myself, "Indeed, sentient beings are all here for the Fa. I believe that they will go tell their classmates who did not come here. Those who know the truth have an opportunity for salvation.
The above are my personal experiences and understanding. I am still far behind in doing the three things that Master wants us to do. I hope that I can be more diligent from now on and do the three things better.
Thank you Master, Thank you everyone!
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Category: Clarifying the Truth