(Clearwisdom.net) I began to practice Falun Gong on a Saturday in May 1999. The next day, I went to spread the Fa with fellow practitioners. An hour later I came home. I was in all kinds of physical pain. My husband found some medicine for me, but I knew it was Master cleansing my body, although it was only my second day of practicing Falun Gong. I believed in Master and did not take the drugs. A few hours later I felt fine.
Cultivation changed me completely. I had many illnesses, but now I am healthy.
Shortly after I started practicing, I experienced several supernatural phenomena. One day my body rose during the sitting meditation. Another time, while doing the standing exercises, I saw mountains, rivers and forests. I saw many people walking on a big road, but they were not dressed like modern people.
Sometimes when I was doing the exercises, I could no longer feel my limbs, as described in Zhuan Falun, and I felt quite comfortable. At that time I usually sat in meditation for nearly two hours. Master let me see supernatural scenes, encouraging me to go on cultivating.
My xinxing improved along with my physical condition. Once, during karma elimination, I could not fall asleep for three days, and I hurt everywhere. But I encouraged myself with Master's words and overcame the pain.
My husband likes to drink alcohol and would occasionally lose control after a bout of drinking. Prior to cultivation, I often fought with him and yelled at him. Now I restrain myself with the principles of "Truthfulness-Compassion-Forbearance." My husband was pleased with the changes in me. He supported my practice and helped me with the housework. Sometimes he read the Fa with me, and he also read other literature about Falun Dafa. He asked me questions about cultivation, and sometimes helped me to spread the Fa.
Once the persecution began, he was afraid. My friends and family also tried to convince me to quit cultivation. I told them not to be afraid and not to believe what the media was telling everyone. I reminded them, "You know I was very sick, and Falun Gong healed me without it costing me anything. I know very clearly how much I have benefited from Falun Gong. I believe in it and my Master. No lies can change my mind."
I was sad to learn of the arrests and incarcerations of many fellow practitioners that went to appeal on behalf of Dafa. I told myself, "The regime misunderstands Falun Gong. I must clarify the truth to them." So I talked to my fellow practitioners and decided to go to Beijing to appeal for Dafa in November 2000.
On the way to Beijing, I saw the police on the train take away many practitioners. The police also searched their baggage for banners. I was nervous. I recalled Master's words and told myself not to let this move me. I calmed down. On Tiananmen Square I shouted, "Falun Dafa is good! Restore my Master's reputation!" Police officers rushed toward me and pushed me into a police vehicle. I clarified to the truth to them and told them that the officials had misunderstood us. The officers took me to a police station, where I saw many fellow practitioners from all over the country. They were reciting Lunyu and Hong Yin. I saw practitioners' compassion, courage, and peacefulness.
The police asked me for my name and address. I refused to tell them. One of them tried to beat and kick me but could not touch me. I knew Master was protecting me. After a while they took me to another police station and took all my cash. A few days later they sent me back to my hometown and jailed me in a local detention center where I met a fellow practitioner.
Four months later I ran into this practitioner on the street. We shared our experiences. Since then we have worked together almost every day. We clarified the truth in the daytime and passed out flyers and posted up signs at night. I learned many ways to clarify the truth with this practitioner's help.
Once, as were were handing out flyers in a building, a man rushed out, asking what we were doing. I clarified the truth to him and told him I was a Falun Gong practitioner trying to offer salvation to people who have been deceived by the regime's lies. The other practitioner sent righteous thoughts at the same time. That man learned the truth and told us to be careful. I was happy to see that a life was saved.
I had a better understanding of Master's teaching,
"The old forces don't dare to oppose our clarifying the truth or saving sentient beings. What's key is to not let them take advantage of the gaps in your state of mind when you do things." ("Teaching the Fa at the 2002 Fa Conference in Boston")
This practitioner and I cooperated quite well. I knew that Master had arranged for us to clarify the truth together.
Before the 2001 Chinese New Year, I was deceived by two policemen into going to a police station and was arrested as soon as I arrived. Many other practitioners practitioners had been tricked into going there, too. When we were taken to a detention center, we realized the police's deception
On May 17, 2001, two policemen broke into my house and found some truth-clarifying materials. They took me to the police station. I clarified the truth to everyone there. I told them that Falun Gong had healed my illnesses and that practitioners follow the principle of "Truthfulness-Compassion-Forbearance." I was taken to a detention center and was later sentenced to three years of forced labor.
Master said,
"One right thought will subdue a hundred evils, provided that in the cultivator's cultivation he maintains his character, abandons his attachments, and forgoes any incorrect pursuits, as prescribed by Dafa." (The Great Consummation Way of Falun Dafa)
I clarified the truth to the labor camp guards as soon as I got there. I tried to offer them salvation because I knew the Chinese Communist Party's (CCP) lies had deceived them, too.
The second day they sent several collaborators to try to convince me to quit practicing. I told them, "I am a good person, I strive to become an even better person, following the principles of Dafa. What are you trying to "reform" me into?" I told them to be silent, because I would not listen. I also sent righteous thoughts to eliminate the evil in other dimensions that was behind them.
During the next few days, guards and collaborators took turns speaking to me. I didn't listen to them, but told them how Falun Gong had healed my illnesses and teaches me to be a good person. At night they tried to keep me awake, but I didn't listen to them.
One day, the head guard ordered me to write a guarantee statement, promising not to practice Falun Gong anymore. I refused. They then told me to copy a guarantee statement written by others who had been "reformed", but I refused to do that, too.
My husband eventually arrived. He said he had already spent a lot of money to rescue me and said, "If you don't write the statement, they won't let you go. Won't the money be wasted?" My attachments overcame me, so I wrote the statement. I felt bad about it and cried later. Though I had written the statement, I was not released. I tried to make up for this mistake and took all the chances I had to clarify the truth to the guards.
One day I tried to clarify the truth to a female guard who tried to report me to the chief. I told her the facts. Finally she said, "You are really brave. Are you not worried I might report you to the chief?" I said, "You are a good person, so I need to offer you salvation."
I clarified the truth to most of the guards and implored them to no longer persecute practitioners. Most of them agreed. The CCP cannot buy people with money if they still have a conscience.
We had no freedom in the labor camp. We had to do heavy labor under the sun during hot summer days. One morning before breakfast we refused to do hard labor and shouted, "Falun Dafa is good!" We also started a hunger strike and called for the right to study the "Fa" and do the exercises. Although they did not agree to this, the hard labor time was reduced from 17 hours a day to 14 hours.
I told myself that I was a good person, so I was not here to do hard labor. Instead, I was there to offer people salvation. I clarified the truth to guards and criminals. Many criminals learned the truth and said, "Falun Dafa is good." Other practitioners and I recited the Fa as we labored. Occasionally I was sent to the labor camp bureau office to do cleaning. I took this opportunity to clarify the truth to the government officials there. One official said to me, "I will find a way to help you guys."
They again prodded me to write another guarantee statement prior to my release. I refused. They threatened me by telling me they would force me to stand straight for 20 days. I still refused. Finally the guards took me to two government officials from the Labor Camp Bureau. I clarified the truth to them and told them that Falun Gong had been disseminated in more than 70 countries. They nodded and finally said, "You can go home tomorrow." They released me the next day. I had been in the labor camp for two years.
After my release I completely devoted myself to Fa-rectification. To do the three things well, I studied the Fa intensively and shared my understandings with fellow practitioners.
Fellow practitioners and I overcame all kinds of difficulties and set up a Dafa materials production site. I realized that making truth-clarifying materials is a process of cultivation. If I don't have a pure mind and righteous thoughts, I run into problems. Once, thinking I was skilled enough, I didn't pay attention when placing paper into the copy machine. The machine suddenly stopped for no reason. I checked and didn't find anything wrong and turned it on again, but it stopped again. I calmed down and checked again and found I had put the paper in upside-down. Master prevented me from wasting hundreds of pieces of paper by stopping the machine. Tears filled my eyes.
I also mail truth-clarifying materials to people. Sometimes I write a short note. Practitioners are different than everyday persons. We can do everything well if we put our minds to it. Everything we do is part of our cultivation process. While making materials, I got rid of a lot of attachments.
I recently viewed Master's "Fa-Lecture Given to the Australian Practitioners." Master emphasized looking inward. I felt sad when I saw Master so worried about us. Master has done so much for us and protects us all this time. What attachments can we not put down? Can we bring our attachments to the celestial worlds? Let us not betray Master's benevolent salvation, and let us walk the rest of the journey well.
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