(Clearwisdom.net) Mr. Lai Ching-te (William Lai) is a member of the Taiwan Legislative Yuan. He watched the Divine Performing Arts show on March 2, 2008, in Tainan City, and said with tears in his eyes, "The most moving program was 'The Power of Awareness.'" When the host and hostess asked the audience, "Are you going to stand idly by while these vicious beings bully kind people?" This question reverberated deep in his heart. He understood that the Divine Performing Arts Company did not come from so far away simply for the audience to say the that the show was "wonderful," but that there was also a profound inner meaning to the performance.
Lawmaker Mr. Lai Ching-te's had tears in his eyes when he mentioned "The Power of Awareness."
Mr. Lai understood that the spirit of Falun Gong, its principles, "Truthfulness-Compassion-Forbearance," are present in every part of the show. He recognized that, from watching the show, a person could learn about higher realms and what can make them sincerely happy. Mr. Lai is the "Coalition to Investigate the Persecution of Falun Gong in China" (CIPFG) Asian Branch Chair. He said, "Falun Gong practitioners are innocent people who are being persecuted by the CCP. Even their organs are being harvested while they are still alive." It is his wish that all kind people wake up after seeing the "The Power of Awareness" and act to safeguard human rights and help to protect practitioners.
Legislator Lai emphasized, "This professional performance is world class in every respect, including the music, scenery, dance, etc. A high quality performance such as this show is hard to get in Tainan City." However, he thought two points conveyed to the audience were more important: "The happy, serene feeling of cultivating 'Truthfulness-Compassion-Forbearance' and that we should not ignore those who are being brutally mistreated, but instead extend a helping hand. Let the happiness expand to all people."
March 2, 2008, was the last Divine Performing Arts show in Tainan City. An undercurrent of weeping could be heard from the audience along with the warm applause. With tears in his eyes, Legislator Lai said, "The tears of the audience could be from their feeling the serene energy that came from the performance. They may be thinking about sending sincere good wishes to every being. We should protect this spirit so that goodness will shine brighter than ever."
March 2, 2008
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