(Clearwisdom.net) Yesterday I read the "Minghui Weekly", a weekly publication by the Minghui website, the Chinese version of Clearwisdom.net. I felt uneasy after reading the article "Nine Years We Have Walked Through." Were we ordinary people, surviving the persecution for nine years would be a great achievement to be proud of. However, we have the best title in the universe: Fa-Rectification Period Dafa Disciples! So we should not use any non-practitioner's standards to measure ourselves, but follow the Fa at the appropriate level as we raise our xinxing. If we are still at an immature stage of our cultivation and think in old ways, then the evil will exist as is. Wouldn't we have contributed to keeping the evil there?
Teacher pushed us to our right positions by July 20, 1999 when the Chinese Communist Party (CCP) started persecuting Falun Gong. But our Fa-Rectification cultivation has been for nine years. It's not because Teacher does not have the power to end everything, but we Dafa disciples in the human world have not overcome the darkness with light as we should have. In other words, we need to be more diligent.
Teacher has repeatedly told us that Dafa disciples have good fortune. But we haven't let people see it yet. What people see is that Dafa disciples are still illegally arrested and detained. Why does it happen like this? That's because though Teacher pushed us that high, our xinxing has not gone up that high. Watching Teacher's "Fa-Teaching Given to the Australian Practitioners," we can see how much Teacher has to consider and help us. We must to take action so that Teacher worries less for us and becomes more pleased with Dafa disciples.
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