(Clearwisdom.net) On March 1, 2008, Mei County 610 Office agents and personnel from a police station in Qi Township, Shaanxi Province illegally arrested Falun Gong practitioner Wang Hulin from Lei Village. They confiscated the family's satellite receiver. They also ransacked the homes of two female Falun Gong practitioners in neighboring Nanzhai Village and arrested Falun Gong practitioner Wang Yingxia. On March 3, 2008, the same group of police officers went to Nanzhai Village again and arrested Falun Gong practitioners Hou Honglin and his wife. Hou Honglin was working in the field at the time. The captors removed him from the field by force and ransacked his home. They confiscated his cell phones and other valuable belongings.
Mei County officials held brainwashing sessions in Tangyu. Wang Hulin had been sent there for brainwashing. He had gone to appeal for justice for Falun Gong in 2000, was intercepted at Zhuozhou, Hebei Province and returned to Mei County, where he was incarcerated in a detention center. He was made to perform three months of forced labor at the detention center's coal factory. The police later sent him to brainwashing sessions several times.
Officials also ransacked Falun Gong practitioner Wang Qiansheng's home on March 1 and confiscated the family's satellite TV system. Mr. Wang Qiansheng was working out of town at the time, but the officials tracked him down at his workplace. The persecutors have tried to trap and intercept him. Mr. Wang is now forced to live away from home to avoid further persecution. The following are additional details of his experience:
Following Mr. Wang's interception, he was held in the Mei County Detention Center for more than 20 days. One day in July 2001, Mei County Cement Plant Party secretary and 610 Office personnel arrested him at home and sent him to a brainwashing center from which he eventually managed to escape. On December 31, 2001 when the authorities learned of Mr. Wang's return home, they arrested him again in broad daylight. When Mr. Wang's wife (a non-practitioner) tried to ask the cause for the arrest and stop them, the police forced their six-year-old child into a vehicle and detained them for five days. The reason? "Obstruction of official business." No one looked after the child's welfare while the child was detained in the Qi Township Police Station. Wang Qiansheng was later sentenced to two years of forced labor. In 2004, when Wang Qiansheng distributed Falun Gong truth-clarification materials, someone reported him to the authorities. Agents from the Jinqu Police Station and Xu Youping, an official from the Mei County Political Security Section, participated in the arrest. Wang Qiansheng was sentenced to one year of forced labor again. Now, less than two years after his release, the authorities are harassing him again and are trying to send him to another brainwashing center.
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