(April 5, 2008)
 One year before the Beijing Olympics, the Chinese Communist regime has intensified its persecution of Falun Gong practitioners. Based on official documents from Chinese authorities and reports from persecuted victims, the World Organization to Investigate the Persecution of Falun Gong (WOIPFG) has gathered ample evidence to show that the Chinese Communist regime never intended to improve its human rights practices by hosting the 2008 Olympics. The regime has actually taken advantage of the Beijing Olympics and used it as a justification to further persecute Falun Gong. This report documents the evidence in detail below.
I. Chinese Communist Party (CCP) and government documents, meeting records, speeches by government officials, and media reports show that the Beijing Olympics has been used as a pretext to intensify the persecution of Falun Gong
�In May 2000, the Public Security Bureau and the High Court of Jilin Province jointly issued a secret document based on an internal memo from the Ministry of Public Security and the People's Supreme Court. The document stated in particular that the crackdown against Falun Gong practitioners "should be intensified. As soon as they are identified, they should be arrested immediately and any arrest warrant can be made up later." The intensified crackdown ordered by this document under the auspices of supporting the Beijing Olympics started from May 20, 2000, and continued to December 30, 2007.1 The crackdown actually started one year before Beijing was officially granted its Olympics hosting rights.
In early April 2007, the Chinese Ministry of Public Security issued a secret document, "Notice on Strictly Carrying Out Background Checks on Candidates for the Olympics and the Olympic Trials," to the public security departments and bureaus of all provinces, autonomous regions, and municipalities directly under the Central Government. In the notice, it ordered strict background checks on everyone, domestic and foreign, who will participate in the Olympic Games, to maximize the effort to screen out all "dissidents" who will cause trouble to the Chinese Communist regime. Forty-three types of people in 11 categories will be barred from the Beijing Olympics.2 On April 24, the Office for Beijing Comprehensive Management of Public Security held a director-level meeting in Pinggu District in Beijing for local branches of the Office for Comprehensive Management of Public Security and the Office for Control and Management of Migrant Population. The meeting was held to relay and study the spirit of the National Symposium on Comprehensive Management of Public Security. At the meeting, it proposed: "Take full advantage of the opportunity under the 'Safe Olympics' campaign to increase capability of public control and to solidify basic-level infrastructure and foundation." It also ordered monitoring and investigating "critical groups of migrant workers, unemployed teenagers, ex-convicts released from prisons and forced labor camps, foreigners in Beijing, drug addicts, Falun Gong followers, etc."3 Those labeled as "critical groups" fit well with the main content of the 43 types of people grouped under 11 categories in the Ministry of Public Security's secret document.
There is evidence in another document, "Operations Program for Gulou Neighborhood Olympic Security and Social Control." This program was organized based on the "Operations Program for Beijing Olympic Security and Social Control" and the corresponding "Miyun County Operations Program for Olympic Security and Social Control."4 Its main content was taken from the Beijing operations program. The fourth item of its "Operation Objectives" and the first item of the "Critical List of People" singled out Falun Gong as a major category for suppression.
On November 8, 2007, the Beijing Olympics Organizing Committee responded to the reports that the Bible would be banned at the Beijing Olympic Village. Li Zhanjun, the director of the Beijing Olympics Media Center, declared religious items for personal use are permitted into China by athletes and tourists. But Li added that such policy does not apply to Falun Gong, which is banned by the government.5
II. Chinese Communist regime labels dissident groups "terrorists" to justify the persecution under the name of "Olympic Security"
As part of China's propaganda to demonize Falun Gong, the director of the Research Center for Comprehensive Management of Public Security of the Beijing Academy of Social Science, Yin Xingchen, gave a speech at the Olympic Auditorium on the topic. He made false accusations against Falun Gong under the topic "Olympic Security and Anti-Terrorism," claiming that "Falun Gong orchestrated the self-immolation incident at Tiananmen Square and failed in their attempt to start a nuclear explosion." Yin went on, saying that "Falun Gong is planning to start terrorist attacks during the 2008 Olympics."6
Actually, Beijing Olympics anti-terrorist action was never aimed at the international terrorist groups from the beginning. Professor Niu of the Anti-Terrorist Research Center at the International Relationship College of the People's Liberation Army pointed out that "China has been very careful on foreign affairs. China keeps friendship with most of the countries, especially the Third World countries. The terrorists are not targeting China at this moment."7
On September 18, 2007, China's Deputy Minister of Public Security, Liu Jing, made a keynote speech at the International Cooperative Conference on Security for the 2008 Beijing Olympics. Li stressed that the Olympics will be "an important target for all kinds of international terrorist groups, ethnic separatist groups, religious extremist groups, and cult organizations to create disruption and to cause damages.8"
At a Ministry of Public Security Direct Affiliates Meeting on Studying and Implementing the Spirit of the National "Two Congress," and at the Ministry's Party Committee Outreach Session Conference on Security Measures for the 17th Communist Party Congress in September 2007, the former minister of Public Security and the incumbent secretary of the Central Political and Judiciary Committee, Zhou Yongkang, included Falun Gong as one of the aforementioned "groups" and demanded a "hard strike."9,10
On June 28, 2007, the director of the Military Operations Bureau of the Beijing Olympic Games Security Command Center, Tian Yixiang, spoke to 64 defense attach�s from 56 foreign embassies in China at a briefing on the People's Liberation Army (PLA) security preparations for the Olympics. At the briefing, Tian accused Falun Gong of planning and preparing to sabotage the Olympics.11
From July 14 to 18, 2007, General Administration of Customs of PRC carried out the Olympic Security Anti-Terrorist exercise at Tianjin Binhai Airport. One of the main targets of the exercise was Falun Gong. 12
III. The "610" Office is an important part of Beijing Olympics security measures
The "610" Office, established on June 10, 1999, is an agency specifically created per order of Jiang Zemin to persecute Falun Gong, and is above and beyond all regular political and judiciary systems. As a command center, it is the execution arm of the "Leadership Team for Handling Falun Gong Issues" at each level of Communist Party Committees. The "610" Office should be held responsible and liable for all the arbitrary arrests, detention, imprisonment, forced labor, injuries, and deaths caused by the torture of Falun Gong practitioners.13
A director-level meeting of district and county branches of the Comprehensive Management of Public Security Office and the Office for Control and Management of Migrant Population was organized by the Capital Comprehensive Management of Public Security Office in Pinggu District on April 24, 2007. The structure of the leadership and of the internal organization of social control for the districts and counties in Beijing City was revealed at this meeting: "The officials from the CCP District Committee and the district government will take the leader's positions. The direction of coordinating, liaison, intelligence gathering, and other work will be the responsibility of the Office for Comprehensive Management, the Office for Maintaining Stability, the 610 Office, and other departments."14
In 2007, Beijing City issued the "Operations Program for Olympic Security and Social Control." By May 2007, each district and county of the Beijing Municipal Area developed its own "Operations Program for Olympic Security and Social Control" and the program's "main task breakdown and progress schedule."� As for a "branch headquarters for social-level security" established at the district and the county levels, the local 610 Office played a major role.15,16
According to a full-version document issued by Miyun County in Beijing of the "Gulou Neighborhood Operations Program for Olympic Security and Social Control," the director of the 610 Office will be both a member of the Gulou Neighborhood Olympic Security Social Control Command Center and the assistant director for the Command Center Office, as well as a member of the Comprehensive Coordination Group, the Intelligence and Information Group, and the supervisor of the Steering Group under the Command Center Office.17 According to the CCP internal hierarchy rules, the structures are similar at the district, county, and Beijing city level. Thus, 610 offices are the members of the Olympic security for districts, counties, and city in Beijing.
In the book, The Chinese Secret Services from Mao to the Olympic Games, written by French writer Roger Faligot, published on February 29, 2008, it disclosed that the Olympic Security Command Center under the leadership of Qiang Wei has a budget of 1.3 billion dollars. It launched large-scale surveillance and intelligence-gathering activities both at home and abroad. The 610 offices, specifically set up for the persecution of Falun Gong, are also included in this system.18� In comparison, the total proposed Olympic budget (not including the cost of the Olympic bid) was only US$1.5 billion when Beijing applied to host the Games.
IV. Persecution during the application to host the 2008 Olympics
The Beijing regime claimed that the Olympics should not be politicized. In March 2001, BBC Chinese.com chief editor Li Wen interviewed with Liu Jingming, then executive vice chairman of the Beijing Olympic Bid Committee. When Liu was asked about whether or not the human rights issue would become an obstacle to Beijing's bid, he answered that the Falun Gong issue should not be mixed in with Beijing's application. There was no correlation between the two.19
However, the separation of politics and sports is only Beijing's Olympic bid tactic, while using the Olympics as a pretext to persecute Falun Gong has been the Party's policy all along. It is precisely the Chinese Communist regime itself that linked the two together. When the Beijing Olympic Bid Committee traveled to Moscow, they brought anti-Falun Gong propaganda materials with them for distribution.20
On July 13, 2001, Beijing was granted the hosting right for the 2008 Olympics. Two days later, on July 15, six CCP and central government organizations, including the Department of Propaganda and the 610 Office of the Central CCP, jointly launched a large-scale public exhibit in Beijing called "fighting the cult and promoting civilization," advancing a campaign to demonize Falun Gong. Li Lanqing, a CCP Central Politburo Standing Committee member, the head of the Central CCP Leadership Team for Handling Falun Gong Issues, and the Chinese government representative who went to Moscow for the Olympic bid, had claimed on the opening day of the exhibit that winning the right to host the 2008 Olympics meant international vindication of the Chinese social order. He called for more intensified effort with winning the Olympic hosting right to "expose and defame Falun Gong."21 The international media had taken his speech as a signal for escalating the persecution of Falun Gong after Beijing won its Olympic bid.22
On July 20, 2001, just one week after Beijing won its bid, the Chinese Consulate General in Houston hosted a forum for overseas Chinese and scholars of the Greater Houston area. The title of the forum was "Enthusiastically Celebrate the Victory of Applying for the Olympics; Intensify the Exposure and Criticism of Falun Gong."23
V. Persecution in the Name of "Safe Olympics"
"Safe Olympics" has become the major excuse for the Chinese communist regime to persecute Falun Gong. In 2006, the Beijing Comprehensive Management Committee issued its No 2. Document titled "'Safe Olympics' A Comprehensive Management and Action Plan (2006-2008)". In this document, it specified the means of searching for and arresting Falun Gong practitioners in the name of checking rental properties.24
The "Safe Olympics Action," which started in January 2008, will last until the Olympics end. The Safe Olympics Action was divided into three stages, including the strict regulation and management stage, the strict prevention stage and the strict control stage. This action singled out Falun Gong as the major target.25
This action was organized jointly by the CCP Beijing Municipal Committee and the CCP Beijing Political and Judiciary Committee. On January 12, 2008, Beijing Political and Judiciary Operations and the "Safe Olympics Action" Mobilization and Deployment Conference were held. Liu Qi, the secretary of the Beijing Municipal CCP Committee; Guo Jinlong, the vice-secretary of the Beijing Municipal CCP Committee and acting mayor; and Du Deyin, the chairman of Standing Committee of the Beijing City People's Congress attended the conference. The chairman of the Chinese People's Political Consultative Conference (CPPCC) Beijing Committee, Yang Anjiang, and the vice-secretary of the Beijing Municipal Committee of CCP, secretary of Beijing CCP Political and Judiciary Committee, Wang Anshun, also attended the meeting.26� The entire mobilization was implemented down to the street level in the neighborhoods.27
The goal of the "Safe Olympics Action" is to "prevent major adverse events, minimize minor adverse events, maintain strict regulations and fair social orders."� It emphasized Falun Gong gatherings will be considered as "major events" that must be curtailed.28� On March 7, 2008, in the opening ceremony for the Olympic Security Drill held by Xi Luoyuan neighborhood, the second part of the three-part exercise was aimed at Falun Gong.29
In the name of safeguarding the Olympics, the town of Mapo in Shunyi District determines the annual bonuses of the (CCP) party secretaries of the villages or units are directly tied to the number of incidents in the villages. If there are any Falun Gong incidents, any major criminal cases, major industrial accidents, gas-poisoning accidents, or groups appealing their cases to higher authorities, all types of annual bonuses or rewards will be withdrawn. The major leaders of the village or unit will be subjected to punishment or party/administration disciplinary measures.30
The Chaoyang District of Beijing is the main venue for the 2008 Olympics. All of its towns, villages, streets, and neighborhoods have implemented the so-called Safe Olympics Action plan targeting Falun Gong.
In the 2006 Annual Work Report of Anzhen Neighborhood, it summarized: "Year 2006 is the first year to implement the 11th 'Five-Year Plan,' and also the critical year to embrace the Olympics and accelerate the construction of Olympic functional areas." It is mandated in the battle with Falun Gong to execute the following actions well:� Emphasize Personnel Management and Control, Implement Well Propaganda and Criticism, Surveillance and Tracking, Holding Transform Classes, "Caring and Assistance," etc. The effort should yield the "0" target [meaning no Falun Gong followers not transformed], and the 100% transform and consolidate rate [on Falun Gong followers]." It requires reaching all targets to comprehensively win the battle with Falun Gong."31
Xiangheyuan neighborhood has established a local headquarters of "Safe Olympics" to "increase society-wide prevention and control, especially for key units and positions that had been identified as potential disrupting sources to the Olympics, 'Falun Gong' and the so called eight types of key personnel," and to train staffs who are "responsible for monitoring Falun Gong practitioners and other key personnel."32
On January 7, 2008, the 610 Office of Liulitun Neighborhood in Chaoyang District held a "610" meeting of 10 communities, and assigned the 610 Tasks for the Olympic Year to "not leave any chance for a Falun Gong practitioner."33
VI. Massive arrests in the name of "Safe Olympics Action" in 2008
According to the news of Minghui Net on mainland China, from the end of 2007 to March 11, 2008, based on incomplete statistics, evidence of 1,878 illegal arrests of Falun Gong practitioners was received from 29 provinces, cities, and autonomous regions in mainland China.34 The situation is especially serious in cities or regions such as Beijing that have Olympic venues.� For example, Shunyi County in Beijing City will have water events like boat racing and rafting, and equestrian events. According to informal statistics, Shunyi County alone had over 20 incidents of abducting Falun Gong practitioners about a year before the Olympics. The arrests happened mostly in Mapo, Muling, and Beixiaoyingzhen, which are near Olympic venues, and Tianzhu, Houshayu Village, which are near the Capitol Airport.35 According to the information gathered from Beijing, from December 2007 to the middle of March 2008, more than 190 Falun Gong practitioners were arrested in Beijing, accounted for nearly 10% of the reported arrest throughout the whole nation. The arrest number in Beijing is much higher than those in the whole nation on the basis of population.
On Jan 28, 2008, practitioner Yu Zhou, a member of the folk-song trio "Xiaojuan and Folks in the Valley," and� his wife Xu Na were arrested for no apparent reason by the police on their way home. They were stopped by police who checked cars in the name of "welcome the Olympics" after their performance. They were then taken to the detention center in the Tongzhou District Office of the Beijing City Public Security Bureau. Ten days later, Yu was persecuted to death, while his wife was transferred to the Detention Center of the Beijing City Public Security Bureau and has been held there ever since.36�
WOIPFG investigated the Political and Judiciary Committee and the 610 Office in Haidian District in Beijing, where the arrest of Falun Gong practitioners was especially severe. Both organizations indicated that because of the Olympics, they were particularly strict on Falun Gong practitioners. Those doing exercises would be sent to forced labor camps, and those caught distributing flyers would be sentenced to prison. There was official decree for that. (See appendices)
Transcripts of phone conversations with the 610 Office of Haidian District:
A: Hello.
Q: Is this Haidian 610 Office?
A: Yes, it is.
Q: The thing we want to know is that in Haidian District, what would you do when you find a Falun Gong practitioner? You have official documents about this, haven't you?"
A: You won't be able to see them.
Q: Yes?
A: These are all secret documents from the city. We cannot show them to you. That means, we can't sent to you and let you examine one by one. When we began suppressing Falun Gong a long time ago, the policy was absolutely no one would be allowed to practice. The policy of the central at that time was to get rid of Falun Gong. No exceptions.
Q: Just because of the Olympics?
A: Related to the Olympics, we are now in a state of severe strike against Falun Gong. It is not like ...what you said, it is already.... the so-called nip it in the budding state no longer exists now. We are not in a state to explain it to you at this time. Now is the time for the Olympics. Such issues are absolutely not allowed to exist.
Q: That is to say that the document ordered that because of the Olympics, as long as one is practicing Falun Gong, you suppress them without any exceptions. Is that it?
A: Yes, yes, yes. It is absolutely true. Because there are all kinds of situations, you may not truly understand it. Our office is a classified security organization. To talk about these things on the phone, how shall I say... This is the first time we speak to each other on the phone. We don't know each other well. If you truly want to know, you can go through proper channels. Either you come over here, or some way or the other. We will more than welcome you. Over the phone, it is hard to talk about such things.
Transcripts of phone conversations with Haidian District Political and Judiciary Committee Director:
Q: Are you Director Deng of the Political and Judiciary Committee?
A: Yes, yes, yes?
Q: Director Deng, I would like to know in Haidian or in Beijing area, with respect to the Olympics, your organization....what measures do you take against Falun Gong practitioners?
A: In our county, whoever is found distributing flyers will be arrested. Following this, especially during the period of the "Two Conferences," we arrest one as soon as we see one. I am going to call the 610 Office. I want to talk with them about their policy in this area. They are responsible for this matter.
Q: Can you go into a bit more specific. That is, say, you practice Falun Gong, then as far as the 610 Office, or at the police department, or at other places, what measures will be taken...? Specifically, what consequence will he face?
A: Forced labor camp, or.... Detain them together and reeducate them through forced labor. Yes, arrest them all and put all of them together for re-education. The sentence will depend on what kind of material evidence is found. If we find a flyer, we will search his home. More serious ones will get prison sentences.
Q: As far as Beijing is concerned, is there any document directing the treatment of Falun Gong? What are the measures stated in the documents?
A: Yes. There are such laws and regulations.
Q: Are there written documentations?
A:� Yes. For specific documentation, you need to call the 610 Office.
1 Committee for Investigation on Persecution of Religion in China: The Public Security Bureau and the High Court of Jilin Province jointly issued a confidential document, "Notice on Intensifying Suppression on Illegal Organization," http://www.china21.org/simpChinese/docs/0501_document_jilin.htm. Li Shixiong, the president of the Committee for Investigation on Persecution of Religion in China, wrote the president of the International Olympic Committee, Jacques Rogge, to raise his awareness of intensified persecution of religious groups by the Chinese Communist regime by using the name of the Beijing Olympic Games. http://www.china21.org/simpChinese/news/LetterToIOC_030203.htm. Prof. Andrew J, Nathan, Columbia University, expert on China affairs, confirmed the authenticity of the document. http://www.epochtimes.com/gb/3/3/4/n282309.htm.
2. Minghui.net: May 21, 2007, "Ministry of Public Security's Olympics Scrutiny Notice Reveals CCP's Desperation, Violation of Human Rights, and Opposition to the Olympic Spirit," http://www.minghui.ca/mh/articles/2007/5/21/155261.html; English: http://www.clearwisdom.net/emh/articles/2007/5/25/86066.html; Similar information on the website of� the China Aid Association in USA, http://chinaaid.org/2007/11/11/china-security-issued-blacklist-of-43-types-of-people-in-11-categories-to-be-barred-fromolympics/; More detailed report in English on the website of Human Rights in China, http://hrichina.org/public/PDFs/CRF.3.2007/CRF-2007-3_Blacklist.pdf.
3 Capital Comprehensive Management of Public Security: "Office for Beijing Comprehensive Management of Public Security held a director-level meeting for local branches of the Office for Comprehensive Management of Public Security and the Office for Control and Management of Migrant Population to relay and study the spirit of the National Symposium on Comprehensive Management of Public Security." At the meeting it proposed: "Take full advantage of the opportunity under the 'Safe Olympics' campaign to increase capability of public control and to solidify basic level infrastructure and foundation. [We must] monitor and investigate critical groups of migrant workers, unemployed teenagers, ex-convicts released from prisons and forced labor camps, foreigners in Beijing, drug addicts, Falun Gong followers, etc."
4 �(Website of Gulou Neighborhood of Miyun County) "Operations Program for Gulou Neighborhood Olympic Security and Social Control"
In order to do a good job on Beijing 2008 Olympic security, assure absolute safety, according to the deployment and requirement of the "Operations Program for Miyun County Olympic Security and Social Control" and the spirit of the County Olympics Security Working Meeting, we formulated the Neighborhood Operations Program for Social Control:
I. Goals and Guidelines
������� 4. Assure all kinds of key individuals on the domestic security list, die-hard Falun Gong practitioners, serious criminal offenders, heavily complaining individuals, important appealing activists, etc., are put under control, assure no incidents of making trouble in Beijing, of incidents with social effects or mass conflict.
(II) Guideline for controlling influential individual
Important Categories
Falun Gong die-hard individuals, not-completely-transformed or status-uncertain Falun Gong practitioners, and members of other evil cults and harmful Qigong groups. This task is the responsibility of� the 610 Office.
5 (BBC CHINESE.com) "China: 'Bibles would be banned' is rumor," director of the Beijing Olympics media center, Li Zhanjun, said. "We do not acknowledge Falun Gong, because it's an evil cult. All Falun Gong materials including books are prohibited in China." http://news.bbc.co.uk/chinese/simp/hi/newsid_7080000/newsid_7085800/7085868.stm
AP: Beijing officials deny Bibles will be banned, but 2008 Summer Olympics organizers still will bar Falun Gong followers http://nbcsports.msnbc.com/id/21680421/
6� Big Olympic Podium - Official Website: December 4, 2006, "Big Olympic Podium, lecture 10, live video, by Yin Xingchen"
"Big Olympic Podium" is co-sponsored by China Olympic News Agency Committee, Beijing Sports Bureau, Capital Spirit Civilization Construction Committee Office, Beijing Science and Technology Association, Beijing Sports Consortium, started on July 13, 2006, lasting for two years until the 2008 Olympics. It has a total of 80 chapters.
Yin Xingchen,the director of Capital Comprehensive Management of Public Security Institute of Beijing Social Sciences Academy, the Secretary-General of Capital Comprehensive Management of Public Security Research Association.
7 Xinhuanet.com: Jan. 7, 2008, Army, Navy and Air Force of PLA joint exercise on Olympic Security
Professor Niu, who works at the Anti Terrorist Research Center of PLA International Relationship College, also said, "China has been very careful on foreign affairs. China keeps friendship with most of the countries, especially the Third World countries. The terrorists are not targeting China at this moment."
8 Legal Daily: Aug. 11, "Combat Command Agencies for Beijing Olympics security have been set up"
9 Website of China Ministry of Public Security: March 19, 2007, "Zhou Yongkang's speech at Ministry of Public Security Direct Affiliates Meeting on Studying and Implementing the Spirit of National "Two Congress."
10 Website of China Ministry of Public Security: Sept. 6, 2007, "Party Committee of Ministry of Public Security Outreach Session Conference to Study and Deploy Security Measures for the 17th Communist Party Congress"
11 International Herald Tribune (belongs to Xinhua News Agency): July 13, 2007, "Beijing Olympics will face a complex security situation."
12� China Customs: July 23, 2007, "Deputy Director of China Customs inspected the Customs Olympic Security Anti-Terrorist Reaction Exercise and Attended the Related Meeting" To assure 2008 Olympics success, General Administration of Customs (GAC) carried out the Olympic Security Anti-Terrorist exercise at Tianjin Binhai Airport. The deputy director of China Customs, Sun Tieyan, inspected the exercise and attended the China Customs Olympic Security Working Meeting organized by the deputy director of GAC. The airport office sent the staffs to join the exercise in reaction with the discover-explosives-at-the-check-point and "Falun Gong followers' infiltration and disruption.
13 World Organization to Investigate the Persecution of Falun Gong:� Sept. 9, 2003, "Investigation report on '610 Office' " http://www.zhuichaguoji.org/cn/index2.php?option=content&task=view&id=64&pop=1&page=0, http://www.zhuichaguoji.org/en/index2.php?option=content&task=view&id=16&pop=1&page=0 (English).
14� Capital Comprehensive Management of Public Security:� April 28, 2007, "The Capital Comprehensive Management of Public Security (CMPS) Office held a director-level meeting of district and county branches of the CMPS Office and the Office for Control and Management of Migrant Population to Transmit and to Implement the Spirit of the National CMPS Working Conference.
15 Beijing Puren hospital: May 18, 2007, (There is no title on the original article) Congwen District recently held a working meeting on Olympic security at the society level. The heads of the district 610 Office, the Appeal Office, Bureau of Justice, the criminal investigation division, law and order division, domestic security division and population division of the public security sub-bureau of Congwen District, as well as the directors of the Neighborhood CMPS offices, attended the meeting.
16 Beijing Community Service Information Network: (no original publish date) "From 'five priorities,' Yanqing County Will Do Well on the Olympic Security Prevention and Control at the Society Level."
17 Website for Gulou Neighborhood Office, Miyun County: "Gulou Neighborhood Operations Program for Olympic Security and Social Control"
Appendix: 1, list of the leading group for Gulou Neighborhood Olympic Security
2, Member List for Command Headquarters of Gulou Neighborhood Olympic Security and Social Control
3, Member List for Command Headquarters Office of Gulou Neighborhood Olympic Security and Social Control
18 AFP: Feb 26, 2008, New book details Chinese spy effort ahead of Olympics. The teams being formed in foreign embassies will work in conjunction with "different Chinese intelligence services under diplomatic cover".
Those intelligence services will include the secretive 610 Office, set up in 1999 to target the Falun Gong movement and which operates worldwide.
But the intelligence services won't only be deployed during the Olympics to keep an eye out, Faligot says. They'll also be recruiting among the two million visitors expected for the event.
19 BBC CHINESE.com, "Interview: Liu Jingmin, executive vice chairman of Beijing Olympic Bid Committee"
20 Life Weekly: Volume 342, July 4, 2005, "Paris vs. London: Olympic bid dispute" part two --"A city with a heart and dream for modernization"(paragraphs 12-16) Author: Miao Wei. Beijing's Olympic bidding strategy is to separate politics and sports, but the Olympic bid delegation brought propaganda materials to expose the cult nature of Falun Gong.� At noon of July 12, 2001, the Beijing delegation in Moscow Slavic Hotel Information Centre held a press conference. That morning, the delegation hired Russian interpreter reported to Liu Lingling: Some people found the propaganda materials and took some.� On one hand, emphasizing sports has nothing to do with politics, on the other hand distributing printed materials to expose Falun Gong's nature, this is obviously a small mistake in applying for the Olympics. Liu Lingling tried to retrieve the propaganda brochure against, and at the same time, move the materials to the CCTV studio. She was worried that foreign reporters will make an issue with this accident. Luckily, what she was worried about did not happen.
21 CCTV NEWS NET: July 16, 2001, "Li Lanqing Visited 'Fighting the Cult and Promoting the Civilization' Exhibition"
22� �AFP: July 17, 2001, "Olympic success a spur for China to suppress Falun Gong"
BEIJING - China has signaled it will not be pressured into improving human rights following its comments that the Olympic win justified its tough crackdown on the Falun Gong spiritual movement, analysts said Tuesday.
Just three days after Beijing won the bid to host the 2008 Games, vice premier Li Lanqing vowed to continue the government's suppression of the group, which is outlawed in mainland China but nowhere else in the world.
"The winning of the 2008 Olympic bid is an example of the international recognition of China's social stability, economic progress and the healthy life of the Chinese people," Xinhua news agency quoted Li as saying.
"We should keep fighting against the cult which has stirred insecure elements."
China analysts said the comments were a statement by China that it would not succumb to pressure to make domestic political reforms over the next seven years despite being in the international spotlight.
"I think it's back to business, back to the reality of China," said Jean-Pierre Cabestan, director of the Hong Kong-based French Center for Research on Contemporary China.
Lau Siu-kai, a Hong Kong political analyst, said the message was aimed at telling Falun Gong members not to expect any let-up in the crackdown.
He said it was also meant to ensure people did not think that Beijing made political deals to win the bid.
23 houston.china-consulate.org: �July 23, 2001, "Enthusiastically Celebrate the Victory of Applying for the Olympics; Intensify the Exposure and Criticism of Falun Gong"
24 �Capital Comprehensive Management of Public Security, " 'Safe Olympics' A Comprehensive Management and Action Plan (2006-2008)" Jan 11, 2006, Capital Comprehensive Management of Public Security Committee Document No. 2, 2006.� Section 3 states: "Reinforce the survey, cleaning and regulations over the rental properties and the investigation strength of the migrated population resident area. Strictly prevent terrorists, Falun Gong die-hards, as well as criminals at large from hiding inside."
25 Daxing News: February 2, 2008. "Our District Held A Meeting for Political and Legal Works and 'Safe Olympics Action' Mobilization and Deployment." To ensure a safe Olympics is the key focus of this year's political and legal task. We must focus on three major aspects: ... Second, go deeper in the Safe Olympics Action. Strike hard on the infiltration and sabotage activities from Falun Gong organization and other hostile forces....
26� Beijing People's Congress Website: January 14, 2008, "The Meeting for Beijing Municipal Political and Legal Task and Safe Olympics Action Mobilization and Deployment Was Held"
27� Xiluoyuan Neighborhood Political Affairs Website: March 12, 2007, "Working Plan for 2007 Xiluoyuan Neighborhood Comprehensive Management of Public Security" Part 5. Strengthen control management of key sensitive groups and resolve conflicts, maintain political stableness in our area. (1) Enhance the fight with Falun Gong organization, to achieve the goals of "two zeros." ... (2) In cooperation with Olympics Security Social Control exercise, improve and strengthen the education, management and control of those released from prisons and forced labor camps, key targets in the community for correction, jobless young people, drug addicts, Falun Gong members, psychos, foreigners and all other state security monitored and controlled key groups that are harmful to social stability.� Make sure no problems would arise from these issues.
28 chinapeace.org: March 17, 2008, "Secretary of Beijing CCP Political and Judiciary Committee, Wang Anshun: 'Safe Olympics' Entering the Stage of Real Combat"
29� Xiluoyuan Neighborhood Political Affairs Website: March 10, 2008, "Xiluoyuan Neighborhood Held Commencement Ceremony for the Olympic Security." The mock exercise is composed of three parts: ... 2. Mock the emergency practice of dealing with Falun Gong personnel hanging banners.
30 Mapo Community Public Service Information Net: (no original publish date) "Mapo Town Enhance the Safeguard Capability of the Area Centered Around 'Safe Olympics'"
31� Anzhen Neighborhood in Chaoyang District of Beijing: Jan 18, 2007, "Anzhen Neighborhood's 2006 Annual Work Report"
32� The Window of Capital: March 14, 2008, "The Xiangheyuan Neighborhood of Chaoyang District Ensure "Safe Olympics Action"
33�� Liulitun Neighborhood Office: March 15, 2008, "No Relax on 610 Office Work in the Year of Olympics"� On January 7, The neighborhood 610 Office held a ten-communities "610 conference" at Tianshuiyuan community. The Party secretaries and directors of the communities attended the meeting.
34� Minghui Net: "Mass Arrests - The CCP Intensifies the Persecution of Falun Gong in the Name of Protecting the Olympics"
According to the news from provinces in mainland China on Minghui Net, up to March 11, 2008, based on incomplete statistics, 1,878 cases of illegal arrests of Falun Gong practitioners since the end of 2007 were collected, and it spreads to 29 provinces, cities, and autonomous regions in mainland China. The detailed breakdown is as below:
Hebei province 252, Shandong province 221, Liaoning province 218, Heilongjiang 194, Beijing city 156, Jilin province 125, Henan province 99, Sichuan province 92, Guangdong province 85, Tianjin city 58, Hubei province 51, Shanghai city 45, Anhui province 34, Jiangxi province 30, Inner Mongolia Autonomous Region 30, Zhejiang 27, Shanxi 23, Chongqin city 21, Gansu province 20, Guizhou province 17, Hunan province 16, Jiangsu 15, Shanxi 13, Ningxia Autonomous Region 10, Yunnan 10, Xinjiang Autonomous Region 6, Fujian 5, Guangxi Autonomous Region 4, Qinhai 1.
http://www.minghui.ca/mh/articles/2008/3/11/174152.html, English: http://www.clearwisdom.net/emh/articles/2008/3/12/95286.html
35 �Minghui.net: Jan. 18, 2008, "Communist Party Members in Shunyi district, Beijing Used Olympics as an Opportunity to Persecute People. http://www.minghui.ca/mh/articles/2008/1/18/170586.html
36� �Epochtimes: "In memory of Yu Zhou, a musician killed by the Chinese Communist Party in the name of the Olympics." (in Chinese) http://www.epochtimes.com/gb/8/3/21/n2053889.htm
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Category: Accounts of Persecution