(Clearwisdom.net) If we do not keep up with Fa study, we will not be able to ensure that our each and every thought complies with the Fa. Only when we base ourselves on the Fa and on the Fa-rectification will we be able to manifest righteous thoughts, righteous actions and do well the other things that we should do. If we do not keep up in practicing the exercises, we will not be able to transform our bodies holistically, our "gong" potency will be compromised, and our bodies will not be transformed.
If we fail to send forth righteous thoughts, we will not be able to cleanse our own dimensional fields, and will allow evil beings and dark minions to breed and persecute us. If we fail to send forth righteous thoughts to eliminate the elements that damage the Fa in the Three Realms or eradicate the evil beings that cling to non-practitioners, people will be less receptive when we clarify the truth to them. In order to assist Teacher with His Fa-rectification, practitioners are required to send forth righteous thoughts and use our divine capabilities to eradicate the rotten demons before the powerful force of the Fa-rectification enters the Three Realms.
If we fail to clarify the truth to the world's people, many of them will be weeded out. Teacher cherishes each and every life and Teacher thinks that every living being today has a predestined opportunity for salvation. If we fail to spread Teacher's great compassion to the world's people, how can we call ourselves His disciples in genuine cultivation, or even call ourselves Falun Gong practitioners? Clarifying the truth to save the world's people is a process of tempering our xinxing, expanding our wisdom, setting up a good example for the universe of the future, and for us to uphold righteous thoughts in the human realm. Meanwhile, we will also be enriching our own realms.
With these in mind, I conclude that doing the three things well is equal to doing one thing. That is, doing the three things is equal to walking the path that Teacher has arranged for us in order to fulfill our prehistoric vows. When we do the three things well, it will be a manifestation of us walking a righteous path steadily. If we don't, it can only mean that we have attachments that should be eliminated; otherwise we give excuses for the dark minions and rotten demons to persecute us or interfere with our truth-clarification work
The great Fa is harmonizing and all encompassing. The three things mutually promote one another. Dear fellow practitioners, do not ever neglect the aspects of your cultivation in which you have not done well. Please evaluate yourself alongside the great Fa because you shall find attachments, dark minions, and rotten demons hidden in the parts that you haven't cultivated well.
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