May 13, 2008 was the celebration of the 9th World Falun Dafa Day. On May 11, Falun Dafa practitioners in the province of Queensland, Australia held an activity on Brisbane Square in Brisbane, the capital of Queensland, to wish Teacher a happy birthday and celebrate the spread of Falun Dafa over the past 16 years. During these 16 years, Dafa has spread to over 80 countries and regions around the world, and over one hundred million people practice Falun Dafa.
Falun Dafa practitioners demonstrate the exercises
Senator Andrew Bartlett participates in the Falun Dafa Day celebration
People sign the petition to condemn the CCP for persecuting Falun Gong
At 10:30 a.m., Falun Gong practitioners held an exercise demonstration, performed lion dances and drum dances, and talked about Falun Gong to the public. To Falun Gong practitioners, this day is not just a day of celebration, it is also a day of thanksgiving, because after starting to practice Falun Gong, practitioners have benefited a great deal, both physically and mentally. Many practitioners expressed their appreciation toward Teacher during the event.
Practitioner Mr. Wang said that he benefited from Falun Dafa, and he condemned the Chinese Communist Party (CCP) for slandering Falun Dafa. He called upon people not to go down with the CCP. Mr. Wang said, "I am fortunate to have learned Falun Dafa, which was spread by respected Teacher, 12 years ago. Since then, my previous serious neurasthenia, liver disease and other chronic illnesses that had pestered me for 40 years cleared up quickly. Most importantly, I require from myself to live according to the standards of the universal law - Truthfulness, Compassion, Forbearance - at all times. I have a relaxed and happy life. Yet the evil CCP persecutes Falun Gong with secretive and evil psychology, and slanders our Teacher, Mr. Li Hongzhi. These crimes will encounter Heaven's scourge and people's anger. Now is the time that Heaven wants to destroy the CCP. I hope that everyone knows the truth, has a clear understanding of the CCP, and will not go down with the CCP when Heaven destroys it."
Mrs. Luo said, "About 5 or 6 years ago, I started to have backaches with an unknown cause. I had tremendous pain, and could not find a cure. I led a helpless life, the agony of which can't be described in words." However, after she started to practice Falun Gong, the stubborn illness that had tortured her for several years disappeared. Dafa's principles also constantly help her improve her xinxing, and she is wholeheartedly grateful for Teacher's mercy. Mrs. Luo said, "Most inconceivable is my backache, which could not be cured with any methods, slowly disappeared without notice within 3 months; I do not know how to describe my innermost feeling of gratitude. When I read Teacher's book, I suddenly understood why people live, and understood to cherish my predestined relationship. It is our Teacher who brought me out of an unhappy life and guided me to a truly peaceful state of mind."
Gerard began to practice Falun Dafa in 1998. He said to a reporter, "We are very lucky to be able to celebrate Falun Dafa Day. However, practitioners in China are suffering from persecution. Unfortunately, the CCP is still continuing its persecution in China, while we are very fortunate that we can gather here in Brisbane today, and publicly celebrate Falun Dafa Day. Tens of thousands of Falun Gong practitioners in China, regardless of gender or age, can't practice publicly, and suffer from the CCP's brutal persecution."
Australian Senator Andrew Bartlett also participated in the celebration. He said, "I am not a Falun Gong practitioner, but I strongly approve of and support what Falun Gong believes in - Truthfulness, Compassion, Forbearance." Senator Bartlett also pointed out that recent news revealed that the CCP is using the upcoming Olympics to aggrevate the persecution and arrest of Falun Gong practitioners. He appealed to the Australian public to stand up and oppose the CCP's atrocities.
A man who works for a broadcast equipment company passed by the event site, was attracted by the scene and came to understand the truth. He said to the reporter that whoever believes in Truthfulness, Compassion, Forbearance should not be persecuted in China. He also said, "Freedom of belief and freedom of expression is the most basic criterion of a civilized society."
At the celebration, many people signed a petition opposing the CCP's persecution of Falun Gong.
Group photo of Falun Gong practitioners at the World Falun Dafa Day celebration
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