(Clearwisdom.net) Today I would like to share a realization with you. Please point out anything improper.
While studying Zhuan Falun today, these sentences struck me:
"In the past there were many people teaching the Tao. They could only teach one disciple, and about all they could do was to look after one disciple. However, as to doing it on such a large scale, an average person would not dare. But we have told you here that I can do it, because I have numerous fashen who possess my mighty divine powers. They can demonstrate great supernatural powers--very mighty powers of the Fa." (Zhuan Falun, Lecture Three)
I read the paragraph again and again and pondered: It was my fault that the evil took advantage of me and caused my illegal detention. My omission not only has brought troubles to other practitioners and burdened my family, but also made my non-practitioner family members and friends judge Dafa, "Your master is so capable and you are so steadfast, why wouldn't your master protect you?" I know their thinking is wrong, but when I looked within, I saw I had cooperated with the evil. Why would I do that? Because I had attachments. I felt I didn't look within enough, and something unknown was still holding me back. What was this something? I didn't know.
"When disciples have ample righteous thoughts
Master has the power to turn back the tide" (Hong Yin II)
Master's words struck me. I pondered these sentences and thought about "Minghui Weekly" stories I had read of practitioners who have righteous thoughts and do righteous deeds. Comparing them with my own behavior during the persecution, I suddenly understood: it was because my mind wasn't sober, and Master protects those disciples who act and think righteously, those who are living according to the Fa. In other words, when one understands the Fa, his righteous thoughts emerge, and he comprehends what should be done according to the Fa and then puts it into righteous action. What did I do instead? When I knew the evildoers were coming, I told myself, "OK, let them come! I will not hide or escape, I am not afraid of you." I thought my righteous thoughts were strong, but my thoughts were not based on the Fa. The Fa does not require us to resist the persecution the old forces arranged but instead urges us to negate it in the first place.
Since I acknowledged the persecution, the evildoers came. I let them in, let them search, and let them take me away. During the process I also thought, "Master, please don't let them see or find anything. (Of course they didn't see any of those things I cherish or forgot, but found all the things I didn't cherish or pay attention to.) Viewed superficially, I was afraid of the evil, but I actually cooperated completely with the evildoers and thereby acknowledged the persecution. That is the ignorant courage people talk about, but such thoughts are not righteous ones based on the Fa, nor do they lead to righteous deeds. Since I didn't even resist the persecution the evil forces created, how could Master protect me?
Fellow practitioners often say, "Acting according to righteous thoughts and righteous actions and believing in Master and believing in the Fa is how to be safe." Now I finally understand this sentence. Its meaning is profound and not something everyone is capable of. My lesson is unforgettable. I have realized I should indeed study the Fa more and study the Fa well, think more and understand the principles on the Fa, and immerse myself in the Fa principles. Only Fa-based righteous thoughts will frighten all evildoers and keep them from touching me. Many practitioners already understood this a long time ago. I arrived at this understanding only now.
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