(Clearwisdom.net) Many people think I look quite young, but actually I am nearly 40 years old. It is due to the fact that I practice Dafa that I look ten years younger than my actual age.
I used to think that people would accept truth-clarification more readily from older practitioners than younger ones. I think this type of notion should be eliminated, because we use the compassion of gods to save people, not the "reliability" of older people. Actually, the reason that older people appear more "reliable" is because they usually have peaceful hearts and look quite caring. In practice, younger practitioners can also have these attributes. However, young practitioners have their own advantages. They give people the impression that they are "well-educated, independent thinkers, have clearer minds, and will not blindly follow others." In addition, it's easier for young practitioners to persuade people to quit the CCP.
Once I changed my notion, I was able to overcome the "age" barrier, and when I clarify the truth, I am no longer self-conscious. I don't worry whether I will be accepted by people. Instead, while talking to them, I pay attention to their expressions and thoughts according to their age, education, and the extent of acceptance, as well as the surroundings.
For your reference, the following are some of experiences clarifying the truth.
One day I waited at a traffic intersection while sending forth righteous thoughts. A man in his 40s stopped next to me on his bike. He looked at me and asked, "Where did you buy your electric bicycle?" Right after he started to speak, I silently sent forth the righteous thought, "I must save you today!" I smiled and told him. He said that he wanted go to that store and buy one for his niece. The traffic light turned green so we proceeded together. I slowed down and talked about the price of the electric bike. Since we seemed to be getting along, I naturally changed the topic and asked him, "Have you heard about quitting the Chinese Communist Party (CCP) to save one's life?" Still sounding amicable, he asked, "So, you are promoting it?" I replied, "Why not? Just look at the disasters that have happened this year. People say that the CCP is too corrupt and that Heaven will eliminate it. Whoever stays in that organization will simply have trouble. Perhaps we will never see each other again. I just hope you will have a safe future. We do not know each other, so if you resign from this organization, no one will know about it. Then, when other disasters arrive, they may not affect you. Did you ever joined the CCP Youth League?" Concerned, he answered, "I even joined the Party. What should I do?" I told him he really should quit and suggested that I create a name for him to use to do it. He agreed. As we were talking, we reached a street corner where he bid me goodbye. Looking up, I saw that I had already long passed my route home.
It is my understanding that no matter why we encounter people in different settins, they are indeed people with predestined relationships who are waiting to be saved.
One evening, while I was studying the Fa at home, the doorbell rang. It was two individuals selling insurance. Initially, I felt a little uncomfortable with them, but then I realized that they were people with predestined relationships, looking for the truth. Immediately I felt better and quickly talked with them for a while about the insurance that they were selling. I then slowly changed the topic from my income to the donations and finally to the earthquake. I said, "There have been so many disasters this year. Since you travel a lot, have you heard about quitting the CCP to save one's life?" One of them replied, "I have heard about it. I quit a long time ago." The other said, "Several relatives of mine practice (Falun Gong). But I have not quit yet." In a worried, regretful tone, I quickly replied, "Why didn't you quit? What are you going to do when disaster strikes? Just quit! Even just talking about this you will be regarded as having quit the CCP already." He simply laughed and said, "Good, good! Then I quit for a safe future."
In addition, I have also encountered people with different beliefs who told me they do not believe in our practice but believe in other sort of things. I immediately tell them, "There is no conflict. We all believe in gods or Buddhas. People with such beliefs are all kindhearted. The CCP doesn't allow us to have these beliefs. The CCP is evil, and we have to quit for the gods to bless us." After I clarify it this way, they usually agree to quit the CCP.
I have met people who don't understand what I'm talking about and simply laugh. They say, "Young people like you also believe in this?" Some people have refused to talk with me and some have reprimanded me. I refuse to let them move me. Instead I send forth righteous thoughts to eliminate the communist evil specter and other evil factors behind them. At the same time I say calmly, "It's fine if you don't accept it. I'm just telling you about it for your own good. But remember, when you really encounter a disaster, say this once, 'Falun Dafa is good! Truthfulness-Compassion-Tolerance is good!' You will then be able to make it." People usually thank me for telling them this. If I see that they have evil thoughts and want to report me to the police, I immediately send forth righteous thoughts to eliminate the evil, and then I rationally leave the area.
Finally, I would like to share my most profound experience of: "As long as we solidly cultivate ourselves, we will experience the mighty power of Dafa and the compassion of Teacher."
On my way to another city, I was waiting for the bus. I saw an older woman put out her hand to beg, but no one offered her anything, so I handed her my bus ticket money. The bus arrived, and everyone crowded forward to get into the bus. But I stood aside and looked at her hunched figure. I thought to myself, "What could one yuan do to help her? I must save her!" I approached her and started to clarify the truth to her. However, she spoke a dialect that made it difficult for us to communicate. Compounding this problem, her hearing was not good. Initially, I was in a hurry, but I decided to let it go and thought that I would rather miss the bus. Stepping forward, I called a taxi so that I would have time save her. I didn't care whether those around me heard me. I loudly told her to recite "Falun Dafa is good! Truthfulness-Compassion-Tolerance is good!" She finally understood. She pressed her hands together in front of her chest and greeted me. Relieved, I nodded to her. Just then, I saw that my bus had not left yet. As I climbed aboard, I noticed the bus was full of people sitting quietly. They looked quite solemn and dignified, as if they were waiting for me. When the bus started to move, I had this sacred feeling forming in my heart. The compassion of an enlightened being filled my chest. While sending forth righteous thoughts to the whole bus load of people, I said, "You should know the truth. Never reject the truth. You must quit the CCP for a safe future."
I often ask myself, "How much can we do if we try our best?" As long as we do it, Teacher is around us all the time. This is what we can feel. But there is a lot more that we can't feel. How much has Teacher quietly offered us?!
Fellow practitioners, let's try our best to save more people so that we have no qualms whenever we hear the title "Fa rectification period Dafa Disciples."
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Category: Clarifying the Truth