(Clearwisdom.net) On August 6, the Coalition to Investigate the Persecution of Falun (CIPFG) Belgium Chapter held a press conference in Brussels to call for action to end the persecution of Falun Gong by the Chinese Communist Party (CCP). Renowned human rights lawyer George-Henri Beauthier and practitioner who suffered direct persecution in China spoke at the press conference.

A representative of CIPFG first gave a speech on behalf of the organization. He stated, "Today, the CIPFG is holding press conferences simultaneously in 12 countries to call for actions to end the persecution of Falun Gong. There are many Falun Gong practitioners being detained in labor camps in China, and these practitioners have been targets of all kinds of inhumane abuses. In addition, from December 2007 to June 30 2008, the Chinese Communist regime had arrested more than 8,000 practitioners in the name of Olympic security."

At the press conference, the hosts also released a guide for reporters who will go to China to report on the Olympic Games - "Behind the Olympic Spectacle: A Journalist's Walking Guide to the Persecution of Falun Gong in Beijing." The guide outlines detailed locations and directions to prisons and labor camps where Falun Gong practitioners are being held. Some of these places just are a few miles away from the Bird's Nest in Beijing, the focal point of the Olympic Games. The CIPFG is urging foreign media representatives to investigate the persecution behind the Olympics when they are in China.

George-Henri Beauthier, Belgian human right lawyer and member of the CIFPG

George-Henri Beauthier, renowned human rights lawyer and a member of the CIPFG, commented that human rights conditions in China are terrible and that united actions are needed. He said, "To let people know about the persecution of Falun Gong in China, we have done a lot of work. Today, nobody can say that he or she doesn't know about the persecution. We can't rely on one group to protect all these practitioners. Therefore, it is very important to unite all groups. I am going to continue to work with layers around the world to help end this persecution."

Mr. Beauthier discussed cases in which Belgian practitioners were persecuted by the Chinese Communist regime. Those cases include phone harassment and computer attacks. He pointed out that these cases testified to how the Communist regime was infringing upon people's freedom in Belgium. While the Belgian juridical institutions are investigating these cases, he said that the Communist regime had refused to cooperate.

Mr. Beauthier also mentioned renowned Chinese human rights attorney Gao Zhisheng. For speaking out for Falun Gong, Gao has been severely persecuted and his whereabouts are currently unknown. Beauthier hopes that Belgian officials will help rescue his Chinese colleague.

Practitioner Liu Hongchang displayed a poster at the press conference

At the press conference, practitioner Liu Hongchang narrated his personal experience of persecution. In 2001, Mr. Liu was illegally arrested in Beijing. He suffered a broken bone due to torture. In the same year, he was sentenced to five years in prison. While he was in custody, four of his relatives died due to sorrow, fear and depression as the authorities continued to harass them.

Mainstream media outlets including Belgian National Press (Belga) and Raidio BFM attended the press conference. Many Dutch and French media reported on the press conference as well.