(Clearwisdom.net) At 3 p.m. on July 24, 2008, Guo Long, who is the deputy chief of Mingdenan Street Police Station in Qiaoxi District of Zhangjiakou City, led police officers and residence committee personnel to the residence of Falun Gong practitioner Ms. Zheng Xiaohong (in her fifties). Four police officers carried Zheng Xiaohong from the sixth floor to the ground floor where a police car was waiting. They pushed her into the car and drove her to the police station to be put into a cage. Metal railings barricade the windows and doors of the police station. The railings are made of square metal pipes. Mr. Dong Er'ren (55 years old) and his wife Li Wenyun (54 years old) were also put in the same cage at the above mentioned police station.
Soon after, two more female practitioners were also taken into the police station. One of them was Liu Xiu'e (71 years old).
That day, the police from Mingdenan Station arrested a lot of practitioners. This was a mass arrest effort carried out simultaneously by the personnel of all the police departments, police stations and residence committees in that area after a secret meeting was held at Zhangjiakou City.
However, the practitioners who were incarcerated maintained righteous thoughts and actions. They were able to clarify the truth and advised the people with whom they were in contact to be kind and to stop doing bad deeds. They also repeated, "Falun Gong is good" and "Truthfulness-Compassion-Forbearance is good." They sat in lotus position and sent forth righteous thoughts at intervals together continuously until 3 a.m. Throughout this entire event, the practitioners maintained a peaceful state of mind, without fear, and with righteous thoughts. After the police officers fell asleep, with nothing more than their bare hands they forced open the welded joints of the metal railings one after another. The metal railings become soft and easily bent in the practitioners hands. The five practitioners managed to escape and climb out of the open space made between the metal railings.
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