(Clearwisdom.net) Falun Gong practitioner Mr. Huang Nuoguan, 50, was a driver for the Yulin Pharmaceutical Factory. In October 1999, he and his wife, Li Xiaomei, went to Beijing to appeal. After they came back they were illegally arrested and detained at the Yulin Detention Center for several months. His wife was dismissed by her workplace and then they had their home taken away. They went to their work leaders to explain the situation and finally they were allowed to have their house back. In the past, Mr. Huang's wife, Li Xiaomei, had suffered from various illnesses. After she started practicing Falun Gong, all her illnesses disappeared. Because they refused to give up their practice, they were harassed and arrested many times. The police ransacked their house and the officials from the City Government even robbed them of their savings account: totaling tens of thousands yuan. As a result of losing both their jobs and their savings, their living conditions became very difficult and Mr. Huang's wife suffered a relapse after several years of being persecuted. She died on April 9, 2005. Mr. Huang's mother was in tears while she got the news that her daughter-in-law had passed away. When Mr. Huang Nuoguan was pasturing his cattle at Guigang City, on December 2005, the officials from the Yuzhou District Police Department arrested him and then ransacked his home once again. The Yuzhou District Court illegally sentenced him to five years in prison. At present he is held at the Litang Prison, leaving his daughter at home alone.
Ms. He Aiping, a former volunteer director at the Yulin City Dafa Instruction Center, 48, was an employee at the Yulin Pharmaceutical Factory. In July 1999, the CCP officials at her workplace began to harass her. As a result, her husband divorced her because he was afraid of being implicated. At the end of September 1999, Ms. He went to Beijing to appeal. There she was illegally arrested and sentenced to three years in prison. At the end of 2002, she was sentenced to two years of forced labor. On December 3, 2005, the officers from the Yuzhou District Police Department 610 Office arrested her and then ransacked her house. They stole 6,900 yuan, a computer, a printer and an all-in-one copier (she had spent nearly ten thousand yuan that her daughter mailed from the U.S., for her for living expenses to buy the copier), this equipment alone was worth tens of thousands of yuan. She was sentenced to 9 years in prison and is currently held at the Nanning Women's Prison. Because she refused to give up her belief of Falun Gong, the police made her elder brother return to China from the U.S. But after he came back, the authorities refused to allow her brother to visit her. Her brother, along with his friends, went to the prison to reason with them. When the prison officials saw so many people coming to the prison, they finally had to permit them to visit Ms. He Aiping. Ms. He also has a daughter. In 1999, her daughter was only 13 years old. Her brother is now her daughter's guardian and she currently lives in the U.S.
Mr. Guan Haibin, age 35, was the former volunteer director at the Guangxi Province Dafa Instruction Center, he was an employee at the Nanning Tax Office. In the end of September 1999, he went to Beijing to appeal. As a result, he was illegally arrested and sentenced to five years in prison. In May, 2007, he and his wife were arrested in Rong County by the Yuzhou District Police Department. A few days later his wife was released. A month later, Mr. Guan was also released. When they went back to Nanning City to find a job the police arrested them once again and then took them to the Yulin No. 2 Detention Center. There they were sentenced to eight years in prison and currently their whereabouts are unknown.
Ms. Tang Ping, who is in her forties, was an employee at the Yulin Coal Company. When she went out to clarify the facts at 10:00 a.m. on May 20, 2007, the policemen from the Yuzhou District Police Department followed and then arrested her. They ransacked her house and took away her cell phone. She was sentenced to one and a half years of forced labor and is currently held at the Nanning Women's Forced Labor Camp.
Ms. Su Shiying is in her forties. She was arrested many times and the police ransacked her house many times. In February 2001 she was sentenced to one and a half years of forced labor. In January 2005 she was sentenced to two additional years of forced labor. The police had harassed her many times. In 2008 she was finally forced to become homeless, so as to avoid further persecution.
Ms. Chen Xiuying, a lady in her sixties, is a retired employee at the Yulin Appeal Office. Due to being continued harassment by the police she was forced to become homeless in 2008.
Ms. Lu Xiuying, 53, is a retired worker at the Yulin Traffic Bureau. In January 2001, He Baoyu and other policemen from the Yuzhou District Police Department arrested her. They ransacked her house. She had been held at the Yulin No. 2 Detention Center for nearly two years. Later she was sentenced to two years in prison on probation. When she came back to her workplace they deducted her salary and harassed her many times. In 2008 she was forced to become homeless.
Mr. Yang Wei, in his thirties, an employee at the Yulin City Post Office, who was a prominent technician at his workplace. In October 1999 he went to Beijing to appeal. He was illegally arrested and sentenced to three years of forced labor. After he came back home the leaders from his workplace asked him to go to work. However, the Yuzhou Police Department did not allow him to work, as a result he lost his job. Later he was sentenced to two years of forced labor. On the afternoon of December 20, 2005 He Baoyu and other policemen from the Yuzhou District Police Department arrested him on his way home from work. They ransacked his house and stole a computer and other things. The Yuzhou District Court sentenced him to seven years in prison. He is currently held at the Litang Prison.
His younger brother Yang Dong, is a student at the Tsinghua University. Because he has persevered in his belief of Falun Gong he was expelled from school. He had been arrested and detained many times. On December 27, 2005 he was released from the forced labor camp. However, Mr. Yang Wei was arrested seven days ago. In the past, his parents wanted to ask Yang Wei to take care of Yang Dong who had been tortured so severely that he lost his sanity. During the period of his being illegally detained at the forced labor camp, Yang Dong's mother went to visit him and found that he was tortured to the point of insanity and that he had scars from being burned by cigarettes. Yang Wei had said that his younger brother was the one who was the most severely persecuted practitioner in Guangxi Province. Yang Dong was tortured so severely that he finally lost his sanity. However, the CCP tried to blame Falun Gong and declared that he became mad because of his practice of Falun Gong. Finally his mother had to take him to a mental hospital. To the present time, his mental health has not improved.
Yang Wei's mother had been detained at the Yulin No. 2 Detention Center for over one month in 2001, then they transferred her to the brainwashing center to detain her for an additional month. Yang Wei's father, a non-practitioner, has suffered tremendous pressure because his family members were arrested and he had been threatened many times by the authorities. As a result of this harassment and anxiety, he died on February 3, 2006.
Practitioner Ms. Liu Xiaoxin, 40, is an employee at the Yulin Railway Bureau in Guangxi Province. Before she practiced Falun Gong she had developed various illnesses and was unable to take care of herself. She went to many hospitals for treatment, but in vain. When she went to the Yulin Orthopaedics Hospital for treatment, they said that her bones were brittle and then performed an operation on her to mend her bones. They put 36 stitches in her back. She stayed at the hospital for several months. After she returned home she was unable to turn over. She was issued a certificate of disability. In 1998 she was introduced to Falun Gong. Several months after beginning to practice Falun Gong, she was able to take care of herself. It is Falun Dafa that has given her a second life.
In October 2000 Ms. Liu Xiaoxin went to Beijing to appeal. On her way to Liuzhou City the police illegally arrested her and detained her at the Liuzhou Railway Detention Center for one week and then released her. After she returned home, He Baoyu and Liang Gan from the No. 1 Section of the Yuzhou District Police Department and Su from the Chengzhan Police Station arrested her again and ransacked her house, confiscating her Dafa books. She was detained at the Yulin No. 2 Detention Center for over one month and was then transferred to a brainwashing center. After one month of detention she was released.
When she went to Yuchai to distribute truth-clarification materials on February 10, 2008, the officers from the police station once again arrested her and then ransacked her house. The next day they detained her at the Yulin No. 1 Detention Center. When Ms. Liu's family members went to the detention center to get her released, the guards said that because she did not write the guarantee letter to give up practicing Falun Gong they would not release her. Her parents are both in their seventies. A month later she was sentenced to one year of forced labor and is currently imprisoned at the Nanning Women's Forced Labor Camp. She is very steadfast in practicing Falun Gong. Her family members have gone to the forced labor camp to visit her, but the authorities at the camp are refusing to allow them to even see her.
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