(Clearwisdom.net) A service center for quitting the CCP was established in Washington DC on July 20, 2005. Volunteers like Ms. Zhao, who is not tall but energetic, have worked for a long time in front of the National Air and Space Museum, a famous local tourist site, to clarify the truth.
Ms. Zhao
Ms. Zhao speaks to a group of students from mainland China
Every afternoon, volunteers set up banners and distribute materials such as the Nine Commentaries on the Communist Party, the Epoch Times newspaper, and flyers about Falun Gong.
On the afternoon of July 13, 2008, Vic Tran, an American-Vietnamese high school student from California, walked over to Ms. Zhao and asked to take a picture in front of the banners. He was very happy to see such a scene in Washington DC because his parents ran away from communism in Vietnam. He heard many stories about how cruel the communist regime was and hoped more and more people would learn about it, and eliminate it as forever.
Ms. Zhao has the opportunity to work, but chooses instead to volunteer at the Service Center for Quitting the CCP. People might want to ask why she made such a decision. It turned out that in 1995, while still living in China's Shandong Province, Ms. Zhao hurt her back, which resulted in spinal damage. The doctor said she would become paralyzed. At about that same time, she was introduced to Falun Gong. She finished reading the book Zhuan Falun in one night and then began her cultivation practice. Her back troubles soon disappeared.
Ms. Zhao benefited both mentally and physically from practicing Falun Gong. She feels fortunate to have been able to come to the U.S. right after the CCP began the persecution of Falun Gong. She wants to stand up and support fellow practitioners suffering from the persecution in China. She wants to expose the CCP's true nature and let people who have been poisoned by the CCP's lies and propaganda know the truth. Since 2002, Ms. Zhao and other volunteers began to display some pictures on the lawn in front of the National Air and Space Museum about how wonderful Falun Dafa is, and at the same time, expose the persecution of Falun Dafa in mainland China. No matter rain or shine, heat or cold, they continued coming each day.
Less than a year after the publication of the Nine Commentaries on the Communist Party, Washington DC's Service Center for Quitting the CCP was established. Ms. Zhao said she feels it is important to help Chinese people learn the truth and quit the Party. Thus she spends many hours in front of the National Air and Space Museum. She is happy whenever Chinese people ask for the Nine Commentaries or ask to withdraw from the CCP. Ms. Zhao said, "I do not want to miss anyone."
Ms. Zhao said she did not care much about physical fatigue. But she feels very sad for those who have been brainwashed and poisoned by CCP propaganda. On July 13, 2008, around 5 o'clock in the afternoon, as usual, she went to the National Air and Space Museum to distribute materials. A group of high school students from mainland China saw the banners on the lawn with words of "Heaven will eliminate the CCP," "Have a safe future by quitting the CCP," "Falun Dafa is good," and "Truth, Compassion, and Forbearance." After seeing the banners, the students thought that Falun Gong was against China and then they ran over and pulled the banners down.
Ms. Zhao recalled that she wanted to protect the banners. Because there were so many students involved, she could not stop their action. However, some people nearby who were in line waiting to buy ice cream, and some visitors who were not used to seeing such behavior against freedom of speech, all came up and supported Ms. Zhao. They helped to make phone calls to the police and later four police came. The police stopped the students, who by then were trying to run away. Since the students did not physically hurt Ms. Zhao, the police educated the students and then released them. The police said that they will continue to protect freedom of speech.
Ms. Zhao did not get angry as she watched the event unfold. On the contrary, she felt very sorry for the students since they did not truly understand the CCP's true nature and they are still under its bad influence. Ms. Zhao said she would continue doing what she has been doing and would not give up. She believes that through such efforts, people will soon awaken to the truth.
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