(Clearwisdom.net) Todays News from China includes incidents of persecution that took place in 35 cities and 16 provinces. In this report, 25 practitioners were subjected to mistreatment during their detention and at least 48 practitioners were illegally arrested.
1. [Tianjin City] Ms. Liu Xueping on a Hunger Strike to Protest the Persecution
On January 14, 2009, Ms. Liu Xueping, from the Wuqing District, Tianjin City, was arrested in her tea shop by officers from the Hexiwu Police Station. Her home was ransacked and she was detained in the Wuqing District Police Station. Her relatives were beaten by officers when they came to visit her at the police station.
Ms. Liu was later transferred to the Women's Forced Labor Camp in Tianjin City. She is currently on a hunger strike to protest the persecution.
Contact information:
Miao Hongwei, director of the Wuqing District Police Station: 86-22-22588088
Gao Guitian, chief of the Hexiwu Police Station in the Wuqing District: 86-22-29439003
2. [Changchun City, Jilin Province] Ms. Yao Yan and Ms. Che Pingping Held in Jilin Detention Center
On September 20, 2009, Ms. Che Pingping, a teacher from Changchun Normal University, was arrested when she went to the Jilin Brainwashing Center to visit her sister, Ms. Che Didi.
Ms. Yao Yan was also arrested. They are both currently in the Jilin Detention Center.
3. [Changchun City, Jilin Province] Ms. Dai Shanling Arrested
At approximately 9:00 a.m. on September 21, 2009, over half a dozen officers from the Dongzhan Police Station in Changchun City broke into Ms. Dai Shanling's house and confiscated her personal belongings, which included a computer, photographs of the founder of Falun Gong, Falun Gong books, CDs, an MP3 player, and other items. They arrested Ms. Dai, who is over 70 years old, and detained her in the Weizigou Detention Center.
4. [Anshan City, Liaoning Province] Ms. Bi Lijuan Held at the No.1 Detention Center, Anshan City
On the evening of July 25, 2009, Ms. Bi Lijuan, a 45-year-old teacher at the No.1 High School, was arrested when she returned to her local market to collect her bag, which she had left on a stall. She is being held at the No.1 Detention Center, Anshan City.
5. [Chaoyang County, Liaoning Province] Mr. Sun Xianzhang Persecuted in Liucheng Police Station
In the afternoon of September 20, 2009, officers from the Liucheng Police Station broke into Mr. Sun Xianzhang's home and ransacked it. He was arrested and held in the Chaoyang County detention center.
The next day officers from Liucheng Police Station went to several practitioners' homes in Yuantaizi Village and harassed them. Many of the practitioners were then forced to leave their homes to avoid persecution.
Contact information:
Pan Shi, chief of Liucheng Police Station: 86-13942110208
Wang Hongwei, police officer: 86-13942132827
6. [Beijing] Ms. Wen Mulan Arrested
On September 22, 2009, Ms. Wen Mulan from Zhangjia Village, Jugezhuang Town, Miyun County, was arrested by officers from the Miyun Police Station.
7. [Binzhou City, Shandong Province] Mr. Sun Jiangdong Locked in a Small Cell
Mr. Sun Jiangdong was due to be released from a three-year sentence in a forced labor camp, but officials from the 610 Office ordered the No.2 Forced labor Camp in Shandong Province to extended his term because he refused to give up his belief in Falun Gong. He is now being held in a small cell, and his family were refused the right to visit him.
8. [Laishui County, Hebei Province] Supplementary Information on the Persecution of Ms. Wu Dianhua and Other Practitioners
On September 23, Ms. Wu Dianhua from Dongnanzu Village and Ms. Zhao Shuying from Nanguoxia Villag, were arrested.
At approximately 11:00 a.m. on September 22, 2009, Ms. Song Yourong from Nanwazhai Village, Laishui Town, Laishui County, was arrested by police officers in her home. She is being detained in the Laishui CCP School Brainwashing Center.
9. [Jinhua City, Zhejiang Province] Mr. Zhu Zuoxin Arrested
Mr. Zhu Zuoxin from Jinhua City has previously been detained three times in a forced labor camp. On the morning of September 15, 2009, he was arrested by police officers on his way home after work. Currently his whereabouts are unknown.
10. [Chengdu City, Sichuan Province] Supplementary Information on the Persecution of Ms. Luo Yuying
On September 5, 2009, over ten officers from the Liucheng Police Station, Wenjiang District, went to arrest Ms. Luo Yuying. They confiscated her personal belongings, including two computers, a printer and over 10, 000 yuan in cash.
Ms Luo is currently detained in the Wenjiang Police Station, Chengdu City. When her two daughters went to police station to request their mother's release, they were abused by the police officers.
Contact information:
Wu Lei and Huang Xiaolin, station commanders at Liucheng Police Station: 86-28-82722751
Zhang Sijun, police officer: 86-28-89139749
11. [Jiedong County, Guangdong Province] Ms. Yuan Xiaolan and Mr. Yuan Yicheng Arrested
On the evening of September 21, 2009, Ms. Yuan Xiaolan's mother was arrested after being reported to the authorities. At approximately 11 p.m. the same day, her mother was released, but her father, Mr. Yuan Yicheng, and Ms. Yuan Xiaolan were arrested, and police officers ransacked Ms. Yuan Xiaolan's home.
Contact information:
Xie Jinxiong, station commander of the Baita Town Police Station, Jiedong County: 86-663-3592113, 86-663-8228500, 86-13501439358
Huang Shaohui, Head of the Jiedong Domestic Security Division, Jieyang City:
Deng Yushui, Chief of the Jiedong Police Station, Jieyang City: 86-663-3263118, 86-13822979999 86-663-3275610, 86-13802329787
12. [Shuanliu County, Sichuan Province] Ms. Dong Shaotai Arrested
On September 20, 2009, Ms. Dong Shaotai, an elderly practitioner from Huayang Town, Shuanliu County, was arrested in Wanan Town, Shuanliu County. Her current whereabouts are unknown.
Contact information:
Wanan Police Station: 86-28-85611065
Luoliang, Public Security Division, Huayang County: 86-28-85646993, 86-13550006699
13. [Shuanliu County, Sichuan Province] Ms. Mu Feiming Taken to Xinjin Brainwashing Center
In July, 2009, Ms. Mu Feiming was forcefully taken to Xinjin Brainwashing Center.
14. [Rushan City, Shandong Province] Mr. Zhou Jun Arrested
In the morning of September 22, 2009, Mr. Zhou Jun was arrested on his way to work by officers from Shangye Road Police Station, Rushan City, and the Rushan Domestic Security Division. His home and workplace were then ransacked. Mr. Zhou is now in the Rushan Detention Center.
Contact information:
Sun Guole, director of the 610 Office: 86-631-6879596, 86-631-6918777, 86-13906319596
Li Linyu, assistant director of the 610 Office: 86-631-631-6665789, 86-631-6663171
Liu Minghua, chief of the Rushan Police Station: 86-631-6669010, 86-631-6662606
Rushan Detention Center: 86-631-6651760
15. [Ningxiang County, Hunan Province] Mr. Li Jianguo Arrested
Mr. Li Jianguo, in his 40s, is a police officer from Ningxiang Detention Center. He began practicing Falun Gong soon after he understood the truth about Falun Gong from other practitioners. On September 15, 2009, he was arrested while delivering truth clarification materials. He is currently detained in Laodaohe Brainwashing Center, Changsha City.
Contact information:
Jiang Jian, station commander of Ningxiang Police station: 86-13908466288
Zhao Dingshan, political commissar of Ningxiang Police station: 86-13974900888
Xiao Xueqiang, assistant chief of Ningxiang Police station: 86-13974977868
16. [Jinzhou City, Liaoning Province] Supplementary Information on the Persecution of Mr. Han Hongyong and His Wife, Ms. Liu Yaxian
At approximately 8:00 p.m. on September 13, 2009, Mr. Han Hongyong and his wife, Ms. Liu Yaxian, from Lixiang Village, Daxue Town, the Taihe Fistrict, Jinzhou City, were arrested while at home by officers from Jizhou Police Station and Daxue Police Station. On September 19, Mr. Han was released. On September 18, his wife, Ms. Liu was sentenced to one year of forced labor and taken to Masanjia Forced Labor Camp.
17. [Fuyu County, Jilin Province] Mr. Jiang Yongsheng Arrested
In the morning on September 24, 2009, Mr. Jiang Yongsheng, 39 years old and a teacher from Sanjingzi Town, Fuyu County, was arrested in his office by officials from the Fuyu 610 Office.
18. [Gaoan City, Jiangxi Province] Additional Information on the Persecution of Ms. Peng Meirong and Two Other Practitioners
On the evening of July 19, 2009, Ms. Peng Meirong and two other practitioners were reported to the authorities when they were seen delivering Falun Gong informational materials. The next morning they were arrested. They are all now in a detention center. Ms. Peng's car and personal belongings were also confiscated.
19. [Qianzhou City, Fujian Province] Ms. Yuan Dongying Arrested
On September 10, 2009, Ms. Yuan Dongying from the 7th department of the No.1 highway engineering company in Fujian Province was arrested on the way to work. Her home was then ransacked. She is now in the Quanzhou Detention Center.
20. [Dalian City, Liaoning Province] Professor Liu Ronghua Arrested
On September 23, 2009, Ms. Liu Ronghua from 2.7 Square in Dalian City was arrested by officers from the Qingniwaqiao Police Station.
21. [Qingdao City, Shandong Province] Mr. Liu Lianjun and Six Other Practitioners Taken to No. 1 Jinan Prison
On September 22, 2009, Mr. Liu Lianjin, Mr. Yin Xinxiao, Mr. Liang Lijun, Ms. Sun Liping, Mr. Zheng Xiaoqiang, and Mr. Li Quanfu, all from Qingdao City, were arrested and taken to the No.1 Jinan Prison in Shandong Province.
22. [Maoming City, Guangdong Province] Ms. Liang Shaolin Arrested
In the afternoon of September 24, 2009, police officers from Maoming City broke into Ms. Liang Shaolin's home by destroying her security door with an electrical saw. They ransacked her home and arrested her. Her current whereabouts are unknown.
23. [Jilin City, Jilin Province] Mr. Lin Jun and Mr. Han Jian Arrested
On September 8, 2009, Mr. Lin Jun from Jilin City was arrested at his home by officers from Xinjilin Police Station. His home was ransacked. He is now in Jilin Detention Center.
On September 10, 2009, Mr. Han Jian from Jilin City was arrested in his home by Officer Li Jinlong from Tuchengzi Police Station. His house was also ransacked. He is now in Jilin Detention Center.
24. [Jilin City, Jilin Province] Ms. Pan Xiuzhi and Seven Other Practitioners Arrested
On September 15, 2009, Ms. Pan Xiuzhi, Ms. Shi Jingwei, Ms. Yang Guizhen, Ms. Dai Chengxiang, Ms. Sun Yuqiu, Ms. Gao Xiuqin, Peng Fengying, and Ms. Men Guilan, eight practitioners in all, from Jilin City were arrested by Zhang Yanfeng and other officers from Huashan Road Police Station, the Fengman District, Jilin City, when they were clarifying the truth about Falun Gong. Their homes were ransacked, and they are all now in the Jilin Detention Center.
25. [Changchun City, Jilin Province] Ms. Sun Shuxiang and Others Arrested
On the morning of September 22, 2009, Ms. Sun Shuxiang was arrested when she was in her daughter's home. She is being held in the No.3 Detention Center in Changchun City.
Ms. Sun's niece, a non-practitioner, was also arrested the same day. Police officers also ransacked her niece's home. Mr. Li Xuequan was arrested the same day, and his home was ransacked.
26. [Changsha City, Hunan Province] Ms. Liu Fengqi and Ms. Ding Mengling Arrested
On September 22, 2009, Ms. Liu Fengqi and Ms. Ding Mengling were reported to the authorities when they were seen telling people about Falun Gong. They were arrested by officers from Xinhe Police Station in the Kaifu District. They are now in the Changsha Detention Center.
27. [Jinzhou City, Liaoning Province] Ms. Wang Lige Faces Illegal Trail
At 2:00 p.m. on September 18, 2009, Ms. Wang Lige, a teacher of English at the No.2 Middle School in Jinzhou City, was tried illegally by the LingHe District Court in Jinzhou City. The court did not notify her lawyer of the hearing date.
On the day of the trial, Ms. Wang was aided to the court by police officers, as she was very weak. Soon after sitting down she lost consciousness. The judge, Zhou Jun, sentenced Ms. Wang Lihe to four years in prison. During the whole proceedings Ms. Wang was unconscious.
Contact information:
Zhou Jun, judge of the LingHe District Court, Jinzhou City: 86-13840666678
Wang Jinwen, deputy chief judge of the LingHe District Court, Jinzhou City: 86-13504060055
28. [Laishui County, Hebei Province] Ms. Wu Dianhua Arrested
At approximately 8:00 a.m. on September 22, 2009, Ms. Wu Dianhua from Dongnanzu Village, Laishui Town, Laishui County, was arrested by officers from Laishui Town Police Station. The same day, the deputy director took seven officers from the Laishui Town Police Station and broke into Ms. Wu's home and ransacked it. She is currently detained in the CCP School in Laishui County.
On December 27, 2000, Ms. Wu was tied, paraded in the streets, and then taken to a detention center.
In April, 2001, she was detained in the Laishui CCP School.
In the spring of 2007, she was detained in a basement of the police station. Later she escaped and was forced to leave her home to avoid persecution.
29. [Laishui County, Hebei Province] Ms. Zhao Shuying Arrested
Ms. Zhao Shuying was arrested and her whereabouts are currently unknown.
30. [Jingshan County, Hebei Province] Mr. He Wuping and Mr. Zhang Daowen Arrested
At approximately 7:00 p.m. on September 22, 2009, Peng Yilin, head of the Domestic Security Division, and several other police officers broke into Mr. He Wuping's home, confiscated his personal belongings, including a computer, printer, Dafa books and other items. They then arrested him. At 2:00 a.m. on September 23, 2009, officers arrested Mr. Zhang Daowen and confiscated his personal belongings, including a computer, Dafa books, and other items.
Contact information:
Jingshan Police Station: 86-724-7324208
Yang Biao, chief of the Jingshan Police Station: 86-724-7326028, 86-724-7238066, 86-15308692288
Jingshan County 610 Office: 86-724-7330410
31. [Yingkou City, Liaoning Province] Ms. Yang Lijun Arrested
At approximately 9:00 p.m. on September 23, 2009, Wang Hongkui, chief of the Yuquan District Police Station in Yingkou City, and several other officers broke into Ms. Yang Lijun's home and arrested her. Later Ms. Yang was released due to having high blood pressure.
32. [Funing County, Shandong Province] Ms. Wei Shuzhen Arrested Again
At approximately 8:30 p.m. on September 23, 2009, over ten officers from police stations in Funning County and Qinhuangdao City broke into Ms. Wei Shuzhen's home and arrested her. They also confiscated her personal belongings, including a computer, printer, Falun Gong books, photographs of the founder of Falun Gong, and CDs. Ms. Wei 's whereabouts are currently unknown.
33. [Dalian City, Liaoning Province] Ms. Zou Shuhua Arrested
On September 22, 2009, Ms. Zou Shuhua from the No.4 Paoya of the Ganjingzi District was arrested.
34. [Tangshan City, Hebei Province] Mr. Zhang Yongqing Arrested
On the afternoon of September 22, 2009, Mr. Zhang Yongqing, who is retired from the Sanyou Company in the Nanbao District of Tangshan City, was arrested at his home by officers from Nanbao Police Station. He was detained in the Hehua Forced Detention Center, Tangshan City.
35. [Changchun City, Jilin Province] Ms. Zhen Huiying and Many Other Practitioners Arrested
At approximately 8:00 p.m. on September 22, 2009, Ms. Zhen Huiying and many other practitioners were reported to the authorities when they were seen delivering informational materials. They were then arrested and taken to the Weizigou No.4 Detention Center.
36. [Shaoyang City, Hunan Province] Ms. Chen Biying, Ms. Kiao Meihua, and Mr. He Yunfeng Taken to a Brainwashing Center
In the early morning of September 20, 2009, officials from Shaoying Police Station, the local 610 Office, and the local residents' committee took Ms. Chen Biying to a brainwashing center and confiscated his informational materials. Mr. He Yunfeng and Ms. Liao Meihua were also taken to the brainwashing center.
37. [Yingkou City, Liaoning Province] Ms. Dong Bing, Mr. Wang Shenlun, Ms. Xu Zhihong, and Mr. Wang Zhiyuan Arrested
In the evening on September 22, 2009, Ms. Dong Bing, 34, from the Bayuquan District, Yingkou City, was arrested by police officers from the Bayuquan Domestic Security Division. They also confiscated her personal belongings, including a computer, printer and over 10, 000 yuan in cash.
Mr. Wang Shenlun; his wife, Ms. Xu Zhihong; and their son, Mr. Wang Zhiyuan, were also arrested at the same time. Mr. Dong Bing's mother was also arrested, but was later released.
Contact information:
Wang Gongkui, chief of the Bayuquan Domestic Security Division: 86-417-6217143, 86-13841755119
38. [Baishan City, Jilin Province] Mr. Gao Song and Mr. Chi Minxiang Taken to Baishan Brainwashing Center
Around September 20, 2009, officials from the 610 Office in Baishan City arrested Mr. Gao Song and Mr. Chi Minxiang. They were then taken to the Retired Cadres Center, Pingtaizi Mining Bureau, Baishan City, for further persecution.
39. [Shijiazhuang City, Hebei Province] Ms. Ren Xiuping's Home Ransacked
At approximately 3:00 p.m. on September 23, 2009, officials from Heping Hospital Police Station and the local residents' committee broke into Ms. Ren Xiuping's home and confiscated her personal belongings, which included her Dafa books.
40. [Dalian City, Liaoning Province] Ms. Liu Ronghua Arrested
In the afternoon on September 23, 2009, Ms. Liu Ronghua from Dalian City was arrested in her home by officers from the Qingniwaqiao Police Station in the Zhongshan District.
41. [Shou County, Anhui Province] Mr. Li Tianjing Tortured in Prison
On July 18, 2009, Mr. Li Tianshou from Shou County, Liuan City, was secretly arrested by officers from the Liuan Police Station and taken to a detention center in Shao County for more than two months. The guards refused to let his family visit him because Mr. Li refused to give up his belief in Falun Gong. He is currently being force-fed and is unable to stand because he is so weak.
42. [Changchun City, Jilin Province] Mr. Gao Xingtian's Son Arrested
On September 22, 2009, officers from the Tiebeimengjiaqiao Police Station in the Kuancheng District, Changchun City, arrested and held Mr. Gao Xingtian's mentally disabled son for two days. Mr. Gao Xingtian is 83 years old.
43. [Jinyun County, Zhejiang Province] Ms. Zhou Xiaozhen Arrested
At approximately 11:30 a.m. on September 23, 2009, Ms. Zhou Xiaozhen was arrested.
44. [Gansu Province] Ms. Song Lanping's Family Harassed
Ms. Song Lanping, 48, works at the Lanzhou Subsidiary Division of the Gansu Province Communication Services Company. On September 14, 2009, Qiu, a company director, went to Ms. Song's mother's home, threatened Ms. Song Lanping, and told her to "keep quiet and do not go out." On September 22, Qiu called her family and told her to write a guarantee statement and threatened Ms. Song with arrest.
45. [Tengzhou City, Shandong Province] Mr. Zhao Hongwei, Ms. Liu Sijing, and Another Practitioner Arrested
On the morning of September 21, 2009, Mr. Zhao Hongwei and a female practitioner from Tengzhou City were arrested. The afternoon of the same day, Ms. Liu Sijing was also arrested.
46. [Yuanling County, Hunan Province] Ms. Peng Guoqing Arrested
At approximately 7:00 p.m. on September 18, 2009, Ms. Peng Guoqing, 54, from Yuanling Town, Yuanling County, was arrested at her home. She is now in the Yuanling Detention Center.
On July 22, 2000, Ms. Peng was detained for one month because she protested the persecution of Falun Gong in Yuanling County stadium. On February 16, 2001, she was sentenced to three and half years in prison because she wrote "Falun Dafa Is Good" on a wall. On July 14, 2005, she was detained for 15 days for clarifying the truth about Falun Gong.
Contact information:
Xiang Shenggui, head of the 610 Office, Yuanling County: 86-13034859316
Song Dafeng, director of the Yuanling Police Station: 86-13907457321
Quan Jixiao, chief of the Domestic Security Division, Yuanling County: 86-13407455409
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