(Clearwisdom.net) "To catch a thief, one must catch him red-handed with the loot," usually means that police must have evidence when they arrest a suspect. Should there be no evidence, it is no different than when a bandit kidnaps someone. Alas, the logic of the police in China is the reverse of this. They "arrest first and then fabricate the charges." This is the raw truth throughout China, and the executors of the law feel no shame about the way they do things.
According to a Minghui/Clearwisdom report published on September 16, 2009, police from the Changning area arrested Ms. Zhang Ying, a Falun Gong practitioner from Baoshan, Shanghai, at her mother-in-law's home on September 8, 2009, and confiscated all of her personal belongings. According to the report, "Ms. Zhang's parents-in-law questioned the police, 'Why make an arrest for no reason and confiscate a family's property? What evidence do you have?' Officer Yang Ying said, 'When one arrests first, one looks for reasons afterwards, because evidence will always be found.'"
The above comment that "evidence will always be found" is a clear indication that these officers act in a self-serving manner. They arrest at will and then fabricate evidence, as there is frequently no genuine evidence.
Another Minghui report can be used an example:
On August 26, 2009, Ms. Zheng Yawen, resident of Yanji City, Jilin Province, went missing. Her family anxiously searched for her everywhere. For five days the family looked in all the places they could think of, and on August 30, they went to the Helong City Public Security Bureau Detention Center to inquire about her. They were told that she was not there. Her family then called Zhang Baohua, the political instructor at the Helong City Public Security Bureau Domestic Security Division. Zhang Baohua said, "No comment" and then rudely hung up. They called again and Zhang Baohua went into a rage using unpleasant language. Actually Zhang Baohua was one of the officers who had arrested Ms. Zheng.
Ms. Zheng Yawen's family complained to different government entities, including the judiciary and the politics and law committee at the Public Security Bureau. They also said that they would file a suit against the police station and the appeals section. They were told, "Special matters are handled in a specific manner. Under these circumstances there are certain requirements, and it is useless to sue."
It seems that the police all make use of "special requirements to handle certain cases" in the event that there is no evidence. When they make an arrest not based on evidence, they look for justification afterwards.
As a matter of fact, this CCP policy of "arrest first and then fabricate the charges" is one of long-standing. Looking historically at the CCP, the notion of "arrest first and then fabricate the charges" began as the CCP dictum, "first determine the nature of things, later organize the material." Punishment dished out to Peng Dehuai, Liu Shaoqi, Zhao Ziyang, and others followed the above policy. Everything in the CCP's past followed that motto, especially when attacking landlords, capitalists, and "counter-revolutionaries."In attacking dissidents the CCP always "makes an arrest first and then fabricates the charges" or "first determines the nature of things, then organizes the material," just as it does today in the persecution of Falun Gong and its practitioners.
The CCP wants to eliminate Falun Gong--and not because of the appeal by ten thousand practitioners on April 25, 1999. As early as 1995, the CCP had already started discrediting Falun Gong in the Guangming Daily. The CCP 's Ministry of Public Security monitored Falun Gong clandestinely for many years and assigned plainclothes spies to infiltrate the practitioners. Although they found no evidence to suppress Falun Gong, the Ministry of Public Security announced early on that Falun Gong was a "cult." They then fabricated "evidence" based on that determination. Therefore, when the CCP began to suppress Falun Gong in earnest after July 20, 1999, materials that discredited Falun Gong were unexpectedly everywhere and flooded all the media. Even common people wondered, "Isn't this the first step before branding Falun Gong an 'illegal organization?' Where did so much material about Falun Gong come from? These materials, especially the video recordings and data statistics, could not have been gathered within just a year and a half, even if all national resources were utilized. The CCP really went all out to frame Falun Gong."
That was an example of the unofficial CCP policy, "first make an arrest, then fabricate the charges" brought to life. As Zhang Baohua, the political instructor at Helong City Public Security Bureau Domestic Security Division, said, "No comment." Apparently, CCP officials in charge have no responsibility at all for those who die in detention centers.
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Category: Perspectives