(Clearwisdom.net) I am a new practitioner who started practicing Falun Gong in 2008. Since then, I have been studying the Fa diligently and trying to do the three things well to keep up with the pace of Fa rectification.
On October 1st this year, the Chinese Communist Party (CCP) celebrated its 60th anniversary with a military inspection parade. At the same time, they were busy threatening people, and the environment was very frightening. In my city, since mid-September, every work unit designated people to closely monitor Falun Gong practitioners and anyone else who might try to appeal for their rights. My husband started practicing before the persecution began and was therefore one of the persons on the list to be watched. During that time, the car from our work unit appeared near my home every day after work.
Under these conditions, we constantly sent forth righteous thoughts to prevent sentient beings from committing crimes. Meanwhile we turned our thoughts inward and found our attachments of fear, fighting, and the notion of accepting the persecution. We constantly rectified ourselves within the Fa. Teacher said,
"As I have mentioned before, the evil CCP could save itself some trouble by not doing anything; whenever it does something bad, and particularly to Dafa disciples, it results in a scandal and fiasco for it, and ends up helping Dafa disciples with what they are doing." (From "Fa Teaching at the 2008 New York Conference")
My husband said that it was a good opportunity to {{clarify the truth}. He asked me to send forth righteous thoughts while he went and talked about the persecution. After about forty minutes, he came back and told me that the result was good and that the people had learned the truth. I came to understand that it was an opportunity to further clarify the truth to the officials at our work unit, and to turn a bad thing into a good thing.
When I sent forth righteous thoughts after coming home from work the next day, Teacher's words came to my mind,
"Aren't good and evil displaying themselves exactly for the world's people to see? Aren't those who can be saved being identified and set apart? As I said earlier, some beings are unworthy of being saved. You can clarify the facts to every person, but not every person out on the street will be saved, as some of them are no longer worthy. At critical junctures, the outcome is determined by how a person positions himself and how each person handles things. Do the person's actions originate from good or wicked thoughts? Gods are watching what each person thinks and are deciding whether that being is to be kept."(From "Fa Teaching at the 2008 New York Conference")
I thought to myself that I should talk to them as a family member of a Falun Gong practitioner. In addition, I wanted to let the residents in this area know the truth so that they could position themselves correctly too.
I went downstairs to look for people to talk to. I sent forth righteous thoughts and said to myself that they are also victims and that I need to be compassionate and save them. When I got downstairs, I saw several people chatting in groups. The two people who were close to the car were from my husband's work unit. I walked over and told them, "I am the wife of the person you are watching. My husband has not committed any crime. Why do you come here to watch him? There are so many corrupt officials who are CCP members. Many people fabricate lies, deceive and cheat each other. There are so many problems such as food poisoning and environmental pollution. But, no one cares about those issues. My husband is watched because he believes in Truthfulness-Compassion-Forbearance. What kind of society is this?" They told me that they also knew this and that they did this only because they were ordered to and that their supervisors were checking on them. I told them, "I was deceived by CCP for eight years, and finally I came to learn the truth. You should not be fooled either. Nowadays, people no longer believe that good is repaid with good and that evil will receive retribution. However, not believing it does not mean that it is not true. Why did our ancestors teach children one generation after another to be good people? You should not commit wrongdoing and help bad people to persecute good people." They told me, "We know that. We know that."
My husband also clarified truth to the officials in his work unit and the effect was good. The situation created by the CCP seemed to be a bad thing. However, we turned it into a good opportunity to clarify truth and save sentient beings through our effort of rejecting the persecution, believing in Teacher and Dafa and with our righteous thoughts and deeds.
October 22nd 2009
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Category: Clarifying the Truth