In the winter of 1984, my factory sent me to learn qigong, which was known for helping fitness. I had class from 6 to 7 a.m. and then went to work on time. After several days of practice my body had numerous reactions, and the teacher said I "got the qi", but I did not understand it.
In the spring of 1985, I was ailing and I went to the park to do qigong. Over the course of ten days, my entire body became weaker. I trembled and had difficulty walking. Someone said to me frankly, "This is because another person put animal messages in your body and stole your qi." I thought, "How can that be?" Something I totally did not believe had actually happened to me. I am a technician, and I search for a solution when I encounter a problem. Therefore, I began to study and discuss it thoroughly. Whenever I saw a qigong book, I purchased and read it, attended qigong classes, and learned qigong exercises. I learned over ten different styles of qigong. I thought it was rational to practice one qigong primarily and to concurrently practice the others. I did that for over three years. Some people pointed at me behind my back, saying, "This person is really fierce. He practices at least five types of qigong and has obtained things from each of them." When I heard these things were being said, I thought it was a good thing. I felt quite happy, but did not realize that I had already gone very far down the wrong path.
Before I realized the danger, someone said to me, "You can treat illness." My response was, "I can't." This person said, "Treating illness is a part of practicing qigong. You can also increase virtue. This is a good deed; who does not like to have a lot of virtue!? You should try." So, being persuaded, I gave it a try. Someone said, "This person's gong potency is really great; I can feel it from so far away." The patient was said to be cured, and I was delighted and satisfied.
Afterwards, many people asked me to treat their illnesses and I became muddleheaded. I became an accredited qigong master with a certification. My reputation grew and my head became more muddled. With the attachment of pursuing merit and encouraged by others, I was happily walking on a dangerous path. As the days passed, I felt I was getting more and more tired, thinner, and paler. I developed heavy, dark circles around my eyes. The field around my body was cold; light was dark and I felt quite uneasy when I practiced my exercises. I felt fearful and restless all day long, and I could not continue practicing. By now some people said to me, "You should not practice the exercises now, you should practice Buddhism." I converted and worshiped the Buddha statue, but it did not work and I became more upset. I dared not even enter the exercise room out of a kind of bewildered sense of fear. I actually did not know that I had already entered a more fearful region.
At the end of 1994, when I was feeling empty and helpless, two friends who previously practiced qigong introduced me to Falun Dafa and loaned me Zhuan Falun. Since then I have followed the correct path, practiced the righteous law, and entered into a new world.
That same night, while my family members rested, I started genuine Fa study for the first time in my life. Page one of Lecture One in Zhuan Falun reads:
"At present, I am the only person genuinely teaching qigong towards high levels at home and abroad."
"It is not something that an everyday person can teach, for it involves the practices of many qigong schools. In particular, many of our practitioners who study one practice today and another tomorrow have already messed up their own bodies. Their cultivation is bound to fail. While others advance by taking the main road in cultivation, these people are on the side roads. If they practice one way, the other way will interfere. If they practice the other way, this practice will interfere. Everything is interfering with them, and they can no longer succeed in cultivation practice."
I was startled to read this section--my heart suddenly understood: Isn't Teacher talking about me? All of a sudden I was pulled back from the wrong path which had puzzled me for years. I was extremely happy and I finally obtained Dafa. The happiness was from the bottom of my heart, and I could not control my joy.
My wife was awakened by my laughter and anxiously asked me what had happened. I said to her, "I got a heavenly book and I've finally obtained the Fa." Words cannot describe how happy I felt.
Teacher mentions "illness" and "treating illness" many times in Zhuan Falun, and its seriousness is obvious. I deeply felt what Teacher thought about it. Teacher says in the book:
"No genuine Falun Dafa disciples should treat illnesses for others."
"Due to karma resulting from past wrongdoing, one has illnesses or tribulations; suffering is repaying a karmic debt, and thus nobody can casually change this. Changing it means that one would not have to repay the debt after being in debt, and this cannot be done at will. Doing otherwise is the same as committing a bad deed." "In addition, when you treat a patient, you and your patient form a field through which the patient's pathogenic qi will all come to your body."
"After seeing the patient, he will suffer at home."
The beautiful feeling I had in the old days of being called a qigong master vanished into thin air and left me with self-ridicule and fear. Teacher saved me from the extremely dangerous region, and I obtained new life.
I feel Zhuan Falun was written for me; every chapter of the book is addressing me and targets my heart. Whenever I read, I feel Teacher is in front of me, talking about my situations one by one and explaining the Fa to me. I feel even happier now.
Four days after finishing Zhuan Falun, I went to the home of the practitioner who loaned me the book. She hurriedly ran out to me and said, "Guess what my daughter said about you?" She saw my astonished expression and then said, "She said, 'Mother, look who is coming! Why is it so bright outside?' The huge, dark circle around you has disappeared. The field around your body is clean and bright." Their entire family felt happy for me.
Yes, those four short days were the turning point in my life. I abandoned all previous qigong stuff and I burned and threw away all the remnants of them. Teacher not only cleansed my body, he also cleansed my home environment. I no longer have the fear that I did before. Warm currents fill my entire body and I am filled with energy. Words can't express my gratitude to Teacher.
Teacher pulled me out of danger and taught me the Fa. He protects me and gives me new life. Mysterious things occur repeatedly now. Thank you, Teacher. Heshi.
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