(Clearwisdom.net) At around 9:00 a.m. on February 27, 2009, officers from the State Security Department and the local police officers arrested Mr. Jiang Guobo and his wife Mrs. Zhou Ling at their workplaces in Shandong Province. When they arrested Mr. Jiang, the police officers pulled a black sack over his head, tied it at his neck, and then carried him to the car. Mr. Jiang has now been detained at the Changle Detention Center for more than 20 days.
The local city officials from the Chinese Communist Party and the 610 Office secretly ordered the State Security Department and the local police to make their arrests and tightly kept the news under cover. When Mr. Jiang and his wife's families asked about their whereabouts, they were told that both of them were taken to "study" during the People's Congress meeting.
Mr. Jiang Guobo was born in March of 1963 in Weihai City, Shandong Province. He was a deputy county-level official at the Politics and Law Department of Weifang City. In 1994, he was diagnosed with hepatorenal syndrome, or renal failure, which is often fatal. In early June of 1995, just when he had no hopes of living, he had a chance to see the videotapes of Teacher's nine-day lectures on Falun Gong in Jinan City. After practicing Falun Gong for less than a month he recovered completely. Not only did his health improve tremendously, but his mind did as well. He did a wonderful job at work. In 1998, he was honored as an excellent employee and promoted to a deputy county-level official at the age of 35, which was rare at his workplace.
Mr. Jiang was always willing to help others. When he heard that his son's classmate could not afford the tuition, he and his wife donated 500 yuan to help him. In the past several years, he financially helped five students from poor families. Another time, his wife met a troubled poor couple from the countryside. Mr. Jiang and his wife take them home and make them a good meal, and gave them a few hundred yuan for their trip back home. Their compassion really touched the couple's hearts. They knelt down with tears in their eyes to thank them and Falun Gong
However, as good an official as Mr Jiang was, he has been constantly persecuted because he refuses to give up the practice Falun Gong. During the past 9 years, Mr. Jiang was arrested 13 times and sentenced to forced labor 3 times. He was let go from his job and had 12,000 yuan extorted from him.
At the end of November, 2000, Mr. Jiang was detained at the Changle Forced Labor Camp in Weifang City for a three-year term. The camp guards tortured him brutally for 25 days until he was in critical condition. Then he was released on a medical parole. In March of 2001, Mr. Jiang was taken back to the labor camp and tortured for another six months until he was near death again. His family had 5000 yuan extorted from them before they could take him home on a medical parole. However, before he fully recovered, the police broke into his home and attempted to arrest him again. Fortunately, Mr. Jiang escaped, but he was not able to go home for five years in order to avoid further persecution.
At around 5:00 p.m. on October 3, 2005, officials from the State Security Department followed Mr. Jiang and arrested him. He was then detained in the Hanting Detention Center and brutally tortured. His arms and legs were cuffed to a cross for more than 20 days. He lost consciousness as a result of the unbearable pain. On November 2, 2005, he was sentenced to forced labor for a third time, for another three years. He was confined in a tiny dark room only four square meters big and isolated from others. He protested with a hunger strike for more than 180 days. The camp guards force fed him with unknown drugs. He then suffered tremendous head pain and had a hard time relieving himself. His blood pressure and heart beat became abnormal. Mr. Jiang was again in critical condition.
In March of 2006, Mr. Jiang was released on a medical parole. After he returned home, he kept practicing the Falun Gong exercises and recovered quickly. He went to his workplace a few times to ask for his job back. One official promised to give him back his job after the expiration of his forced labor term. However, when his forced labor term expired and he went to ask his job back again, the officials from his work told him get the permission from the Justice Department. The officials at the Justice Department could not find any reason to turn him down but told him that the 610 Office didn't not agree. Mr. Jiang had to find a temporary jobs to make a living.
Mr. Jiang's wife, Mrs. Zhou Ling, began to practice Falun Gong at the same time as he did. Since she refused to give up the Falun Gong practice, she was arrested and detained several times. When Mr. Jiang was away from home, she was harassed many times and was under intense mental pressure. She was arrested about the same time with her husband, and there is no news of their whereabouts. Their family is not allowed to inquire about or visit them, and their child is without a caregiver.
We call on all righteous people to pay attention this family. There is nothing wrong with practicing the principles of Truthfulness-Compassion-Tolerance or with being a good person.
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