(Clearwisdom.net) As Shen Yun Performing Arts 2009 World Tour graced the stage at the Adelaide Entertainment Centre in Australia, Mr. Damian Wyld, South Australian State President of the National Civic Council (NCC), attended the show for the first time. His immediate response was, "Overall certainly an uplifting performance."
Mr. Damian Wyld, South Australian State President of the National Civic Council
Mr. Wyld said, "It was really a performance worthy of everyone's attendance. Very hard to describe because it involved a whole range of emotions."
Mr. Wyld mentioned the dance, "The Monkey King Triumphs" as being particularly memorable, saying, "It brought back a lot of memories from when I was a boy.
"It was a bright spark of humor, which really illuminated the hope that was [portrayed] throughout the evening. It ran through a whole range of emotions, as I said--the evening's performance. But humor, hope--these are the sorts of things that we should take away."
Mr. Wyld said, "I think the importance of the show will be told in time. It's not something that you can take away, even in one evening. This show has an incredibly profound importance of spreading this message of hope, from city to city, country to country."
"I was pleased to learn that there are actually three companies traveling simultaneously, and I'm very pleased to hear that, because I think those principles of Truth, Compassion, and Forbearance are largely universal values, which appeal to all people of goodwill, and I hope this show can help impart those," added Mr. Wyld.
CEO Amazed: 'The divine message was strong'
Mr. George, the chief executive officer of a well-known insurance broker, expressed his appreciation after having seen Shen Yun for the first time.
Mr. George, the chief executive officer of a well-known insurance broker
"It was something that was quite different, I don't know what I expected, but I thoroughly enjoyed it. It is a lot of rich culture that comes out of China, and it was expressed very well tonight," he said.
He added that the "dancing and the singing was fabulous--especially the lady, the contralto lady, she was just amazing. She was wonderful and very colorful and very expressive of the Chinese culture. Years ago, my father talked about contraltos, women with low voices, but they are very rare today so it was very good to hear her."
"The divine message was pretty strong when they had the family and the husband was killed and he went up to heaven. I felt that was a fairly strong message," he referred to the performance, "Heaven Awaits Us Despite Persecution."
Regarding the things happening in China today, he said, "That's what it said to me and that had quite a bit of impact... obviously being persecuted [for their beliefs,] and they are, and have been."
His wife, who works in real estate and is now an olive farmer, was also quite delighted after seeing Shen Yun. "I loved it, I loved the color of it. I loved the feeling of the vibrant people and the way they moved it was just beautiful. Absolutely beautiful!" Mrs. George said.
She found the dance "really colourful. The purples, the blues and the yellows--the way they moved and the way they changed their skirts into...its just a scene. It's just superb--just superb."
Mrs. George was also moved by the spiritual content of the show, and "Felt enlightened - it was good." She said Shen Yun contains "definitely a spiritual feeling right through the whole show, a light spiritual feeling, a feeling of goodness."
She had danced herself for many years, saying, "I think you appreciate watching a performance such as this one and just understanding how agile and disciplined they are, and how many hours they have put in to do this work to get to this standard. I can guarantee if they [the people] like any form of dance and colour, they will appreciate this!"
Fabulous and Uplifting!
As soon as he saw the show advertised, Mr. Perdi, a barrister and advocate, immediately purchased his ticket on the spot. After seeing Shen Yun, he said he was glad he did, "It was very uplifting!"
He pointed out the performance "Heaven Awaits Us Despite Persecution" was especially good, "I particularly like where you have this man who appears dead, and then there is the divine intervention, and they're all coming down, and then they make him alive, and the little girl is very happy. It's a very beautiful thing."
Mr. Perdi enjoyed several aspects of the show. "I love the costumes. They're absolutely fabulous, and I like the idea of trying to introduce people just a little bit into Chinese 'Ni hao.' ["Hello" in Chinese, taught during the show] I thought it was beautiful. So, I'm very very thrilled about this particular matter."
Also at the evening show was Ms. Yates from a local television station. "Very entertaining, special dancers! My favorite was the Tibetan one in the mountains ['Dance of the Snow Capped Mountain']. I loved the flowers, the ones that only flower every three thousand years ['The Udumbara's Bloom']."
Ms. Blenios, a beauty therapist, said she felt a wave of relaxation while at the show and said, "It was just so flowing and really relaxing. You don't get that feeling in society, where it's rush, rush, rush, do do do. And you come here and it is just so peaceful. They were all really, really good!"
Source: http://theepochtimes.com/n2/content/view/14912/
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Category: Shen Yun Performing Arts