(Clearwisdom.net) May 13, 2009 is the 10th World Falun Dafa Day. Practitioners in Calgary held celebration activities in Olympic Park in downtown to celebrate the 17th anniversary of Falun Dafa's public introduction and to wish Master Li happy birthday.

Demonstrating the exercises
Demonstrating the exercises
Coordinator Yang Jiefu of the Falun Dafa Association said that May 13 is a day of jubilation ��
Practitioner Dane Crocker gives a speech
Mr. Suea Wright looks at posters about Falun Gong's spread in the world
Explaining the facts to a passersby
A group of children watch the practitioners' movements and follow along
A group of children watch the practitioners' movements and follow along
On the morning of May 13, huge banners with the words "Falun Dafa is good" and "5.13 World Falun Dafa Day" were set up in the park. Posters introducing Falun Dafa were set up along the stairs. Falun Gong practitioners in Calgary then held a rally and exercise demonstration.
Coordinator Yang Jiefu of the Falun Dafa Association said, "All practitioners in Calgary wish Master Li happy birthday and all practitioners across the world a happy Falun Dafa Day.
"Falun Dafa has been spread for 17 years, and we are following Master to do so. We will treasure our journey and fulfill our mission."
Practitioner Dane Crocker said in his speech that for thousands years, people sought the truth of the universe and the meaning of life. Master Li brought the universal principles of "Truth-Compassion-Forbearance" to people for the first time. Though in China practitioners are being persecuted, Falun Dafa has spread to more than one hundred countries. More than one hundred million people have practiced it. He also thanked the Canadian people for their support.
Ms. Anne Li said in her speech, "Facing a powerful regime and violence, Falun Gong practitioners have demonstrated perseverance, rationality and compassion. They have set up moral milestones for human beings. All kind-hearted people across the world, please join us to stop the CCP's persecution of Falun Gong, and help Falun Gong practitioners in China follow their belief in a free environment and let Falun Dafa benefit more people for better health, happiness and peace."
Anna is a fitness teacher. She passed by the park and saw the practitioners demonstrating the exercises. She was drawn by it and said, "I felt strong energy in them. Where can I learn Falun Gong?" After a while, she returned to the park to watch the practitioners' exercise demonstration.
Mr. Suea Wright came from Lethbridge, a city two hundred kilometers away. It was his first time to come across Falun Gong. He said that he knew Taichi, martial arts and other qigong, but had never felt such peace and serenity as Falun Gong. He asked where he could buy the book, and was told by practitioners that he could download it for free on the Internet. Mr. Wright stayed for the duration of the two hour plus event.
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